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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. Thank you for taking Shadow at six years of age. "Bounces" are special, indeed and from your heartfelt words, you loved him all the more for it. I am so sorry he couldn't stay longer.............................they never do. :brokenheart



    There have been numerous studies done that prove vacuuming kills 95-100% of the fleas sucked into a modern vacuum, so no need to empty the bag or canister every time. No need to use chemicals indoors. De Flea shampoo is excellent for dogs, which uses a very interesting "active" ingredient which is totally non-toxic.


    I have lived in FL for 20 years having moved from MI where I never saw a flea. Have survived 2 infestations, but the last one produced the biggest learning curve because I could not use chemicals in the house, yard or on the dogs and cats. I vacuum a minimum of 3 times a week now, treat the yard with dishwashing liquid diluted in a hose end sprayer once a month and use essential oils in their organic shampoo as well as diluted in distilled water to mist on them before any outdoor activities.

  3. How long had Hattie been on the sofa? How long between her morning pee and the discovery of the wet spot on the sofa? Is she acting normally otherwise? Eating? Drinking? Poo? Happy? Normal energy level?


    When Hattie peed, could she have been straining to pee? I would monitor her liquid intake (Is water added to her food?) and watch her when she pees. If you think she may be straining, get a urine sample from tomorrow morning's first pee, and take it and her to the Vet tomorrow. Even if she doesn't appear to be straining, if you find another puddle, I would follow MaryJane's advice.


    Spay incontinence is usually drops of urine, but from my experience, if a dog with a constant drip lays in one spot for any length of time, it could result in a huge puddle.

  4. Thank you for the reminder, Diane. Because of your generosity, and others like you who are willing to share their heartache, so many greyt dogs will be spared. So many lessons learned the hard way. But I know that Eliza's huge heart has never contained anything other than love for you. Listen for her message in the rustle of the leaves, the sound of rain, the laughter of children and music that warms the heart and soul.

  5. Oh, I can hardly wait to hear the results of the x-rays! I'm HOPING that the x-rays show nothing.


    But, yesterday a certain "older couple" who shall remain nameless, spent more than 40 minutes looking for a box of unused checks. Had confirmation that the box of checks was ordered in January. Had confirmation that the checks were not used based on the checking account history. Other than one person who is trusted without question, no other human was in the house unaccompanied since January. The box of checks have been kept in the same cubby hole in the roll top desk for 30 years. Every room, every drawer, every cabinet, every box/container was searched; no checks. At some point very early in the search, "he" said maybe the checks weren't in a box, and "she" said but they have always been in a box. Approximately 39 minutes into the search, "she" had an epiphany! "She" went to the roll top desk, opened the roll top, reached in and grabbed a customized folder containing the brand new checks in the cubby hole right above the old box!!!!!


    Sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees. I sincerely hope you find the keys in the house/porch/car/yard, anywhere but inside Miami!

  6. Oh, Carol Ann and Dan, I am so sorry! The smile on Specky's face always made my heart sing - she embodied unbridled joy!


    My Suze was a champion carpet surfer, too, so I am sure they are having a ball trying to "out spin" one another at The Bridge. :grouphug:grouphug

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