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Just Whelped
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ChelseaAndRhesa's Achievements

Newbie, be gentle

Newbie, be gentle (2/9)

  1. Thanks for this comment. She is totally playing us, 100%. She is my partner's and my first dog! To us she is the smallest most precious little baby on the earth. 70lbs, schmeventy lbs. Just a tiny little baby to us. The praise and treat is a great method, and the site with the Irish muzzle had a great video explaining. I'm linking it below for future searchers: https://youtu.be/_9wK-QE5v9w
  2. Hey there GreyTalk! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've learned so much about how to care for my pretty lil baby hound here, I am and will always be forever grateful. I'm looking for something really specific. I would like to get my girl a leather basket muzzle. Specifically one where the basket it also made of leather. She hates the plastic one we got when she came home with us, however I think it bothers her. To be fair I think anything on her face bothers her. She had the same reaction to a gentle leader. We are at the point where she will eat ANYTHING she perceives as a snack on the street, and I can't count how many chocolate brownies I've pulled out of her mouth. She has eaten a lot of risky things, and so far she has been fine. But I know that she is one risky street snack away from the vet or worse. I'll pay for custom, I just can't find someone that will do it. if you have a preferred vendor please let me know! I'm open to anywhere on this planet as long as they ship to the USA. Thanks in advance! Here's a photo of the baby in question:
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