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Posts posted by RileysLegacy

  1. Kristin, I just emailed you Riley's xrays. I was feeling so helpless and frustrated having to wait for the originals to be mailed, so I went to the vet and took a picture of the xrays so I would have a copy right away. It came out pretty good. Just a suggestion if you want to be able to email them... that is what I sent to OSU and they said they did not need the originals, but Riley's is pretty obvious.

  2. I hope this isn't a totally insensitive question...but for those of you who had your Greys euthanized at home, did you have to help carry the body to the Vet's vehicle? I sent Isabella off for private cremation and the Vet came alone so I had to help with that. It was tough. And I'll never forget that my neighbors next door were having their daily drunken porch party and were hooting and laughing, unaware, while I carried the love of my life's body out the back gate so those idiot hillbillies wouldn't see.

    I am wondering this too. This is my main concern about doing it at home... Even if I don't have to help carry him, just thinking about seeing his body moved around is almost too much for me to handle. And I also have a bunch of neighbors who are always outside... :(

  3. I just heard back from OSU, and while they could not tell me anything definitive of course, they did confirm that he has tumor and there is a good chance he will break the leg. Even though it was hard to hear, it does make me feel better knowing that they agree with my vet.


    Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences and your support. I think you have convinced me to do it at home, as Riley does not like going to the vet at all, and this way he will be comfortable. I will find a way to deal with it, thankfully I have my two little guys to help me through. Thanks again. :heart

  4. I totally understand your decision, especially based on the x-rays. I am sorry, but as they saying goes ... "better a day sooner, than a day later ... "


    If I had it to do all over again, I would have had the three I lost, send to The Bridge at home. Energy was an emergency, so it was the E-vet. Dasher, the same, but Max ... we, like you, elected for a day sooner, than later.


    When it is time for my others to join them, and it they aren't emergency situations, I will have my vet come here. I have a secluded room where this could be done. No, I would not have my others there. I feel it would be too stressful for all involved.


    When my husband, Bob, passed, it was at home, ... we both opted for him to be home, and not in an ICU riddled with tubes and having no dignity.


    I send you love, strength, many hugs and prayers!


    Love, Dee ...p.s. Remember, you will NOT be alone! ALL of us here with be with you in spirit!


    Thank you Dee, for everything. My main concern is that I live in a VERY small place, so there is no where to do it that isn't my main living area. But, again, I have to think about Riley and not about me, so maybe I need to just deal with it. He would definitely be more relaxed at home.

  5. I so appreciate all of your posts, and I wanted to give you guys an update. After considering all options and talking at length with my vet and many other people, I have decided to let Riley go. This is the most heartbreaking decision I've ever had to make, but I feel it is the right one for him.


    Amputation is not an option for Riley. My vet totally agrees with me there, and also, we both suspect the cancer has already spread in his body due to how fast it appeared and how much degeneration there already is in his shoulder. The most difficult part is that he is still happy, but that is also the main reason I have made this decision. I cannot take the risk of him breaking the leg and thus his life ending with excruciating pain and stress, just to have a few more weeks or at best a month or two. I would be keeping him alive for ME, not for him, and that's not fair to him.


    So, I am not sure exactly when yet, but it will be soon. I would really like to hear your thoughts on the best way to do this. She has offered to come to my house, which I think would be better for Riley, but I don't know if I can handle that. Also, I've read various opinions on having the other dogs present. Riley is my first dog, first pet actually, and I've never been through this before. if anyone can share their experiences I would really appreciate it. Thank you all so very much.

  6. Lucy, is Riley using that leg at all? Due to a bunch of stuff I won't rehash, it was nearly a month and a half between Cosmo's first doctor visit and her amputation. In that period of time she started getting around very well on 3 legs. If he's not using the leg or starting not to, I think you have less to worry about, if that helps. Cosmo was very protective of her leg and even though the tumor got to be enormous she never let on that she was in pain. She ate well and was active and smiling the entire time. I only hope Riley can do that well for the time remaining.


