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Posts posted by Cricket57

  1. I first met Arthur last October in the pet kennel during my first trip to Caliente. He's a striking boy with those tall white socks. The other time I met him was on his retirement day. He was understandably a bit overwhelmed by the change of scenery. I'm glad to hear he's thriving under your guidance.




    What a stunning picture of Arthur! I checked out your website - what an amazing collection of photographs.



  2. I have Julius K-9 harnesses for our girls. The chest strap isn't padded, but it is very adjustable, and the harness does have a handle. These are very well made & very sturdy. We went to an auto supply store & bought a seatbelt cover to go around the waist strap. We got a Size 1 for our girls (both about 65#). A website called Clean Run had the best prices on these.


    When I was checking out the website, I see they have a new model called the Duo-Flex that has a padded triangle for the chest area. This might be better for your situation.


    Here's their website: http://julius-k9.com/



  3. Aggie the Queen


    14 ½ year old greyhound


    " Love is more magical than you could ever imagine. Loving without conditions creates more magic in your life than you could probably handle. You could let go of so much anger and judgments. You could always be forgiving no matter what anyone did or said to you. We dogs do this a lot. You could always welcome people home into your heart. You can still choose to not like certain people or what they might do or say. Yet you still love them inside, because that creates wonderful feelings inside you. You radiate those wonderful feelings and help others feel better. Love is magical. Love create smiles, and helps the world heal. Give more to yourself and share it with everyone!! The world will get brighter every day you do! Go for it! I am barking for your success!!"


    This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it.




    I'd caution against using a squirt bottle. It's more important for humans to earn their Greyhound's trust with positive interactions. Squirt bottles teach hounds to fear approaching a human. If hounds are squirted while attempting to communicate their need to eliminate, it's more likely to suppress hound's communication attempts resulting in increased potty accidents, and new undesirable behaviors. ;)


    Also, you might want to use the squirt bottle for something GOOD. I use them set on the mist setting to spray our dogs when we're outside in the hot weather. Helps keep them a little cooler.



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