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Posts posted by krissn333

  1. It will be hard when you see her for the first time. Remember any distress she is in is TEMPORARY and soon she will be feeling better.


    Some of them have increased anxiety that is actually CAUSED by the various meds they are on. Someone that went through an amp here in the past year was having trouble and it turned out it was the Fentanyl patch. Some dogs just dont handle those well.


    Odds are she will rest much better at home and will start eating. All Pinky wanted was to be out of her kennel at the vet's office, so, they released her 24 hours after she woke up from surgery. The doc had told me "as long as she can walk with a little bit of assistance, I'll let you take her home because she's definitely not happy being here." :lol she was such a fighter :heart

  2. Oh it definitely doesn't have to be about tricks. Any progress in WHATEVER you're working on is great! You could be working on getting your dog to eat slower and if he/she does it - that's progress and it's worth celebrating! :)


    Clarice spent several hours at my parents' place last night with Ozzie and Sunny, unmuzzled, and did fine, no issues over anything. And she actually SLEPT for a little while! That's progress...definitely worth a :yay and a :banana

  3. Anne if I can get her to hold still I'll take a pic.


    I've read about this happening many times here on GT and when her vulva looked a little bit odd to me I thought thought I should ask Dr. Bahns about it, wondering if she had an issue like I've read about here. Thankfully for us, Dr. Bahns is very thorough with her exams and would have noticed it anyway (she jokes with me and the pups that she gets very personal with exams :lol).

  4. Yep Ducky that's exactly what Clarice needs done.


    I just hope her recovery will go well and there are no issues. We are going forward now given Clarice's young age (she will be 2 in June) and the fact that right now the weather is so crummy that hopefully by the time she is healed the weather will be better and she will be able to enjoy it! :)


    Should I try to take a couple of days off work to be home with her through those first couple of days?

  5. It is so difficult to find a kibble that is JUST beef (no chicken or lamb or any other protein also in there). If you know of any, please share! My mom has been looking for a while. We're also limited on what we can get around here but our feed store is starting to carry more high-end things.


    So far the closest thing we can find is American Natural Premium's grain free Buffalo - but it also has pork in it. That MIGHT be okay.

  6. Clarice went in for a checkup today and we talked to the doctor about her oddly-shaped girl parts. She has quite a fold of skin over her vulva and she has a moisture sore up in there.


    I know that keeping clean is important but our vet (and I) feel that even with the most diligent of cleaning, she will likely still have issues. (Of course until she has surgery I will be making sure to keep her clean now that I understand what to look for!).


    So, tentatively she is scheduled for March 10th for surgery (2 weeks for antibiotics between now and then to help clear up as much of her issue as we can). I know this is commonly done and our surgeon is an amazing guy, so, I'm not really worried, but, I'm interested to hear others' experiences re: recovery.


    Even though our vet sees many greyhounds, she does not recall ever doing a vulvoplasty on one. If you know of any vets that frequently do great vulvoplasties on greyhounds, let me know their name and a contact number for them and I will pass them on to our surgeon so they can chat, possibly. She was wondering if there are any special "tricks" to doing a greyhound versus another breed of dog, given the thinness of their skin.


    This may also explain SOME of Clarice's reactivity to dogs when they sniff her too long.


    The surgeon is the man that did Pinky's amputation when she was diagnosed with osteo - the man is like an artist with a suture line, so, as I said, I'm not worried but it does help to share tips for possible breed-specific issues.


    She had some blood drawn at the vet's office. You've got to love a staff of techs who make sure that her vet wrap matches her "ensemble" :lol Everyone at our clinic is smitten with her :heart


    Matching vet wrap by krissn333, on Flickr


    Here she is last night at my parent's place (she is actually LAYING DOWN!)


    Is there food under here? by krissn333, on Flickr

  7. Chad you want to be sure to start slow with the gabapentin. We started with 100mg every 8 hours and that was enough for Fritz but most folks will increase to 200 every 8 hours if needed and then 300 every 8. Some find that not all the doses need to be 300mg but can be lower. So for example someone might do 300 in the first dose of the day, but only 200 or 100 8 hours later, and maybe 200 before bed. Hopefully someone who's done a different dose depending on the time of day will chime in and explain better than I can :lol

  8. While infections DO indeed suck, some say that pups who have a post-op infection and recover have a better/longer survival time. It is thought that having to fight the infection gives the immune system the kick it needs to fight cancer cells. Whether there is real empirical evidence to substantiate that I'm not certain, but, Twiggy is a prime example of a dog who survived a NASTY infection and here she is 2.5 years later and still doing well.


    I bet Nell will be more comfortable now with that stuff drained! :)

    Lol sorry hadn't read Spottydog's post close enough before I posted! But hey that means I'm not the only one that has heard that ;)

  9. She reminds me of Pinky, who also had a bald behind in winter after her amp in the month of November :heart


    After she came home she accepted my help with getting around outside for about 2 or 3 days and then she was running too fast for me to keep up with her so I'd knock it off :lol They are so headstrong and wanting their independence with certain things. They're very determined and soon you'll be able to just take Nell for a walk just like you used to when she had 4 legs. :)


    Pinky did pee a lot more for the first few days after she came home - they are chock full of fluids while they're in the hospital so they have plenty to let out. She is also ridding her body of the fluid in the remaining leg and she will urinate some of that out as well. :)

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