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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. Give my buddy William a big hug and kiss for me (and his lady love). I know that when Scarlett pulled a "paw up, can't walk" it took her vet (not Andy) nearly 45 minutes of examining her leg and really kneading her shoulder to find the knot that was causing her the pain. Once he found that knot and worked on it, and she had a course of meds, she was fine. You know how to reach me if you need anything.


    If Andy doesn't answer emails (can be an issue if he is on holiday) call him on his mobile. I have never had a problem getting him to return a call. If need be, tell me and I'll call!

  2. After some very unladylike language ran through my mind, all I could think was that if God really does give the most to those who can handle it, he must really think quite highly of you. But enough already!


    Elsie couldn't have found a better home or a more capable and loving mom. Hugs and prayers and good thoughts are being sent to both of you.

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