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Posts posted by Valencia

  1. I am so, so sorry. You did the best you could for her, please don't feel guilty. We make the best decisions we can with the information we have, and you never meant to hurt her or cause her pain. You very obviously loved her. I am so sorry you have such pain over how everything happened. She is pain free now, running with the rest of our angels. :grouphug :grouphug

  2. Thank you so much, everyone, for posting in her thread. I miss her so much, and I am so honored that you all took the time to say goodbye. It's so hard losing these special souls. :(

  3. Sydney Sue was diagnosed with Lymphoma two and a half months ago. Last night, I made the painful decision to send her to the bridge, her spirit was so strong, but her body could no longer keep going. Our vet came to the house, and Sydney laid on her bed, and just went to sleep. It was so beautiful and peaceful. My baby girl is no longer suffering.


    Oh, Sydney Sue, how I will miss you. You were such a strong, brave soul, and you never once wavered. You were such a strong presence in the house, and such an alpha girl. All the fosters quickly learned to not invade your space, and they also learned to look up to you and follow you, because you gave everyone confidence. I could always count on you to be happy and solid, no matter how many changes we went through. You approached life with such energy, and never hesitated to look for more adventure. I will so miss the squirrel patrol, the lizard chasing, the foster chasing. I will miss your spots, your soulful brown eyes, your roaching on the couch, hogging the entire space. I will miss your hooking your leg on my ankle when I walk by you, your perked ears when you think I might have a treat for you, your sleeping in my bed with me. My heart aches for the loss of you, even though I know it was the right decision and your body couldn't fight anymore. Your spirit stayed strong, to the very end, and I will always remember you for that, and admire you for that. You were an amazing dog, and an amazing friend. I love you and miss you, my angel.











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