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Posts posted by TwiggysMom

  1. I'm sure no one can tell for sure by looking, but Twiggy had something that looked similar. Sent out a biopsy and it turned out to be a plasmacytoma. (do NOT google that without the word canine in the search... ask me how I know...) considered benign. Twiggy's oncologist told me these often go away by themselves once a biopsy is taken, and that is exactly what happened. Over a year later, it is completely gone, and you'd never know it's there.


    (btw, Twiggy already had an oncologist for her other cancer - I would've just gone to her regular vet for this otherwise).

  2. Robin and Tricia, thank you so much for that - it is just so unfair that only some of us get the good luck in this. Twiggy has some truly impressive paws to fill!


    I'd never felt like a particularly lucky person; now I think my good fortune was all being saved up for Twiggy & I :) .

  3. Sharon, I am so sorry about Baxter. :grouphug It is just not fair.


    Kristin, it's hard enough to make a decision when everything points in one direction. I remember that FedX's mom started wondering over a year later whether amp might be an option since he was doing so amazingly well. In one of my fits of guilt, I asked Twiggy's oncologist if she was doing so well because we did amp so quickly after she started limping - he said no. He really didn't think that time post-diagnosis was a reliable indicator of longevity post-amp/chemo. That certainly seems counter-intuitive to me, but he had absolutely nothing to gain by telling me that, so I believe that is his true opinion. I hope I haven't added to your uncertainty - I know how hard this is.


    I continue to have survivor's guilt by proxy. It is with tremendous thankfulness that I can report Twiggy's 21-month checkup continues to show clear chest x-rays. She took me on an hour-long walk tonight after work, and will get a great big grilled steak for dinner tomorrow night (tomorrow is her actual 1.75 year anniversary). Against all odds, Twiggy will attend her 2nd Mountain Hounds at the end of the month. I took her there last year fully expecting it to be her last hurrah. Never did I think that we could make it back again.

  4. Kristin, I'm guessing your comment was more rhetorical than anything, but there are a number of places that do limb-sparing surgeries. I tried reading up on it when Twiggy was diagnosed, but it doesn't seem to be done very often, and not much information out there about it.


    I'm glad Fritz is still feeling so good!

  5. Robin, I am so sorry for your shocking and devastating loss of Treasure.


    I really couldn't believe it at first - I had no clue anything was wrong when I met her at GIG.


    Osteo has been unbelievably unkind to your and your hounds.


    Again, I am just so sorry

  6. How's Tempo doing? I hope his pad is healing up; that's got to be a tough one to heal being on his sole front leg.


    It sounds like the chemo knocks him back a good bit for a few days after each treatment. Twiggy didn't seem to have any effects for the first 4 or 5 treatments, but then again, it was winter and neither of cared to be out in the cold. Maybe he just needs lots of rest for the week or so after each one.


    I LOVE the video of him running for his ball! What a happy boy!

  7. I apologize for not checking in for so long (work/getting ready for, going to, recovering from GIG, etc)


    I am so sorry to hear how difficult a time Baxter is having. :grouphug


    Kristin, how is Fritz doing? Too bad he tweaked his shoulder, I hope it is getting better - I guess it's good that he felt well enough to do something silly to injure himself, though.


    Thinking of Buddy, Gunner, Tempo, Jimmy, and all the others who continue to battle.


    Here's a photo from last weekend of my little warrior on the battlefield in Gettysburg:


    (lots more in my GIG thread in EEG, with still more to come).


    Twiggy will hit her 21-month mark next week, and hopefully we'll make it to Mountain Hounds at the end of the month. I never imagined last year that she might be able to make this year's MH!


    Needed to add: Snakes - how did UPS' x-rays turn out? I'm hoping no news is good news!


    Also, I got to meet the beautiful Symbra in person at GIG! I was so excited to meet her, she looks great!

  8. First, I am so sorry you and Remy are going through this. Osteo is such a frightening word to hear.


    Remy's reaction on Tues. definitely could have been the after-effects from anesthesia (I have seen the same kind of reaction more than once). Tramadol also can cause agitation (although I haven't seen this personally).


    It sounds like he has a sufficient dosage of gabapentin, but it is said to have a short half-life, so if you can switch the same dosage to 3x/day, that will probably give better over-all pain coverage.


