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Posts posted by TwiggysMom

  1. Allright, Casper!


    Victor, Dr. London's info sounds pretty encouraging. Even though Twiggy couldn't tolerate Palladia for long, I'd still give it a shot with another dog. I'd just keep a really close eye on side effects, and stop as soon as there were problems. It is unfortunate that she can't have that in reserve if she develops lung mets, but that's the way it goes.


    Kyle, I love SuperStewie!

  2. Victor, I think it's a good idea to keep going with the chemo. Your reasoning is sound, and the extra round may help.


    I don't have a link, but I know that I've read on at least a couple sources that 6 rounds of carboplatin (and possibly even better, 6 rounds alternating carbo/doxo) show somewhat longer survival rates. For whatever it's worth (as one case, probably nothing...), Twiggy did get 6 rounds of carboplatin; of course, she had serious complications from the last round. I'm pretty sure if I'd known she would have had that happen, I'd have decided to stick with 5.


    All any of us can do is what feels like the best course of action.

  3. I'm hoping Nadir is still on the upswing this morning! If I could eat nothing but cherry cheesecake ice cream, I think I'd choose that too :chow


    I know he needs the buprenorphine, but boy, it sure can make them agitated, distressed and whiny! (I refused it for Twiggy at the e-vet on Fri because of that and b/c I was pretty sure the Tramadol/Gabapentin I already had would be sufficient).


    Thinking of, and continuing to send good thoughts out to you both!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that Lana has lung mets already, too. This is awful! I hope she tolerates the Palladia well, it seems that most dogs do.


    Hopefully, Casper recovers from his sprain quickly! Twiggy had a soft tissue injury last winter, and was 2-legging it for a day or so, and painful for a couple weeks, but recovered completely. It is really terrifying to see your 3-legged dog only walking on 2!

  5. Python, Lana & Casper! :yay


    Twiggy is loving the cooler weather, and is running me ragged! I am so not a distance runner, and my achilles tendons and knees are doing their best to remind me of this :lol . I swear she is determined to teach me the joys of running; she's gonna have to live a lot longer to accomplish that!

  6. Pilling any animal that doesn't want to cooperate is soooo frustrating. You just wish they could understand that pill = feeling better!


    I don't have any better advice on pilling that what's already been said, but I will mention that tramadol is insanely bitter/awful tasting. I've never taken it myself, but once I touched a pill and then touched a piece of food that I ate - just the bit of residue on my fingers made the food I touched taste horrible! That taste stayed in my mouth for at least half an hour, so my advice would be to make sure that you aren't inadvertently "contaminating" the surface of the food it is disguised in.


    I no longer touch the pills directly (or if I do, I make sure to thoroughly wash and dry my hands before I touch the food I'm burying it in).

  7. I am sorry to hear that Tempo is having a tough time right now. I'm hoping that he just overdid things a bit playing or something, and that with some meds and rest, he'll bounce back.


    Of course, if he is declining, your plan for letting him go when he can still have a perfect day sounds like the best, most loving thing you can do for him.


    Steve, does this mean that they've definitely determined it is a separate lymphoma, not related to her osteo? Either way, it's a cruel blow to all of you. I've heard some lymphomas are very responsive to treatment. Do they have any feelings about how she might respond to the CHOP protocol?

  8. I can't believe Katie has either a new cancer or metastasis. :cry1 But, I know you will make the most of her time here, and hope that she will do well for a long, long time. Hopefully they will get back to you with more info, and a good game plan can be developed.


    I'm glad to hear that Casper and Lana are continuing to do well (with the exception of Lana having some GI upset - glad that's better now).

  9. Kristin, I didn't say in here yet how sorry I am that you had to say goodbye to Carrie so suddenly. Osteo has been far, far too cruel to your family.


    Bozicj, I'm saddened and shocked to hear that Python has developed mets so quickly. I am glad that she is happy and acting completely normal. I believe you will embrace that as fully as possible, and make the most of all the time you have left together.

  10. Checking back in after being offline for quite a while!


    I am glad to hear that Python is getting to spend some (supervised) cone-free time! Hopefully, by now the open area is really starting to shrink. I was shocked at how large you said the open area started! Poor kiddo!


    I hope Tempo's upset was from the doxorubicin and that he is feeling better now. It sounds like he really isn't showing any symptoms from the lung mets yet, so that is good. I hope that continues for a good long while!


    Yay for Casper's good x-rays and weight gain! Did he get his round 3 on Friday?


    Katie looks beautiful and happy as always. Her attitude reminds me so much of Twiggy - just keeps on enjoying life, no matter what twists & turns come your way!


    Kristin, I can't wait until you get to bring Ozzie home!


    Twiggy got her first massage/chiro session yesterday. She is also on gabapentin, tramadol, dog gone pain, and will start on Duralactin next week when it arrives. This is in addition to her Cosequin and artemisinin. The only reason I even know she is having pain is because of her not going up stairs any more. She still wants to go on her marathon walk/runs every day, and she tore up the beach again last weekend! She's a girl who just loves to have fun!


    Edit: I forgot to mention... When the chiro dvm and the physio therapist did her initial evaluation last week, they both kept saying how amazed they were at how perfect her posture was, especially considering that she is 2-years+ post-amp, almost 9 years old, and a long-bodied greyhound! They said it is very for a front-leg amp like her to stand so straight and centered. Made me so proud of her! :beatheart:inlove:beatheart

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