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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Beth is also a playful biter (outdoors only, when she gets in a silly/happy mood) and the thing that works best at curbing the behavior is to shake a tin can with some pennies inside at her when she does it. That really gets her attention in a way I find verbal commands do not (and I'd never jerk her etc.) -- there are times when she's in that playful mood and anything else I try to do (the "no!" or asking her to sit or down) all becomes part of the game. One or two shakes of the penny can and the behavior goes away for some time. Redirecting toward a soft toy or something else also seems to help.

  2. Hmmm . . . my vet, whom I regard as very smart and up to date, said when I asked him about it several weeks ago that the vaccine is pretty much a scam to make money for the vaccine company and play on people's flu fears -- that it's not very effective and that "canine influenza" has been around for a good while without people getting all worked up about it. He said that dogs in shelters and others confined in close quarters (like track kennels) that way are the ones with a significant risk, not really pets. Now I'm wondering if I should reconsider, though....

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