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Posts posted by Sniffy

  1. He certainly is adorable!

    Maybe he's just the "runt" of the litter.  My childhood dog was a dachshund who was too large to be a 'miniature' dachshund but much too small to be a 'standard' dachshund despite being a purebred. It turns out he was a Standard dachshund, but the runt of his litter.  He was healthy and lived a long life (15+ years).

    I don't know if the runt phenomenon is common among greyhounds, however--I haven't heard stories of any.  I just hope he remains healthy -- he is  so cute!


  2. 20 hours ago, MerseyGrey said:

    ...he is now more concerned that we might leave without giving him a treat rather than us going out without him.

    That is EXACTLY how Stanley is. He doesn't mind being alone (refuses to go up the stairs and prefers to sleep alone on the ground floor of the house).  But when you get ready to leave he demands Abandonment Compensation in the form of a treat  :lol

  3. On 12/27/2021 at 1:28 PM, macoduck said:

    Sniffy, be warned that salukis can be screamers. I have a friend with several and when they moved to a new neighborhood and put up a 6' fence, they told all their neighbors that if they heard screaming, that it was from the dogs, not them. The also have silken windhounds. They are similar in size to whippets but young ones are high energy. They are hard to find and can be very expensive.


    :jaw  Screamin' Salukis!!  I had to look that up for myself and oh my goodness! NOT the sound I was expecting :lol:


    And the Silken Windhound looks perfect! A smaller -looking Borzoi!

  4. :wave


    You have some greyt answers here, but I'll add my own just to the tally, as it's not new info:

    Stanley's prey drive has changed over the ~6 months he has owned me.  We live in a neighborhood chock full of :bunny's...at first he went nuts every time he saw one (meaning, at every house we passed :D.  Now, he only is interested if the rabbit makes a sudden move (same with squirrels...cats, he hates universally).

    Stanley also is a rare tail wagger:  He only does it when he meets another dog during a walk, and sometimes when he greets a human. 

    As for Zoomies...Stanley likes to get his zoomies in at the end of a walk, as we cross through our yard.   I hold the leash and run a few strides while he hauls @$$ back and forth. The neighbors probably are thinking :youcrazyof me but it gets in some quick shuttle sprints in.  He then calms down in time for his meal and then...:sleepy until the next walk. The only thing I *might* suggest if possible is if you make the 10-15 min walks more like 45-60 mins (especially the late one). That might tire him out sufficiently so that he doesn't commence wind sprints in the middle of the night...just a thought.

    As for the derp tongue: VERY common, but presented differently sometimes!  Stanley derps his tongue out the side of his mouth DURING A WALK, usually after a quick shake. Tongue goes back in place the next time he sniffs a tree or something similar. While sleeping he sticks his tongue straight out the FRONT of his mouth :  :P

    Enjoy Apollo, he sounds like a wonderful lad.

  5. I have thought of other breeds for the future also, partially because of my age but also because of the relative scarcity of available greyhounds these days (and even more so in the future). And I didn't know that Spanish Galgos weigh less !  I thought they were tall(er) and weighed about the same. 

    Probably will end up with somewhere between Whippet and Saluki but time will tell!

  6. Sleeps like a greyhound!

    As far as imagining...ahem...how their parents...uh..you know.  I just looked up that Standard Dachshunds can weigh as much as 32 lbs, so maybe it is real!  My former co-worker adopted a mix that was part pug and part much-larger-breed-that-I-can't-recall, and I've met a dachshund-golden retriever cross in person (I know....it looked like a blond long-haired dachsie).

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