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Posts posted by September

  1. I went with smaller dogs after all of my dogs passed. It was just so much easier to take care of them at the end stages, and I'm not getting any younger. Will so miss having my bigger dogs but being alone and having an aging relative here with me makes it tougher.

    These will probably be my last dogs for a long time b/c of my work schedule. I have someone available to care for them while I work long hours, and should be here for their lifetimes.

    Good luck with your search. My brother and sister in law have beagles, and they love them. There are so many people who have an affinity for them.


  2. I use it on my basset hound for her lyme disease/hip issues. She has a lot of lameness, and nothing else touches it. My vet requires that she gets a blood test every 6 months, however, to keep taking it. I hate having to use it but it does seem to work really well for her.


    Not sure, but I would imagine it has to do with the peeing on his own front legs thing. Dogs that lift their legs don't usually pee on themselves. Summit does both and never pees on himself, but I've had a few fosters that would pee on (or almost pee on) their front legs when they just stretched. It's not the end of the world, but it's a little bit annoying to have to deal with that multiple times a day, day in and day out, and if there was a way to avoid or correct it I'm sure most of us would. Unfortunately, I don't think training to lift a leg when peeing is an easy feat. It's definitely do-able, but it certainly won't be easy. It may be possible to use a stick of some sort to gently push his front leg forward a step when he starts to posture, just to get it a little further up. I say a stick because I don't think you want to stick your foot there in case you get peed on! If you're lucky muscle memory may take over and he may start to just posture this way on his own. Maybe.

    I just finally caught that in their post! My bad, lol. I hate the marking thing so I guess that's why I'm so anti leg lifting.

  4. I lost my dachshund back in May and finally made a remembrance thread a couple months ago. It's tough. I felt like I needed to do it for closure. I kept putting it off bc then it felt like he was officially "gone". It was therapeutic, though, so I hope this feels the same for you.

    I don't know if they ever really completely leave us, and I feel like we will all meet again. I couldn't imagine not knowing his soul again.


    So sorry for your loss.

  5. Just an update to the thread (and thanks to everyone has given suggestions). She had her hip xray. The rescue vet said it looked like she had an injury and it didn't heal straight and there was arthritis but my vet said it looked like she had hip dysplasia with severe arthritis. We have had her on Rimadyl and it looks like it will have to be a long term thing so she will need blood monitoring. They gave me Tramadol, also, for the really bad days. They recommended gcl and fish oil supplements (all ordered from Lamberts). I'm also going to do laser therapy.

    I did talk with the rescue about adopting her and they had said it was up to me, and given the situation with her health, I will probably just stay a foster for awhile. She was not really meshing 100% with my other female but it seems to be getting better now.

  6. Thanks for all the input (again). The vet gave me a small supply of rimadyl and we had been trying that to help with the limping. She still had good days and bad days, and she ran out the end of this week. The vet offered me another bottle and I wanted to see how she did without the rimadyl. She's had so much in her system in the past couple months since she came to the rescue. I came home tonight from work and she was limping so I guess I will pick up the bottle from the vets Monday. There are still a lot of unanswered questions right now like the hip X-ray on the 21st.

    Her initial X-ray showed a bad hip joint, according to a volunteer. I know one thing killing her here is all the stairs. I have a 2 story townhouse. She likes to sleep on my bed with me and she will jump there or jump on the couch so I know these things are bad but it's hard to stop her and she is such a stubborn dog at times.

    I hope she doesn't have the Lyme nephritis but at least I have an idea of what do next (bloodwork, urinalysis).

    The vet did fill me in on the total cost of the rimadyl and it runs $13/pill with them but I looked on 1800 petmeds and it is much cheaper there. A 30 count bottle runs $40 at the prescribed amount she is getting now. I'm hoping the vet would honor this if I asked.

  7. The vet was feeling Cookies abdomen area during her exam and commented that it seemed like she was tender in this area (or the vet said she it was just a reflex). She asked me if cookie had diarrhea but at the time, no. She does get soft stools off and on but her fecals are good. I did take her to the vet last fall for a bad 3 day episode of diarrhea and he they gave her some kind antibiotic.

    She will groan while she is laying down but she's always done that.

    It makes me wonder if it's IBD or this? She eats 4Health lamb and rice. It's pretty much the only food that agrees with everyone and I've tried a lot. She did have a bad reaction different dog treats at times.

  8. Try not to worry too much about the lyme disease. a lot of dogs have it and it causes them no problems. I have a greyt article on my home computer I think that I will try and send you.

    What a cutie! I am sure if you can get some weight off her that her mobility will improve and maybe rimadyl won't be needed. My vet has been doing the generic version of it called carprofen I think. Its price wasn't bad....


    No knowledge on the Lyme...just Congrats!

    Thanks Racindog. It had an interesting angle on Lyme disease. I think I've heard something similar in the past.


    Greysamdmollie, she looks better already. She is getting those gobs of fat off of her and you can start to see a line in her stomach and hip area where she is leaning up. I thought the rimadyl would be a sure fire way to help her with her hip but I came home last night and she was limping pretty bad. Of course. We are having terribly damp and cold fall weather.here so I can empathize with her. She was on carprofen at the rescue so that may be an option. I just need a price range for everything which hasn't been offered. If it takes away her pain, then it's worth it.

  9. I picked her up last Saturday and booked her vet appointment for Tuesday. The rescue forgot to give me her Lyme meds (doxy) but she only had a couple days left. The vet said it wouldn't hurt to start a new round since she never finished it. She started her on omoxicillon and rimadyl for her hip, which has helped already. She said she would need bloodwork to stay on the rimadyl for a long period of time. She mentioned rimadyl is pricey but didnt go Into cost and gave me a donated bottle. How much does it run? And how effective is omoxicillon versus the doxy in fighting the Lyme. In 30 days she will start her Lyme vaccine series, as well.

    Is it recommended to keep a dog on rimadyl for a long time? Will it mess up her system? The rescue has her as foster only status until they do a hip X-ray on the 21st so I don't know 100% if it's her hip or the Lyme. One person said it was a bad hip joint, another seemed to think it was the Lyme doing it but they won't commit to anything til the X-ray.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  10. She's definitely Basset with some beagle mixed in, I think. She is a nose to the ground hound! I can't wait to get her on some good food and get her weight managed. I don't think she's had good care for awhile.


    Not sure how long she's had Lyme but I know she was originally adopted from an animal shelter so maybe if I could get the timeline from them, I'd have an idea. I was told yesterday if she starts limping, that usually means there is a Lyme flare up and she'll need a cycle of doxy. She's only 5 so I hope she has a few good years at least.

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