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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. We all over-react. I used to have my vet come every time Morgaine limped. I knew that it was because I had lost Scarlett to osteo and he knew it so he always asked me to wait a day and see if there was any improvement. And there always was. Still, it is hard not to be scared.


    Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers that Riley is fine and the vet just starts him on glucosamine.

  2. I CAN NOT ACCEPT THIS! But I have NO choice. Nothing is

    going to reverse this or bring her back to what she was.

    She is going to a better place, I know, but I can't take it.

    Please pray that I make the right decision at the right time,

    for Penny. I LOVE her SO MUCH!


    Please don't apologize for locking the other thread. You do what you have to do now for you and Penny. That is all that matters.


    You may not accept it, but you will acknowledge it and you will get through it ... you said so in your own words "I LOVE her SO MUCH!". That is what will allow you and help you to do whatever it is you need to do in each moment.


    She doesn't know what 3-4 weeks are. That knowledge is yours. She just knows that she is there with you, that you love her, that you are giving her yummy burgers and that her butt itches. There are times when it is REALLY great not to be burdened by cognitive reasoning. Love her. Feed her insanely decadent food that you never would have fed her before. Revel in her happiness at those new sensations. Those will stay with you. Her love WILL stay with you.


    You will know what to do and you will make the right decision at the right time. Trust your love for her. Trust her love for you. For both the good and the bad of that, the love will tell you when to make the decision.


    In the background will be all the GT'ers here to hold you up and wish you the best.


    Aquitaine sends her puppy love to her sis-from another mother.

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