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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. If it is at all soothing, I did a very simple mathematic exercise when I lost my Morgaine to a status seizure and came out at roughly 5-6% of greys that were lost to stroke. This was by no means a massively scientific study, I just went by the approximate number of dogs adopted out by my group over a number of years, by how many had seizures. I did this because I knew I was going to get another grey as soon as possible but I needed something to hold on to that told me that I wasn't going to go through the same thing again with my next grey. Of course it isn't proof positive that it won't happen but the 94-95% odds against it did give me a measure of comfort.


    My girl had only the one seizure that I was aware of. She was happy and running around and being silly when I left at 8:30 that morning. My walker found her at approximately 2:30 in full seizure. I lost her at 7:00 pm. Needless to say, I know more about how to handle a seizure now but that will only matter if I am there.


    Based on the suggestion above, I am going to get BP monitor with an infant cuff.

  2. You get through it because there are no other good options except to get through it. You do what is best FOR THE DOG, and not yourself. You remember that the kind thing is, sometimes, to let them go. And you get through it because there is always another dog who needs your love. You remember the joy and the love, and not the heartache of losing them. And like Judy said, you get through it one day at time.


    Very well put. You know that you can, and will, fall apart after. What will remain after that is the joy of having had them in your life, the lessons you learned with them, and the bittersweet feeling of them not being there physically anymore.

  3. I hope they are wrong. I was told when I took my Scarlett in for tests that if they came out to ask for extra x-rays that the news wasn't good (my girl was in her late teens at the time). It sounds like that was what you have heard.


    The reality is, they could just want a better/clearer scan or a scan from a different direction. Don't send yourself to a scary place.


    Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Dodge.

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