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Posts posted by RileysLegacy

  1. Riley has not has a dental since I adopted him. He gets raw bones as snacks, regular tooth brushing (daily) and recently I have been taking him to an anethesia-free dentist for scrapings. I know this is somewhat controversial as it is not as good as a full dental at the vet, but the results on all my dogs has been amazing. I take them in for regular maintenance visits every few months. My vet is very impressed by all their teeth.


    eta - I have had Riley for over 5 years and he is 8 years old... meaning he hasn't had a dental since he was 3 years old.

  2. I agree w/everyone else. IMO it does NOT warrant the risk of putting your dog under. Riley didn't even make a peep when he got his done. My 2 iggies got theirs when they were neutered, but they are much smaller. I think it is important for all dogs to be microchipped, so if your dog has no reason to go under anesthesia anytime soon, I would just get it done.

  3. Well, I am going to go against the grain here. Riley gets a bath every week. He has skin issues, so it is necessary for him to get a bath w/ medicated shampoo every week to keep his healthy skin and coat. However, I would still bathe him AT LEAST once a month even if he didn't have any skin problems. My iggies get bathed every 2 weeks or so and all my dogs have beautiful shiny, soft coats.


    Those of you that don't wash your dogs... do you ever think about where your dog has been? :eek Laying on the floor, walking outside, licking themselves, people petting them with dirty hands, etc, etc. I sure wouldn't want to be kissing a dog that hasn't been washed in a year! :sick Even if they don't smell, they need to be cleaned just like anything else.


    Plus, there is nothing like a freshly bathed and brushed pup :wub:

  4. My vet and I are talking about putting my Italian greyhound on it. He stresses himself out so much whenever we leave the house that he is making himself sick (explosive diarrhea). Even taking him on a walk around our fairly quiet neighborhood is a nightmare for him. If he sees anyone on the street he will cower and try desperately to get away.


    We have been trying to slowly socialize him in the 4 months that we've had him but he just gets so freaked that nothing we do can snap him out of it. At home, he is doing wonderfully, but it he is like a different dog as soon as we leave his comfort zone. We don't have a yard so walks are a necessity. We also love taking our dogs with us places, and at this point we have to leave Puzzle at home.


    My vet has talked to me about some behavior modification techniques I can try with him, so I know this is not a quick fix. We would just try it for a few months to see if there's any improvement.


    He mentioned Prozac but said something about the dosage that I didn't understand. Something about needing such a small dose that they had to do something to the med to make it? I don't know. Should I ask him about Clomicalm?


    I am just very hesitant to drug my dog, but at the same time I feel like it's worth a try if it can improve his quality of life. He is the sweetest, best boy and I hate seeing him sick


    Reading your post your IG and my Sonie could be twins. It's so good to know I'm not alone! I'm so glad you posted this as I've tried every natural remedy in the book and she is acutally doing worse then ever last few months. I cannot take her for a walk, and at this point she will not even leave the driveway. I have to take Hershey places and simply leave her at home. I am going to discuss meds with my vet, and it is a last resort because I've tried everything else. I feel the same way - I have to try. At this point I feel her health is at stake - she gets no exercise because she will not walk - she's already gained several pounds since this all started. At any rate, good luck with Puzzle whatever you decide, and I will be following this thread closely.


    ETA: One question I do have is Clomicalm more for separation anxiety than "spooks?" It seems like all of the marketing from the company is directed towards dogs with SA, not inherently shy dogs.


    This is crazy. If you look at the posts I've had over the last year you'll see that I too have a carbon copy of both of your dogs! As a last resort I tried clomicalm a couple months ago and found that it made Tom extremely lathargic and not really dicernably better. I've since been looking at the possibilty of putting him on some other medication and even hiring a professional behaviorist though god knows we can not afford it. Let me just say that you're definetly not alone, either of you, Tom is EXACTLY as you described outside the house. And recently he just refuses to go outside unless he's absolutely bursting at the seems. I'll add both of you as friends, maybe we can exchange some emails.

    While I am certainly not happy that either of you are going through the same thing with your dogs, it is nice to know that I am not alone. Please feel free to email me anytime. I will definitely keep you all posted on how Puzzle is doing.


