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Posts posted by oldrunners

  1. There is a FB group, Getting Rid of Parasites in Retired Racing Greyhounds. Drs. Ng and Castro post the latest info.  Read the briefs section.  The drug is Profender, and is used topically in cats, orally in greys.  My Pippin just had 2 negs after two years of Advantage Multi, then Drontal 2 weeks later.  I"ll test him again next week, and if he is still neg. I'll stop the Drontal but continue the AM for life.  If he is positive, I'll be doing the Profender.

  2. My Penny was on vetmedin for dilated cardiomyopathy.  I found Valley Vet had the least expensive med.  Vetmedin is compoundable, tho, so if you have a compounding pharmacy near you, you might check them out,  Penny was on it for about a year, and, while she didn't improve, she didn't get any worse. She suffered a traumatic fall in the yard and dislocated her hip.  Because of the DCM, she wasn't a candidate for surgery, so I had to put her down. She was exactly a month past her 12th birthday. Good luck with your boy!

  3. I took my Sirius to a veterinary dentist last November.  The estimate was $3600-$5400 to have an upper canine and two molars pulled, with the possibility of 2 more molars.  The canine was the tricky one, and therefore was much more expensive.  Doctor was going to pull a flap of skin from inside Sirius' cheek to cover the hole left by the canine, so he was doing plastic surgery as well as dental surgery.  Sadly, Sirius was diagnosed with lung cancer the week before the scheduled surgery, and passed.

  4. I'm sorry.  Having Luddite tendencies, I have no idea how to post pics.  You'll just have to imagine a black, lightly built girl, with a narrow white stripe on her chest and a several white toe tips, and a looong snoot with virtually no stop---all my favorite characteristics.  How could I not?  She's smart, cat safe, sleeps thru the night, tells me when she needs to go out, and roos when the town fire siren goes off.

  5. Well, I done went and did it.  I just adopted a 57# girl, who is still racing lean, so she'll probably end up closer to 60 lbs. eventually.  Here's my thinking:

    1- with the help of a credit card upon occasion, I can afford them

    2-they both have a safe place to land if they need one

    3-in these isolating times, they are my companions

    4-my CRV is easier to get them into than my Santa Fe

    5-i will invest in a Help 'em Up harness anon. I have everything else I could possibly need

    So, welcome Poppy, joining Pippin and me. And, yes, I'm embracing the P's.

  6. Sadly, I'm a member of this club.  I just lost my big boy on New Year's Eve. He was able to jump into my car on his last trip to the vet.  I still have Pippin, a 58-60lb little boy, but its the first time in a bit over 20 years that I've only had one dog.  My head says no more, but my heart knows there's a tiny girl out there who needs a sofa.  I'll be 74 next week.  I don't know what to do.

  7. Five-ish years ago, my daughter and her husband and their dog traveled from North Jersey to LA.  They took the southern route, and drove from dog park to dog park.  The only one I remember was the one outside of New Orleans, which had high wrought iron fencing, an elaborate gate, lush grass, and a fountain.

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