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Everything posted by Car

  1. Thank you all so much for the time you have spent responding. I am so worried about her at times and have been orobably stressing ber out worrying. Its really helpful to hear other greyhounds advise. I will try these suggested things and keep my fingers crossed i can make her enjoy her days in her own little way . Thank you so much
  2. Sorry i forgot to say she has been on anti anxiety meds for about 5 months. They worked at first really well but now don't. Thank you for your time
  3. Help. I would appreciate any help or thoughts. I have 2 greyhounds, to they are 6 and adopted them over 2 yrs ago . One pf them has always had some really, all i can describe it as odd behavour. If it were as simple, i would say she 100% has some form of canine autism. She is very obsessed with routines, wont step on certain parts of the floor, prefers her own space, doesnt like walks that much and does repeated behaviours. The one i am really struggling with is this. Any temperature, its -1 she wants to stay in the garden. If it's hailstorms she wants to be in there. She won't come in unless i literally have to drag her. She digs her heels in and looks really sad when i do this . I can leave her outside with the door open even when i go out, but worry as she doesn't appear fo know when to bring herself in. I learnt this before and came back from being out and she was ice cold shivering on the grass laying down. I've never felt a dog so cold. Even if i put a jacket on her she has taken it off on one occasion or i feel it's so cold in out and she doesn't look move when out there it doesn't really help.Why does she do this? Im scared she will freeze to death as she doesnt recognise when she should come in . What shall i do??? Im really upset she is so desperate to stay outside almost like self harming herself. Any help would be massive help xx
  4. Thank you so so much for your advise. This has given me allot of food for thought for ways to help her . thank you xxx
  5. Hi any help would be amazing. I have 2 rescued GH. Been with us for 2 yrs. One of them, Olive has always had such a nervous, anxious and obsessive disposition. Any change in routine will unerve her and shows allot of anxiety in behaviour e.g paces, shivers/trembles, won't eat, body language very tort. My partner who she loved, passed away from cancer in October last year. He was starting to get sick (but we didn't know it was cancer) just as we got them. As a result I have always been primary carer for dogs as he increasingly couldn't. They spent allot of time with him in bedroom when sick. Since he passed away I notice both have become more anxious but Olive is sometimes off the scale. I get really upset by seeing her like this as nothing I do seems to help. I've tried dog behaviourist lessons for her reactivity with other dogs (very aggressive presentation when out but OK when friends bring their dogs round), cbd, calm tablets, lots of chewy toys and snacks, walks (she refuses to leave the house allot of the time), she is also reactive when sleeping and woken or people too in her face which I have asked people not to do. Otherwise show growls. She will stay out in the rain shivering but won't want to come jn, she paces and paces. She will suddenly be scared of something in the home that has always been there or decide to start sleeping in the most random uncomfortable looking places around the home. I cant work out any triggers, why she is always so anxious. She adores people and will almost go Ott when seeing new people not being able to control her exitement . Since we got them, I suppose there has been allot of change. I was my partners carer allot, I worked and still work full time, allot of which I do from home so they are not often left. When they are maximum 5hrs maybe once a week, other times an hour here or there. I have dog walkers 2 x week to help me on days I am at worker longer . Olive loves them but somstimes won't go for a walk with them. Admittedly I am very anxious and depressed allot for the time since losing my beautiful partner. I feel like she doesnt want to be around me or is not happy with me. Can anyone give any advise. I feel like I'm failing her . thank you xx
  6. Thank you so much for your replies. I had not heard of this term before so I have now got something to read up on some more. Autistic is the perfect description for her actually, she does show allot of such tendancies (in dog form) . Thanks again for your knowledge
  7. Any thoughts or advise would be so helpful. We adopted 2 greyhounds in August last year 2021. Ex racers and were sisters, we called them Olive and Ethel. Both are beautifully sweet. Ethel is very much extrovert, happy go lucky and playful. Olive we worry about. If left to it she will spend all day alone in her bed in the bedroom. She is very anxious and will often develop phobias of e.g a walking on a rug she walks on everyday. She is very reactive with most other dogs, growling & barking, she was spooked with a sound in our local fields (dec 2021) and ran off, only found next day. She has not wanted to walk since and I will have to what I feel really force her out allot of the time.she started enjoying a new field again, playing with Ethel and running around like she used to and then through no reason I can understand, now wont play in there again and waits by the gate. She loves cuddles on her terms, loves new people and is really affextionate allot of the time when she is happy to engage. I'm worried she is depressed. I've tried her on CBD oil as of a few days ago to help with anxiety, this has had mixed results so far. One walk went the best it has done for months then again today it was really bad for her again. I don't know how to help her, or if in fact she needs help? Is it normal to be so solitary? Please pleases please any help would be amazing. I'm lost as to what to do?!
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