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Posts posted by dex95lucy

  1. I checked your old posts and found your pictures of Maggie. She was stunning, with that look of wisdom of the elderly. How fortunate that she and your family came together. I am so very sorry for you loss. May her belongings and memories bring you some comfort at this sorrowful time. :grouphug:f_white



  2. Susan and Michael, my deepest sympathy for your loss. Way too many of us here have had our share of losses of our dear


    friends. This is one place where you may find some comfort when others around may not understand. Sometimes it feels


    like the pain will never fade.





  3. It is funny that he did not want to sleep alone. On the farm he seemed comfortable to have a room mate or to be alone. I


    guess he now likes being with people so much that he wants to be with you 24/7. He left Pennsylvania last September a


    year ago I think, so i really appreciate the pictures. I cried as Maxine was driving him out the driveway. Thanks for taking


    such wonderful care of him.



  4. My first vet who is now in his "80's " told me that when HE was in vet school there was controversy about how often vaccinations were needed!

    My current vets really told me off when I stood up for my critters and announced that I would be giving them only rabies now, but they agreed that there is a lot of controversy. My dogs are around other dogs only at the vet. Should we ever vacation in certain areas where there is prevelance of an illness I would probably have them titered and innoculated ahead of time. Considering my hounds are 10.5 and almost 15, it is unlikely.


    I had a cat who died of a vaccine induced tumor on her neck. It looked like she had a baseball under the skin. It was heartbreaking.



  5. Oh dear, he really did a job on that leg. I am so sorry that your family has to go through this. I was going to say that you could put a long stocking, like a knee sock, on that leg to keep him away from it, but seeing the wound, I don't think that would work. You are going to have a long couple of days then weeks here, until he is healed. Hopefully he will let it alone.

    You are all in my prayers.


    hugs, sue

  6. I am so glad that he is feeling better and I hope this is the end of the problem. I have had too many pets react to the


    vaccines. My first vet who is now in his 80's said that when he was in vet school there was much discussion about the


    necessity and safety of yearly vaccines. I am sure the vaccines have been refined, but it is common for pets to have


    problems when a new type is manufactured. Been there with my fur kids. I had a cat who developed a tumor on her neck


    from the feline leukemia vaccine and it eventually killed her. Looked like she had a baseball in her neck.


    My vet was not happy when I decided to curtail most vaccines for all my kids. My two dachsies are 10 and almost 15.


    Howie is getting his rabies tomorrow, but I am not getting anymore for Dexter. He goes out in the yard and right back


    inside in a minute or so. The only time they are around other animals is at the vets. If they were younger I would get titers


    first for some of the shots and go from there.


    Give the big guy a hug from me.


    miss sue

  7. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! I hope you are celebrating with all your friends at the bridge and having a blast. Everytime I think I am finally starting to accept that you are there and not here- another painful memory pops up - and I am once again feeling the devastation of your loss. I am sure that you know we talked about you at Aunt Jan's yesterday, remembering how you made a bed under her table. We laughed. Dexter still lays on your bed a lot of the time. You know, the light bulb in my head did not come on until after you left. I did not realize that he was probably in love with you. His first love was a greyhound, you know. When I reviewed all of your pictures I realized just how often the two of you slept together.

    So party and have fun, knowing that mommy loves you and looks forward to being together again.




  8. Jen, I too, am typing with tears flowing freely. I understand. It's one month now for me. Some hours are okay, others are full of tears and regrets. The tight knot is still often in my chest and throat. I am sure you know all about that.

    We understand.


    gentle hugs,


  9. Oh, Tammy, my heart is so heavy for you. I just lost my Bessie eleven days ago due to an anesthesia reaction. I am crying with you.

    My deepest condolences. You will be in my prayers.



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