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Posts posted by Charlies_Dad

  1. This is devastating news, I am so sad to read of her passing.


    Funeral services are this Thursday, the 27th at St Mary Catholic Church on Main Street in Durand, IL.

  2. Yesterday we let our sweet Angie earn her wings and she was the last of our original pack. Many years and houses ago we had all non-Greys, a Dalmation, German Short-Haired Pointer, Rat Terrier and a Pug. Angie was our Pug, the most loving, sweet natured dog you would ever meet. For those who haven't had a Pug or don't like small dogs, Angie would win you over in a heartbeat. Pugs are truly furry clowns and will make you laugh whether it be their goofy pushed in face, their playful antics, or the way they communicate through whines, snorts and barks (if you want to call them that). Angie was "my girl" who we adopted from the help of a friend back in Ontario who found her in a cage at a SPCA on the South Shore of Montreal. As Pugs are human lovers, being in a cage surrounded by other dogs is not their thing, they crave human companionship. So she bailed Angie out and then called my wife Lynn and asked, "would Kyle like a Pug?". Would I??? Damn straight I would. First introductions were me accidentally standing on one of her paws and her squealing, I can still remember that day as I picked her up and put her on a picnic table to get a good look at her. It was love at first sight and she has been my companion all these years. She would travel with me on long drives and loved loved going on them, just me and her. One time while working with the US Navy in Virginia Beach I had to go back to Ontario, a 13 hour drive and Lynn suggested I take Angie along for companionship. Well what a trip it was, she started out on my lap and stayed their while I drove the 13 hours straight through and again on the way back. I could take her anywhere and she would not bark, growl, run away or turn her nose up to a friendly pat from a stranger. I remember the custom agents who normally do not smile as that is their job break into a huge smile when Angie would pop her head up and place her front legs on the truck's front window sill. One could not help smile at the goofy face.


    Little Ang as I called her has been healthy her whole life with the exception of some eye troubles but that is part and parcel to have a Pug. Near the end of last year, her left rear leg seem to start to weaken and sometimes not follow all her others. This progressively worsened over the months to the point that leg would often be out at a funny angle or just be weak and drag a bit, I took her in for a look see and the vet did the standard test with the paws, flip them backwards and she of she could flip them the right way. Well the left rear she could not and the right rear took her effort. As the days and weeks passed both legs got weaker and we had her on Gabapentin hoping it may help, she was on some Medicam for her arthritis in her hips but I did not want to cause kidney issues as she was already showing some signs of elevated values. I took her for laser acupuncture, then water therapy and while it may have done some good, she got worse and worse. For the past couple months she has been dragging herself around as communication between her brain and her back legs no longer worked. I would carry her outside to do her business and sometimes when I got her up on three legs she could walk for a spell and then fall over. I would leave her outside to enjoy the sun and smells for a while but she would immediately start to bark in frustration and the fact her human was not close to her. On top of her rear legs, her sight had decreased significantly as well as her hearing so her world became very small and she demanded attention 24/7 anytime she was awake. The last weeks and days she spent sleeping probably 20-22hrs of the day with episodes at night where she would awake and cry out that her human was not close by. I would always lay with her while she drifted off to sleep and this happened once, twice or three times a night. I knew time was short and always promise my pups if anything no pain and no fear if at all possible and while the two things Angie still loved, food and love, were part of the quality of life I was having a harder and harder time every day and Lynn knew because of all the sighs I would let out after thinking about my little Ang. I picked up a cart for her and while she used it briefly and seemed to bring some freedom to her, her front legs started to weaken badly and it no longer worked. There is another type of cart I could have purchased but that would not cure her, would not truly increase her small world she had been forced into. See her spirit was willing but her body was failing and I felt like a torturer at times. I did not want to cause my sweet little girl any more frustration and with tears said my goodbye to a pup that is so dear to me and my best friend by far.


    Likely you are asking yourself why the "Greyhound Pillow" in the title. Well for those that remember, I posted many pics here years ago when we had our Greys Charlie and Jack living in our RV and could always find Angie sharing a bed with them. They did not mind but also really took no notice of her and used her as a pillow whether it was to lay their head on or their feet. The pics were hilarious as Angie did not mind and often it was hard to maker her out with four legs on top of her and her matching the colour of he bedding. Those pics are on Photobucket and I cannot share them anymore unfortunately. I have tried in earnest to download my albums and while I get the zip file, it seems to be corrupted each time. Hopefully I will be able to get them as there are so many good memories there.


    The goofy face that can't help but make you smile:



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    With her angel sister Peanut who tolerated her at best:



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    Water therapy:



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    Enjoying the sun in her last days:



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  3. That is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful little girl. She looks like a Rattie and so reminds me of our little Peanut who left us almost two years ago now. Daisy's passing has brought tears to my eyes in remembering what the wonderful companionship of a Terrier. Hang in there.


    Run free Daisy, run free sweetie...:gh_run

  4. I am so very sorry to read of Stannis's diagnosis. It is a very personal decision on which path you choose for your pup. Going amp and chemo, some things to consider as already written are, are there any lung mets, is Stannis a candidate (no other major ailments), age (he is young), finances (it varies depending on different factors), has he seen an Oncologist. Going palliative care is the other alternative and some things to consider are: finances (meds and tests/X-rays), pain management (you must stay on top of this as it's critical), constrained activity for Stannis (risk of a break is higher going this path). The above are just some of the things that come to mind.


    We went the amp and chemo path for our angel Charlie and he lived 21mths after diagnosis with every day being great until he slowed down in the last few days. He did fantastic on three legs and could outrun our other four legged Grey. Nothing was out of bounds for him and he did not let being a tripawd prevent him from enjoying life. What was key to us was we did not want him in pain and amputation removes the pain altogether. Yes there is healing time, approx two weeks depending on the pup, but they are not in pain and I'm afraid that most do not realize how painful bone cancer is. The cost for us was high as we opted to keep him in 7/24 care for 5 days, we could have opted to take him home after 2 days and that would have saved us $3,000 as it's about $1,000/day at the hospital we went to. The amp itself is not too expensive but the meds, constant monitoring, etc. definitely raises the price. Post amp, the highest costs were blood tests, not the chemo itself. Depending on the vet you go to and the costs in Tijuana, it will vary a lot. Below are some pics of Charlie after amp playing with his duck, he was a crazy stuffy boy and you will see he is only on three legs.










    Whichever path you take, we wish you a lot more time with your boy.

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