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Posts posted by Dawnnziggy

  1. I know this isn't new, but the vet had me cook white rice and put in cultured yogurt. Since the hound with the diarhhea(sp?) had it, I had to give it to both hounds. I gradually added the dry kibble and in three days, she was fine. I hope he gets to feeling better soon! Just being with his momma will make him feel better too.

  2. I put the Epsom salts in a bowl to get it dissolved good. Then, I put it in a baggie and held her paw in it. I just talked to her and kept petting her with the other hand. She was fine. I don't think that there is only one way to do it. Just try ideas until one works for you and your houndie.


    Good Luck!

  3. Just last week, my dog had the same symptoms. You probably have more experience than I but I gave her Pedialite the first day. The next day, I cooked some white rice and mixed it with cultured yogurt. Within 10 hours after the rice mixture, she was acting like herself again. She has been fine ever since.


    I will pray for your baby!

  4. Welcome from Ohio! I also adopted just one in August of 2006. By September of 2007, number 2 came home with us. If we could, I would have a number 3 but my husband is pretty adamant that it isn't going to happen. We don't have a fenced in yard so we go for 4 to 6 walks a day with our greys.


    They run away when you first get them because they see something they want to chase. If Dawn gets loose now, she'll chase what she was after and then come right back to me. Ziggy has never tried to get loose except when the big, bad English Bulldog tried to visit. He was scared to death of that puppy.


    Good luck in your quest! I hope you get your hound soon.

  5. My first hound had a lot of gas at first. They are scared just like we are sometimes. As he feels "at home" I bet the gas will settle down. My second hound always seems to have gas and it isn't because he's scared. They eat the same things, he's just a gas bag! :lol: I love him, gas and all!!!!!


    Give him some time. If it stops it was just his nerves. If it doesn't, well you just may have a gassy hound.


    GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. Hello to all! I have joined in on a few topics but I wanted to tell you a bit about my houndies and myself. My name is Judy and I LOVE my hounds. They have changed my life so much. When I first contacted GPA-Ohio, I told them that I wanted a brindle girl that was listed on the web. Alas, she was just adopted but Nancy was going to get some more greys from Michigan.


    I got my brindle girl,Dawn, in August of 2005. We wanted her so badly that she didn't get very much time in a foster home so everything was new to her. Then our chapter had a get together. I had never seen so many hounds. It was a blast petting all those babies!


    The next year we went to the same greyhound reunion and came home with a beautiful brindle boy, Ziggy. He has a completely different personality than Dawn. Where Dawn is bossy, Ziggy is laid back. Where Dawn loves to sleep on her own bed on the floor, Ziggy is more happy cuddled up with us on the sofa, the bed, anywhere we are. He even tried to sit on my lap in the car on several occasions.


    I don't think we own them, I think they have trained us in the way of the greyhound. I find myself looking at dog toys at all of the stores we go to. We keep trying to find other healthy treats to give them. We've even gone so far as to make extra tater tots so that they can have with their supper. Yes, I know that is not especially healthy but only once a month is not going to hurt them.


    Maybe someone out there can give me some tips on eye problems. I have had Ziggy to the vet 3 times for his eyes and I see that it will have to be four. His eyes water all of the time and drive him crazy. Now he has a spot on his eye. Yes, he has seen the vet for this but they just keep giving us more drops to put in.


    Well, if I keep writing, you'll stop reading so I will close now. I'll put pictures in when I can figure it out. I am addicted to this website. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures you all lovingly post!


    Judy from Van Wert, Ohio

  7. I picked the 1 to 2 hours simply because we do not have a fenced in yard. So, in the morning they get a 15 to 20 minute walk, in the afternoon they get about a 30 minute walk, just before supper a 15 - 20 minute walk, and before bed another 12 to 20 minutes. On the weekends it is usually longer. Being in the north, there have to be some short days because of the weather. My greys hate the sleet! They would rather not eat than go out in the sleet. I don't blame them, it HURTS!

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