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Posts posted by fitzrockies

  1. @greysmom


    I just read your post about Proheart shots.  I'd not heard of this therapy for hookworms. We adopted our grey on March 15 and discovered the hookworm within 2 weeks. We've done Advantage-multi, panacur and Advantage multi again(after 2 weeks).  We fear the parasites are in his organs and it will be a while before we get rid of them.  How new is the protocol for the Proheart injection? Is it more effective bc the amount of medication is 3x the topical treatment?  Is it still in a trial stage?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    JFitz in Northern CO


  2. Hi All,

    We adopted Dax (20months old now) on March 15. All of his ribs were showing and both FORG and our Vet said he needed to gain weight.  Within 2 weeks his GI issues started: diarrhea, vomiting(dark and mucousy), bloody stools, and the gurgling tummy.  Our Vet suspected hookworm and sure enough it came back positive. We treated with Advantage multi-but they came back within 2 weeks. Treated with Panacur(5 days) and we had a negative fecal float the following week(Yay). But then the gurgling started again and he had a positive float within the following week. So we treated last Friday with Advantage-Multi and today Tuesday, the gurgling has started(like clockwork). So we will do another fecal float tomorrow but don't plan to treat with Advantage-Multi again until June 1.

    My understanding from our Vet is that there are a few different species of hookworm and many have grown resistant to the traditional dewormers.  Especially in farm/kennel greys where they often go untreated and therefore these hookworms invade the organs and can lie dormant.  The de-wormers only kill the adult worms(and I think some larvae-but not the eggs).  So we have resolved that we are in for the long run to try to get rid of these parasites.  I feel so badly for our boy as he can't seem to get a break. We live in CO so it is dry here but we've gotten a lot of snow and rain so far this spring-ideal conditions for those nasty critters.  We've treated the yard with Wondercide(they say it kills hookworm but it's really just cedar oil). We decided to dry everything out and not put the sprinklers on in the backyard, and treat the poop areas with a bleach mixture(yes sacrificing the lawn).


    Here's the article re: the Panacur protocol. https://www.greyhoundfriends.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Hookworms.pdf

    If the fecal float comes back positive tomorrow, I will ask the vet if we can do the 5 day Panacur again. That seemed to be pretty effective even though it's a nasty dosage(big viles of a chalky mixture they need to drink).


    If anyone else has had this experience, please comment.


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