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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Welcome to GT! I too look forward to all the stories you'll have after you bring your hound home (and start dressing him up! ;) )


    I have no experience with BCs, but I do know that most adoption agencies (certainly those with a kennel) will let you bring your dog(s) to meet prospective greys you're looking at, so you can see how they get along and let your dog help choose.


    I used to have a horse when I was younger, and sometimes walking my grey makes me feel like I'm leading a very small thoroughbred alongside me on halter.

  2. Do you think a 30 minute AM walk and a 1 hour PM walk would be sufficient for a 2 or 3 year old greyhound or would that be too much to start off with?


    That sounds fine to me -- I brought my girl home at 2.5 a little over a year ago and we walk about that much most days. If you just brought your dog home you might want to start with a bit less to give him/her time to build up endurance -- but you could take the dog's lead on this.


    I was pretty obsessed with making sure my girl got enough exercise, hoofing around the neighborhood even in way subzero conditions last winter; I've come to realize her muscles won't atrophy if she gets a bit less on days when I'm really busy or the weather is awful!


  3. I'm so very sorry your dogs are sick.


    Beth is on TOTW and I recently learned she'd gained weight -- she is generally around 59-60 but has jumped up to close to 63. Some extras of turkey necks and tripe on top of 3 cups of TOTW may have been part of that. But anyway I've cut back on her kibble to 2.5 cups until she's trimmed down -- so it's certainly not universal to lose weight on this food! 4 cups does sound like a lot to me for a female grey, which would make me suspect there is another factor influencing her weight.


    (I've read the point on other boards recently that TOTW changed to a smaller kibble size this summer without changing how it lists calories per cup, yet more kibble fits in a cup now so in theory the listed calorie counts may be lower than the reality.)

  4. Beth is three and typically conks out around 8:00 -- I generally have to bribe her off the bed with treats to get her up for "last call" at 10:00 or so -- and even then that takes some work! She wouldn't get up at all if I didn't more or less force her. She generally rejoins the living around 7:30 in the morning.

  5. My vet said it was safe for long-term use if needed -- I think he was talking about a couple of months in the context of our discussion, but I bet longer would be OK if it was really the thing that helped. And in a 14-15 year old hound, really what have you got to lose? It's not like you have to worry about her developing liver damage or something years from now . . . having her comfortable in the present seems the most important thing.

  6. I'm not sure how to post pictures here... can I ask for help with that also? He's such a handsome boy...! :)


    Most people here set up an account with Photobucket.com and store pictures there; it's really easy to do. Then you paste the IMG code for the picture on Photobucket into your message, and the picture appears in the post. I'm sure you can do it with other photo hosting websites as well (or at least provide links) -- but anyway the photos have to be online.


    Here, this thread should help too: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=121707

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