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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I know nothing about them, but I've slowly been coming around to the idea of getting anxiety meds for Ryder. Loud noises just completely shut him down and he shakes and pants and if it happens on a walk, I end up getting dragged pretty good.


    A truck just drove by our house, big rig loaded with supplies to build other homes down the street. He didn't see it, only heard it, and started shaking like a leaf. He does this also if I run my tassimo machine. He nearly fell apart last week when I had work done on my house. And naturally our luck, entry doors were being hung at the vet on Tuesday with his nemesis Mr. Drill.


    Would a DAP collar help? How does it work? What does it do?


    These sounds are not in my control (aside from the coffee maker) so I cannot predict when he'll have a bad walk. Garbage day is almost guaranteed though!

  2. Thank you. Also I assume its physical trauma? He's had a hell of a lot of mental trauma from anxiety lately that's for sure.


    Thanks for all these answers. I'm at a loss.


    However, 24 hours since we started drops and his eye is already no longer oozing pus, and redness has drastically reduced much to my surprise.

  3. How do ulcers develop? I know I was quick to condem doggie daycare for catching an infection there (which was the only change in his environment to cause it IMO). This came out of nowhere, just trying to understand it. Vet said whike its highly contagious its unlikely he got it there because it would have needed direct transfer....

  4. Could he have developed an ulcer first and then got the infection? Or is it always the other way around (the scratching due to irritation and infection causes the ulcer). I'm not familiar with eye issues. His eye is red today for the first time. I caught this as quickly as possible but gee I never thought it might take weeks to heal.

  5. I use a Dog-It one. Bought it originally to secure dog in seat of car via seatbelt. That never worked, so I use it to walk. I'm not sure if its designed any differently to be softer through the chest etc, but that's what I'm using and it works well for us. It's not nylon in the front but is up the sides.


    It makes me feel better knowing I can control Ryder better but note that a harness does give your dog more power. Bit of a trade off but on days he's a handful, a harness is a godsend for me.

  6. Sent home with Tobrex (Tobramycin). Turns out he's got two small ulcers on the infected eye so couldn't have steroids. 2 drops 3-4 times a day for probably more than a week. Recheck on Saturday. She asked me to put a cone on him to prevent any scratching......don't have one, not gonna. He hasnt fussed with it other than a little last night so I will take my chances.


    Wouldn't you know it they were rehanging the office doors outside. He had a complete shut down when we were there so now even the vet's office is a bad place and it wasn't before. His nemesis Mr. Drill was loudly boring away. Sigh.


    He's so maxxed right now. Calm soothing thoughts appreciated.

  7. Have you tried Slippery Elm? I forgot to mention that. The only issue with that is it coats the stomach (as it should) but by doing so it restricts medicine from getting absorbed. So if you have to give pills, space it out after giving slippery elm (which I give with feeding). I've had good luck with that during bouts of D, etc.

  8. Fussy Kasey would eat with FortiFlora sprinkled on his food. Also changing up his food often kept him interested. Satin balls one meal, pasta and broth the next, lentils, super high carb foods, even high caloric Royal Canin for sensitive stomach. He also had pepcid regularly which helped. Cheeseburger, fries. The problem with getting all this food into him however lead to not so good coming out. So if Chase hasn't had different foods before, beware. Fortiflora really might be worth a shot though since it tries to re-establish a healthy system, and there is something that smells divine in there to entice dogs to eat whatever its sprinkled on. We did one packet a meal, but one a day is apparently the dose. Sorry about the food suggestions but sprinking that on anything might do wonders.


    Miraztapine didn't work. I only tried Cerenia to calm Ryder but it really knocked him on his keester.

  9. I remember when Kasey had "dry eye" and his eyelid was sticking. That scared the crap outta me! Booked for tomorrow at 4pm. Doesn't look like the "pus" is subsiding. Ugh, I can only gather that he somehow got this from his half day at Dogtopia last week :(

  10. Since Saturday Ryder has had a small about of whitish/green discharge in the corner of his eye first thing in the morning. Again a little later in the day. Sunday same thing but a little more. This morning, well you get the picture... I should know better but I'm guessing it's an eye infection and not his eye trying to flush something foreign out? No issues with seeing, no squinting, no rubbing even, just some not the right color stuff in the corner of his eye. I also gather it won't go away on it's own? Anything I can do or is a trip to the vet in order?

  11. Sounds like a stressful day.


    IMO if he's already under for the CT, do the biopsy if possible and if she thinks it's warranted. Why wouldn't you really, since he's already out like a light? Then you know exactly what you are dealing with. I have no experience with FNA in bone, in a surface tumour it was bad enough. I actually didn't know they could do that but it totally makes sense.


    I've had lots of good luck with recovery after anesthesia, so hopefully he won't be too zonked for too long and can recover quickly. Poor chap. Scritches to - both of you?!

  12. I don't make recipies, I just buy prepared ground raw food that has the right ratios of meat, organ and bone. Throw in supplements other food scraps like my uneaten veggies, or even some pasta and rice and that's it. I barely cook for me, so cooking for Ryder is even less of a desire! His food is dished out within a minute....can't beat the convienience.

  13. My school schedule is ramping up again starting today, so that means half days at the "Gym" for Ryder.


    He's there now, until 12pm. Tune in if you'd like.


    The group of dogs has changed since a couple of months ago. Mostly puppies with high energy. Ryder as expected is walking the periphery or follow the leader. I asked for a forced "time out" in the crate with his bed at 11 just to give his muscles a chance to relax because he's so tense. This worked well last time in combination with methocarbomol (which he had this morning) and I expect to give him again at dinner and again tomorrow morning. I got enough from the vet to last me 3 doses a week until August, which is when my schooling is done and when I expect to stop bringing him.


    http://www.dogtopia.com/mississauga-meadowvale/webcams/ Top cam with blue doberman "Gym"


    I believe there might be two other smaller dogs in the Toy Box.

  14. I buy smoked knuckles (cow). I've tried lots and these have worked the best for us. These don't splinter, he doesn't give up on them after an hour, they last a few sessions actually before he loses interest and they do a wonderful job keeping his teeth clean, and he never gets sick (no puke or D). I of course supervise while he's at it, but there is no part of this particular bone he can crack off and have stuck in his throat.


    Rawhide is a no no for all dogs IMO, not just greys.

  15. I dunno WHAT is going on. Came home to Ry who's whole front chest area and right front leg completely saturated from his saliva, as was the couch and pillow area he was laying on. I didnt notice him working on himself before I left work so he must have done all that licking during my 45 min commute home. I had to go to class so off I went after dinner and a walk and on camera again he was licking his paw incessantly. Came home it was dry.

    He has ever since Kasey had to leave been licking his paws, its a religious occurance between 3-4pm.

    Is this Bravecto induced? Lepto shot induced? Increased anxiety of being home alone (its been 9 months sans Kasey)?

    He doesnt lick when I'm home, ever. I find it might just be a comforting thing only in my absence. Nothing is wrong with his paw nor is it licked raw.


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