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Posts posted by RileysLegacy

  1. Heather, I hope this doesn't sound too crazy, but a few weeks ago I had a dream about a black and white greyhound and in half the dream it was Riley, and in the other half it was Rocky. The weird part is that I had no idea what color Rocky was at that time...I actually thought he was black for some reason. The next day I looked for a picture of him and saw that he was black and white, it was very strange.


    I am so sorry that he had to leave. :f_white

  2. Do you guys have dreams about your dogs that are gone? Do you find that they make you feel better, or worse?


    Lately I've been having dreams about Riley, and in every one he is alive and I know he's sick, but I am able to find a way to save him. When I wake up and realize he's not here, it feels like he died all over again. It's awful, and I'm a mess for the whole rest of the day. I want to be able to look at these dreams as a positive, to be happy that I get to "see" him again, but it doesn't feel that way at all.


    I'm wondering if this happens to others, and how do you deal?

  3. I wouldn't say Riley loved the water, but he quickly learned that water = cool. He would wade into the stream or ocean on his own, and would swim as long as he had some assistance. :wub:


    The kiddie pool never worked out, though - he thought it was the best place to pee. We used to go to a dog park that had one, and w/o fail he would run over and pee into it, so embarrassing! :blush:rolleyes:










    this was a few days before he died, and right where I spread his ashes :heart


  4. Thanks for sharing your stories. This is what I am most scared of. It's really weird to go from a state of feeling like your dog's death is imminent to wondering if you have months left. I want to just let myself think the latter so I can worry less and just enjoy this time, but then I'm worried that I won't be prepared for the inevitable. I guess in the end being prepared isn't going to do much to assuage my grief so I should just enjoy this time.


    Jen, I just wanted to comment on this. No matter what, I don't think you can prepare yourself for when the time comes. It won't help, and you may regret it. So please, enjoy this time as best you can, cherish every day, and try not to think about the future. I had about 5 days when I knew the exact day and time Riley was going to die, and I spent way too much of it being sad and trying to prepare myself. Now I wish I had enjoyed every last second we had together. You are going to be sad when the time comes, there is no point in being sad ahead of time (I know this is way easier said than done).


    I am so glad that Neyla is still doing well, I hope everyone dealing with this horrible disease has a lot more good times ahead :grouphug

  5. Karen, I am so, so sorry. I am so thankful that I got to meet Lily and Marx and know them from your posts. They have always had a special place in my heart. It's just not fair that dogs don't live as long as we do. I can only hope that somewhere, someplace, Riley is with Lily now too.

    Much love,




  6. You have gotten great advice from everyone, I don't really have anything to add. I know exactly what you are going through, and I had the same feelings about "killing" my dog. But it is not you that is killing him, it is the cancer. Please remember that. You are doing the best you can for your boy, and he knows that. We are all here for you :grouphug

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