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Posts posted by CaliforniaGreys

  1. I just had my Misty at the vet because it seemed like we got up one morning and she was old, all of a sudden. Misty is only 10 but started acting like she was 15. She would go outside and then act like she was lost. Even when we walk, she would stop all of a sudden with a look as if to say, what are doing? Her physical exam and blood work all came back fine, urine was sent out and that came back fine.I know there is a syndrome in dogs that resembles Alzheimers in people, I just can't remember exactly what it's called but remember reading about it. My vet said that he can put Misty on a senility drug to improve cognitive function but we're trying a few other things first just to be sure.Hope you get to the bottom of Bingo's problem. Will keep her in our thoughts

  2. A couple of my guys have had neck issues, my little female does now.Acupuncture is a big help and my vet has me massage the neck with Traumeel which is also a big help. And walking only with a harness so there's no stress on the neck.Tramadol is also on hand at all times.

  3. I too am sorry about you husband's dad. And your little girl is a complete doll.When I read stories like this I'm always impressed at how you all handle it. Some say you have no choice but to handle it. I would give my life for my dogs, but I don't know that I would pull out of it and still be sane. Bless you for taking such good care of Bonnie

  4. My boy had a really bad case of happy tail at the kennel before I adopted him. They made the decision to amputate the day before I went to pick him up. The only thing I had to deal with was the healing which got really tricky at times but he did great. His tail is only about 6" There's no way he could bang it on anything. The only thing I don't like is people always think he's a Dobe. I guess being black and a stub tail, that's what he looks like to a lot of people.

  5. I brought one of my boys in for the very same problem and was thinking diabetes. His urine had no color to it at all. Turned out to be his kidneys and with meds and the KD diet, he was fine. Let us know what the vet has to say, it really should be checked.



    what food do you use? I am taking him in the morning to see the vet.

    Science Diet "KD" for kidney disease. There's another kidney diet I believe it's by Purina which may be a little less expensive. But I would take the suggestion of the vet. That's what I did.

  6. One of my boys had very very low platelets but it was due to VW. As long as we were very careful with him he did okay with it. The only problem he had was when he had to have a tooth surgically extracted they had to have platelets on hand.We had to stop going to the dog park because any injury could have been life threatning for him.

  7. I don't know that I would call her a "nutjob" but after re-reading your post, I would guess the neck. Did she reommend Traumeel in gel form? I am a big fan of traumeel and use the gel and have had good success with it.If you do already have the gel, try massaging her neck with it.See what your regular vet has to say about the visit(to the holistic vet) If she sometimes doesn't have full range of motion like you said in her neck, start there and see if it helps. I wish you luck.It's so difficult to pinpoint pain with these dogs.They're sometimes too stoic. But something is obviously hurting her.

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