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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. After washing everything in the hottest water the items can reasonably tolerate, vacuum every day. It's not necessary to put anything in the vacuum cleaner bag. There have been many studies done showing that over 90% (most studies quote 95 to 99%) of fleas were killed by the vacuuming process alone.


    The life cycle of a flea is 21 days, so whatever treatment you choose, it must be repeated every 21 days for at least 4 months. Since the "grease cutting" ability of dishwashing liquid breaks down the waxy coating on the outer shell of the flea and causes it to dry up (and is the least expensive), I choose to "wash" my yard rather than use chemicals. I fill a hose end sprayer with dishwashing liquid and set it for 1 teaspoon per gallon and soak everything: grass, planting beds, plants, trees, fence, the pool enclosure screening. The soap is actually good for anything green, so don't worry about over doing the treatment, especially on the grass. If you have a chain link fence surrounding your property, you might want to spray into your neighbor's yard to create a barrier.


    Whatever topical or internal flea treatment you choose for Tosh, keep in mind, not every treatment works for every dog in every region. A few years ago, while going through the first and hopefully the last infestation, I found that rotating treatments on a monthly basis seemed to work the best. I also make a spray of 4 oz distilled water and one drop of about a half dozen essential oils (Blue Tansy, Pine, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Citronella and a few more) applied from the neck back (including the "under carriage") before going outside for any reason.


    Staying on the "chemical free" treatment approach, DeFlea shampoo works very well in conjunction with everything else. It is chemical free and uses a very interesting active ingredient.


    If you have any questions, please PM me and I will be happy to help in any way.

  2. I have no experience with stem cell therapy, but it is something that my Vet started offering recently. She incorporated I-therm into her practice in May of 2012 of which I do have personal experience and have recommended countless times to others. Since I have seen the miracles of I-therm treatments, I trust that my Vet has faith in stem cell therapy as well and will follow her recommendations should the need arise in the future.


    I would think that in a forward thinking area such as Bremerton, you should be able to find a practice offering I-therm and consider/compare them for the specifics of Kaylie's condition.


    Gentle hugs for Kaylie.

  3. Oh and one more thing, Lorinda just received Lazer's CBC, Super Chem and UA and the results are absolutely, positively, flippin' AMAZING!!! They aren't "perfect", but for what Lazer has been through, they are simply........................AMAZING! Just one more reason to celebrate! :bounce2


    Lorinda's words: "nothing too different" from the last set in May. I'm so thrilled for them I can hardly sit still and type this so I just had to share! Sorry if I stole your thunder, Lorinda.

  4. If you really want to compare apples to apples, don't change a thing, other than I wouldn't feed him before the next test. The objective is to see if these results are pointing toward a trend. I was advised by a well known canine nutritionist to test 3 times, 30 days apart before making any decisions or taking any action.

  5. Was there any treatment for the proteinuria in late 2008? Has a UPC been done lately? When was the last time a Super Chem Panel was done to evaluate his kidney values, calcium and phosphorous levels? What is his current urine microalbumin? What is his blood pressure? Sorry for all the questions, but for those who have experienced PLN/proteinuria/glomerulonephritis, it's standard stuff.


    If anyone knows about living with an animal with PLN, high microalbumin and resultant thrombus, it's Lorinda. Her Lazer has come back from the dead with test results that defy all modern Veterinary medical logic.


    I remember the feeling of being shell shocked post dx. :grouphug If you need help interpreting what is going on, get copies of all Nadir's test results and post them here. As Lorinda said, there are so many members who will be willing to lend their expertise to interpret the test results.

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