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Posts posted by Valencia

  1. I had so hoped she would recover, but it just wasn't meant to be. Summer was such a beautiful spirit, and will be greatly missed by her foster family (who adopted her officially posthumously in an announcement that could make the most hardened people cry like babies) and by all of GreySave. Run free, sweet Summer.

  2. The fence ideas is a great one! The dishsoap didn't work, and they scoffed at the laundry soap. Stewart did get his own form of revenge, he ran over to one anthill and pooped on it. :lol :lol :lol I will try the vinegar, that's pretty potent stuff. I was just afraid it would kill the grass, but that is better than those nasty ants.

  3. I brought Stewie to work so I could keep an eye on him. He seems perfectly normal now, so I am really relieved. He is enjoying hanging out at the store, he ran up and down the full length of the studios several times, so I am guessing his bites are not bothering him anymore. Thanks for all the advice, everyone!!


    If you do find fire ants there are two other methods to use that are safe.

    1. Hot water and liquid dish soap. Fill a pitcher w/ hot water and liquid dish soap and pour on mound. You can do this even if people/kids are going to be in the yard shortly after and the ants will be gone.

    2. Powdered laundry detergent. This suffocates them and you won't have to worry about them moving to a "new home" which is what can happen w/ some products on the market. I've used this method to treat an entire soccer field that was covered in fire ant mounds and after that day we never had another one come up. This also works very quickly and is safe to do if you are going to have people/kids in the yard that day. I buy the biggest cheapest box of detergent and use it when needed.


    Okay, so to get revenge for poor Stewie, I made a solution of water and dish soap. There are two mounds of ants, so I decided to try the soapy water on one, and if it didn't work, I'd try the laundry soap on the other. (I didn't want to mix the water and the laundry soap, I figured it would make a mess). I sprayed the first ant hill, and not only did it NOT kill the ants, but it got them MAD!!! They started angrily swarming around, and a bazillion came out of the hole until they made a big red moving pile. I got freaked out and retreated to go find the laundry soap. I'm not sure how the laundry soap thing works, so I just sprinkled it on the second mound. It didn't look like it did anything, but I think I saw some of the ants run to grab their laundry. I'll see if it worked when I get home tonight. If I see a bunch of tiny clotheslines set up, I am going to have to resort to drastic measures.

  4. We have red ants in the yard of the house I live in, and I think Stew got bit this am. He came inside after pottying, and was acting fine; then, a little bit later, I saw him rubbing his rear foot on the carpet like he was itching it. Then, he started acting weird, his leg was shaking like crazy, and he would run around trying to find a comfortable spot, but clearly his foot is bothering him. He will come stand next to me to get me to help him, but his legs come out from underneath him. I'm not sure if he is just in pain (he always acts strange when in pain, and will NOT let me help him, he growls and will snap if I push it) or if he is really having trouble with his legs, because they only come out from underneath him on the tile floor, not the carpet. I have him x-penned in on the carpet now, to get him to stop pacing and running around, and so he doesn't get hurt. He has a few little red spots on this lower legs that are started to turn into bumps, and he is licking at them, but won't let me get to them to really see them or clean them. Should I just keep an eye on him, or does it sound like something serious? Also, if anyone knows how to get rid of the ants in a dog-safe way, please let me know, I do not want anymore bites on anyone.

  5. oh, Michelle, I am so sorry. I know how devastating this loss is for you. I am crying with you. :grouphug Bailey was an amazing, beautiful greyhound loved by many of us who didn't even have the privilege of meeting her. My thoughts are with you and your husband. :grouphug Run free, sweet Bailey.

  6. I'm so sorry, Jeannie. This is very sad news, I had hoped Shari's improvement meant more time. :sad1 Run free, sweet Shari!

    Shannon, Sydney, and Stewart

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