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Posts posted by cgingrich

  1. Hope it's okay to add in use on another sighthound -- the reason we adopted our greyhound Molly is because our borzoi Gus was very fearful for many years. We've been using NuLeaf for Gus for about 8 months. He's now at 5 drops, twice a day, of the 1450mg. Purchased directly from NuLeaf. Prior to NuLeaf, we used CannaPet capsules, but NuLeaf is easier to use. He responded to both products, and is much calmer. Still silly, but calmer. We didn't see an obvious effect with greyhound Molly. There are some helpful sites on Facebook for CBD too.

  2. Her kidney values were from her 6 month senior screen on Dec. 18th. She didn't have additional workup done right before the dental. The UA was done on Jan. 28th. And the meds she was given post dental were Gabapentin, Metacam and Arnica. She's rarely needed pain meds, thankfully, so I have no experience with previous reactions to them.

  3. Thank you both!


    She's been peeing extensively since she came home from the dental. And she's been drinking more water than usual since then, more than I can ever remember in winter. She had soft food for 2 weeks post dental, and it was more soupy than her usual food, but she's basically back to her usual food.


    To add -- she normally eats raw, which was not allowed for the first 2 weeks after the dental. Now she's on half raw, half cooked. She's also underweight (and lost weight during the 2 weeks post), so I've been giving her about 3% of her weight instead of 2% since the 2 week check-up.


    She was given no antibiotics after the surgery, only pain meds for 5 days. And since we got the results from the urine test the day after, I would guess it was a UA. There was never any blood in the urine that we saw.





  4. Forgive the length of this! My greyhound Molly is 11 and quite small (45 lb). We go to an integrative veterinary practice and her regular vet does not do surgery; in fact, outside vets do many of the surgeries. My girl has had previous dentals without problems.


    Her teeth needed a clean, so we scheduled one for Jan. 11th. I was allowed to wait during the procedure. She was scheduled for 8am and so we went. I was told at 8:45am that, due to her being a greyhound, with "notoriously dirty teeth," her dental needed to be last in the surgery suite. I could leave her there, or take her home and return at noon. So we went home and were back at noon (still no food or water for her). She was sedated and taken in. We were given updates by the surgical vet tech (whom I know, and works there). But it was taking an hour to scrape here, an hour to scrape there, and finally she needed a large molar pulled. At 4pm, she was carried out to us, still very loopy. In 30 minutes, she was up and walking. She was discharged at 5:30p.


    Some of this seems like just rudeness and poor planning (they knew Ms. Dirty Teeth had the 8am appointment!), and some like something else was going on alongside of her dental. I understand that emergencies happen, but no one said a word. I saw very little of the vet after the dental.


    My girl is now peeing like crazy (every 2 hours -- she can hold it overnight for about 6 hrs). She was on soft food for 2 weeks, it’s cold and dry where we live, and she isn’t getting out for her usual walks with the snow. But – am I missing something? Her two week follow up (different vet) was fine. I had her tested for a UTI (neg) and her kidney values are okay. Extended anesthesia? Any ideas? Thanks!

  5. My girl Molly has been sneezing and reverse sneezing a lot the last few days. We're also in the middle of a severe gypsy moth infestation in our area (central MA). The spiky caterpillars and their dirt are everywhere and can easily be sniffed up on a walk. Has anyone else seen this? I've tried to get a look up there but it looks clear -- thanks!

  6. We've used Answers Detailed for a number of years and really like it. Not the cheapest, but we get a decent break on buying it by the case. My grey and borzoi are both 9 and seem much younger, do very well on their blood work, are good poopers, and my grey is bunny-soft. Answers gets high marks from numerous food advisors (incl. Susan Thixton) and is pasteurized for safety instead of by high pressure.

  7. I'm new to this page, so pls forgive any unintentional stepping on toes. I have a 9 yr. old grey, my first. A friend's 6 yr old grey has osteosarcoma -- devastating and very sad. She was told by her "greyhound savvy" vet that 52% of all racing greyhounds will get osteo in their lifetime. Honestly, if this were true, I would probably never adopt a second greyhound. I'd be very happy to hear what others have heard about this statistic -- the numbers that I've seen are much lower. Thx.

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