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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Poor baby. The vet tech went to take his leash and he backed up and sat between my legs :lol

    Awww!! :wub:

    He's home! The right side of his face is swollen, but it can't be bothering him too much as I just caught him trying to clean the litter box.



    I bet he's pretty much back to normal today then, right? *crossing fingers*

  2. Thanks for checking back in! How sweet! :)


    Pogo's scab is yucky, and doesn't cover the wound entirely, leaving gook-smear all over his belly and opposite leg, but doesn't seem to bother him. I have to get him in to take the stitches out, which are all crusted in the scab. I expect we'll lose most of it, again. :rolleyes:


    Katie is fine and dandy! Back to her normal silly, cuddly, bouncy self. :wub:


    Again, thanks for all the good thoughts! GT Rocks!!

  3. Xan, glad things are improving for Pogo.


    As for Katie, the last time we had a dog with a stiff, sore neck I put her on some pretty strict rest. I did have anti-inflammatories & tramadol on hand. Since this was a healthy, recently vetted pup I used low doses of those on her for the first few days. After that it gradually improved over the course of a couple weeks. She's been great since then. With the prior two who had incidents of sore necks I got them to vet early & they improved faster. The only difference is the speed of the improvement. All made complete recoveries, just at different paces.

    Thanks Kudzu. I have been giving her tramadol, and it does seem to be getting slooowly better. Meanwhile, she's resting herself pretty well. I have taken her for a few slow leash-strolls, so she doesn't get too stiffened up, and she's seemed to enjoy getting out to sniff around and eat dandelions. :wub:


    Pogo's path report came in, and the vet called to talk to me about it yesterday afternoon. It's a mixed bag. The eye tumor is hemangiosarcoma. :( The ear tumor was hemangioma. We didn't test the leg tumor. She said they got comfortable margins on each, and that should be curative, though we will continue to watch new growths. She's going to look into the connection between them, and whether one might dispose a dog to the other. She also pointed out the connection to sun exposure.


    So, that's where we are.


    The leg wound is maybe a little smaller, but it's still bleeding occasionally. All the leg swelling is gone though, so yeay!

  4. Many and more thanks for the kind thoughts! :wub:


    Pogo is feeling just fine, the stinker. A few of his stitches have popped on the wound inside his knee, but we're just going to let the area heal up as-is. His eye is doing better, since adding back the eye drops. He's on antibiotics now, too.


    Katie is still so stiff! At some point, we'll have to bite the bullet and subject her to a vet visit. She gets so scared though, I'd hate to make her neck issue even worse! :unsure: I'm thinking chiropracter, at this point. Poor munchkin!

  5. I had to take him back to the vet this morning. His stitches are weeping, his leg is swollen, and his eye was a bit red. :( I did some warm compresses last night, and am getting ready to do more this evening. We've started antibiotics and anti-inflammatory, and added eye-drops to the mix. He also is working on a lick sore on a front leg. He's just a mess! :P Doesn't keep him from wanting to mix it up. :rolleyes:


    Katie seems to have hurt her neck while Pogo and I were at the vet, so now she's whimpering and unhappy. Poor little mite! :unsure


    Thanks for the continued good thoughts!


    The tech said I'd be hearing from the vet about the path report, but no call yet. Hoping it's all clear!!!!

  6. Pogo is doing alright! His leg stitches are bothering him the most, and he's been licking them a bit. I will have to muzzle him tonight, I think. :( I tried backing off the tramadol, and I think it was too soon. Those stitches look painful, and there's a bit of swelling, though nothing looks infected. I forgot to ask how soon we'd hear about the pathology report. I assume about a week ....

  7. Thank you all for the input. The appt is set for this Wed. Wanted to give it a week to go away on its own. Right now the reddened area is a little bigger. Will likely have it removed & sent off. I'd rather the comfort of knowing for sure that it is indeed a hemangioma.


    Xan, thanks. I'm just fine. It's a congenital thing for me. No worries.

    Well, good! :)


    Sending good thoughts for Wednesday, and for the diagnosis. :bighug

  8. He rescued you. :bighug I think a lot of us know that feeling!

    Cash's wonderful life with you now moves into the realm of memory, deep in your heart. I hope those memories can soon give you the comfort you need, as he continues to rescue you from sadness.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

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