    I haven't gone the palliative care route, but there are effective ways to manage pain. It is a matter of finding the right combo for your situation.


    Wishing you much happy time together with Remy.

  9. I don't remember you mentioning whether he had any shrieking episodes early on (which is pretty typical). If he didn't and this is new, or he had them at first but hasn't had them in a few days, I'd want to keep track of the details of the episodes (time in relation to meds/food, how active he has been, etc.).


    It could be this was just a freak thing and won't happen again. It also could be that he is sore from activity - it seems that he has been quite active during his first week+ post-surgery, and his remaining limbs (and his neck and back muscles too) are being used in ways his body isn't used to, so this could easily be muscle cramps or general soreness. There's also the thought that dogs can experience phantom pain like humans can after an amputation. I don't think that's terribly common, as I can't remember anyone here thinking their dogs experienced it, but it's another possibility.


    If he seems to get more uncomfortable, it's probably worth a call to his surgeon. Otherwise, I'd still mention it when he has his Friday appointment.


    BTW, your worst fear is one I share - I am so worried that it will come back in another bone, especially in Twiggy's remaining front leg. There's no way I could tell if she is limping, so I watch for any licking or reluctance to walk (I am pretty good at obsessing over the tiniest oddity).


    Hoping Tempo doesn't have any more break out pain!

  10. I'm glad to hear that Gunner's acupuncture visit went well and that it seems to have positively impacted him! I'm also really happy to hear that Fritz is feeling great!


    Hopefully, the weather is better for Sam today.


    I'll add to the comments about Tramadol tasting bad. I once brushed my finger against part of a tablet, and then ate a bite of something (forgetting to wash my hands); that whole bite tasted awful, and the taste stuck in my mouth and throat for quite a while. I can't imagine how awful it must taste to actually eat one! Twiggy is my super pill-taker. One time a tramadol fell out of what I was using to hide it in, and she gamely tried to eat the pill up off the floor - she couldn't bear to do it, but she really tried!

  11. I know how frustrating an undiagnosed limp is.


    Twiggy has been skipping steps on her LR leg for over a year now (you know how lucky I am to be able to say that!). She's been seen by all kinds of specialists and alternative medicine practioners, x-rayed, ct-scanned, etc. and we have absolutely no reason for her limp.


    She also had a significant soft tissue injury back in early Jan. which healed completely within a few weeks.


    The year + old issue doesn't respond to supplements or pain meds, and gets neither worse nor better.


    I guess my point is that sometimes a limp is just a limp. (even in an osteo hound) :)


    Believe me, I know how much you want to figure out the cause. I hope you can find something that will alleviate this for Stewie.

  12. Kristin, I think there are 2 other places people have ordered it from I'm pretty sure FedX's came from NutriCology (because I ordered some of that one because of him), I also seem to remember Swanson being another source.


    I've used both Holley and NutriCology, and haven't noticed a difference, FWIW - Twiggy's just happy to get her daily peanut butter!

  13. Don't worry about Tempo being OK with you and Rocko going out for a walk by yourselves. It's a matter of weeks before you won't be able to leave him behind even if you want to!


    Also, I think it's good news that they don't have the pathology yet. From what I understand, the longer it takes to eat through the bone to find the cancer, the less progressed the cancer is. (That's what I was told about how long it took to get Twiggy's results and she's 19.5 months post now!).


    You should be able to start catching up on that sleep pretty soon!

  14. Kristin, I can't believe this about Fritz.


    I mean, you are the best person to deal with this given all your experience with osteo, but it is just so incredibly unfair to you to have to go through this with yet another of your loved ones. Of course, I realize your concern is with Fritz having to go through it, but still....


    We all know you will do the best of everything for him.

  15. Having a plan and a cooperative vet is so helpful for peace of mind, especially with something so unsettling as osteo.


    I haven't dealt with the loss of appetite in a dog in a long time, but definitely agree that whatever you can give Gunner to keep calories going in is good. When my old cattle dog was not wanting to eat, he never turned down McDonald's cheeseburgers or scrambled eggs w/ hamburger and cottage cheese. I also think that once Gunner is settled in on his med regimen, his appetite may come back.

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