  5. My vet and I are talking about putting my Italian greyhound on it. He stresses himself out so much whenever we leave the house that he is making himself sick (explosive diarrhea). Even taking him on a walk around our fairly quiet neighborhood is a nightmare for him. If he sees anyone on the street he will cower and try desperately to get away.


    We have been trying to slowly socialize him in the 4 months that we've had him but he just gets so freaked that nothing we do can snap him out of it. At home, he is doing wonderfully, but it he is like a different dog as soon as we leave his comfort zone. We don't have a yard so walks are a necessity. We also love taking our dogs with us places, and at this point we have to leave Puzzle at home.


    My vet has talked to me about some behavior modification techniques I can try with him, so I know this is not a quick fix. We would just try it for a few months to see if there's any improvement.


    He mentioned Prozac but said something about the dosage that I didn't understand. Something about needing such a small dose that they had to do something to the med to make it? I don't know. Should I ask him about Clomicalm?


    I am just very hesitant to drug my dog, but at the same time I feel like it's worth a try if it can improve his quality of life. He is the sweetest, best boy and I hate seeing him sick :(



    We used to use Clomopramine (Clomicalm) but we've found that Amitriptyline is much more effective and faster acting. I haven't encountered any side effects with either drug so far. Clomicalm can take weeks before the effects are felt, but Amitriptyline only takes a day or two. It's also cheaper. As Lynn said, all anti-anxiety medications must be combined with behavioral therapy.

    My vet said the Amitriptyline will take a few weeks to work?

  6. I haven't read all the posts, so forgive me if I am repeating. First of all, this is a greyhound board, so the majority is going to tell you to get a greyhound ;)


    I have a greyhound and 2 IGs. I have had greyhounds all my life and when I was old enough to get my first dog as an adult I went for a greyhound. I love greyhounds because they are so sweet and gentle and calm. They are generally very easy dogs. Then I got an IG, and I totally fell head-over-heals for them also. We got our second IG just a few months ago.


    We got both of our IGs as adults, and looked for ones that were older and calmer. I have no interest in getting a puppy at this time. ANY puppy you get is going to be crazy and hyper. Our IGs are NOT high energy. They sleep just as much as our greyhound. They are, however, needier. They want to be in your lap, next to you on the couch, under the covers with you. Our greyhound is very loving and likes cuddles also, but it's not the same. He is much more independent. When outside, our IGs have more stamina for sure. They will run around the park a lot longer than my greyhound, and can seemingly walk forever and not be as tired.


    IGs are unfortunately bred in puppymills and sold in petstores all over the country. So there are plenty of IGs out there who do not have the best temperaments and are fragile. But not all are like that. My IGs are very sturdy, though a leg break can happen of course. IGs can also be difficult to housebreak, but I really feel that if you are diligent and expect a housebroken dog, you will get one. All of my dogs are perfectly housebroken.


    I think you have to decide if you want a large dog or not. The reason I went for an IG the first time is b/c I really wanted another dog but we also rent so I didn't want to get another large dog. Greyhounds don't take up much room at home b/c of their laid-back nature, but they are large dogs whatever way you slice it. They take up a lot of room in the car, they eat a lot of food, etc. And it is HARD to find rentals that will accept them. I had never had a small dog before and it's so much fun! I love being able to carry my IGs around. That is why I personally haven't considered a whippet. If you're going to go small, might as well be small enough to carry around and travel with. But who knows, someday when we own a house, I might have a whippet too.


    Both greyhounds and IGs are fairly easy to come by. Both have rescue groups in most cities and many need homes. If you go thru a rescue group they can help match the perfect dog to your family and situation, so that is a big plus. Whippets, thankfully, are harder to find in rescue, so that might influence your decision as well.


    Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong with any of the choices. I think you have a fairly good idea of each dog's characteristics and need, so just keep asking questions, meet some dogs if you can, and do what feels right. :)

  7. I'm sorry, but that is just stupid. PLENTY of people work all day and their greyhounds are just fine. Your group should work with you to find a dog that they think would be ok with your schedule, not automatically dismiss you as an adopter.


    Please, if you want to get a greyhound and this group says no because of this reason, keep looking. There are so many greyhounds who need homes and one is just right for you. Good luck!

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