    By the way, I'm terrible at xrays but I can email them to my current wonderful vet and ask her to look if you'd like. She sees a ton of Greyhounds.


    Tracey, I PMed you. He is still using the leg, which is what is scaring me so much. Tonight some friends brought over bacon and marshmallows, and then we went to Baskin Robbins and brought Riley home his own ice cream. He definitely had a good night. :)

  7. I know some of you are really knowledgeable about greyhounds and unfortunately this disease. If anyone would like to look at his xrays, will you PM me? I fear that I am going to have to make a decision sooner rather than later, b/c I am very concerned about his shoulder shattering. I would appreciate any insight on this. Thank you all so much for all your kind words :grouphug


    eta - I did email the xrays to OSU today also.

  8. Thank you all :grouphug Now that some of shock is wearing off, I am realizing I should have gotten a copy of the x-rays. I will send them to Dr Couto asap. A few people have messaged me about their greyhounds breaking their leg, and I am very worried. I believe my vet said (I was freaking out, so I'm not really sure what she was saying, and I just remembered this now at 3:00am), that he may already have a hairline fracture. :weep

  9. Thank you all so very much. It is so comforting to know you all care about my boy and are here. I am still in shock right now, although to be honest I had a gut feeling. We will cherish every day and hope that there are many more. I hate posting pics of myself, but here we are last week. We've been together for 8 years now and I cannot imagine how life is going to be without him. :cry1



  10. I first noticed Riley limping slightly about a month ago. I took him to the vet and she put him on anti-inflammatory and pain meds. But he has gotten progressively worse, though slowly. This is the same leg that he hurt back in September when he fell down the stairs, I'm sure some of you will remember how horrible that was. I am hopeful that this is related to his old injury, but I can't help but be worried. It appears to be his shoulder that is bothering him now, and there is noticeable muscle loss on that side (left front). So, the dreaded x-rays today to rule out other things :cry1


    He's the best boy ever, it HAS to be something treatable. :heart



  11. A few years ago, I left Riley with a friend for a week. I told her his regular schedule of last potty around 10pm and wake up around 6am. I told her he always sleep through the night, unless there was a real emergency. I guess the first night Riley was a bit unsettled being in a new place, and woke my friend up in the middle of the night. She thought he must have to go out, so she took him. He then realized that waking her up meant a walk, so he asked to go out every few hours at night for a whole week :eek My friend didn't know better, so she took him out each time (no yard, so she had to walk him) thinking he had to go. Sucker! :lol


    In reality, Riley does not need to go out in the middle of night. He can hold it, and does almost always. Of course there have been times when he wasn't feeling well and then I take him out. I can tell the difference between "emergency whining" and "bored/restless whining". He is almost 11 now so I am hoping he will continue to be able to hold it. But if/when the time comes that he cannot, I will gladly take him out in the middle of the night :heart

  12. The stitches need to be kept dry. I'd use some pet wipes on him, ... (*like baby wipes). You can even get them in the pet section at Wal-Mart. Hugs to you and "stinky!" :-))




    Ok, thanks everyone. I have been using wipes on him and will continue.


    It is funny you called him Stinky, that is his nickname b/c of his previously horrendous breath (teeth have since been removed, so no more Stinks!)

  13. Jabari, my iggy, has a cyst at the very base of the underside of his tail. It's been there for awhile, but has gotten slightly bigger recently. He licks occasionally, but not obsessively and seems to have no pain. Because it hasn't really bothered him I kept forgetting to mention it to the vet. I finally remembered when he was there last week getting a check up on his teeth (he had a dental about a month ago and lost most of his teeth).


    Anyway, the vet stuck a needle in the cyst and thinks it is most likely benign. But she wants to do surgery to remove it this week. She said if it grows larger, it will be a lot harder to remove & could effect the nerves in that area which could be very unpleasant. I am worried about Jabari going under anesthesia again so soon after his last dental. Also, I feel like since it's not bothering him, maybe it's best to just leave it.


    Any thoughts? If I'm being stupid just tell me. I just worry so much about him having surgery, he's almost 11 and my baby. Thanks.

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