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Posts posted by nyGreys

  1. I am so sorry for all the sick babies here. :( I wish I could wave a magic wand & make all of them better.


    Jenn, it's not selfish to be happy for Neyla, we're happy for her to. :kiss2


    Kyle, I'm sorry Charlie's treatment didn't go so well. :grouphug


    So sorry to hear about Rose. What a beautiful girl she is. :grouphug


    Hugs your babies & please give them a kiss for me.:kiss2



  2. My sweet Abby is gone. :weep

    She started limping 4 weeks ago. We were hoping it was just a sore muscle or

    sprain, but x-rays showed cancer in her shoulder. Her pain got so bad she couldn't use her leg. We sent her

    to the bridge yesterday. :brokenheart

    She was the light of my life. Everyone who met her fell in love with her. She had a way of winning peoples hearts,

    all she had to do was walk over & lay her head against their leg waiting for them to give her some love.

    When she would go to meet/greets, people would always ask if she was up for adoption.

    She was my little princess. :heart I'm going to miss all of her sweet little ways, like how she would look at me

    & whine & then bark so I would go over & scratch her neck, & paw at me when I stopped. :cry1

    When I walked toward the cookie jar, she would be behind me pawing at the back of my legs. So many things I'm going to miss,

    I can't think of them all. Every morning & night when I set her breakfast & dinner down, she would wait for a kiss before she would eat. That's what I'm going to miss the most, giving her kisses everyday. :cry1


    One of her older pics. She loved giving kisses. :heart



    She loved her jammies.



    Listening to my sister talking to her on the phone.



    Just looking sweet.



    Laying in the yard.



    I miss you my sweet girl. :brokenheart

  3. As some of you know, my boy Seymour was diagnosed Wedesday. It was in his right front shoulder. He had a big hole in the middle of the shoulder bone, as well as a fracture going all the way across the bone just below the hole. All that was surrounded by a spongy looking mass. My husband and I decided not to amputate and chose to put him to sleep. By the time I got to the hospital Wednesday, his shoulder was severely broken and he was in an insurmountable amount of pain. They brought him out of his kennel and put us in a room so I could spend some time with him before we sent him to the bridge. Once my husband got there, we spent some more time with him and then let him go. I can't stop thinking about that day. Seeing him in so much pain broke my heart more than letting him go. In my heart I know we did the right thing. I just wish I'd thought to have him x-rayed when he started limping a couple of months ago. Maybe then I could have at least prevented the amount of pain he had to die with. I'm also afraid of how protective this experience is going to make me with our next hound. It just sucks.

    I'm so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. :grouphug


    Bing is a gorgeous boy. :wub:


    Neyla got on the couch! :thumbs-up



    Abby was more uncomfortable today. :( Sometimes she looks so sad & then she'll wag her tail & ask for

    a cookie like there's nothing wrong.

    Here's a pic. of her laying outside a few days ago.

    I love her so much. :wub:



    Hugs to all the pups & their people. :grouphug

  4. Shannon, that's hysterical! :lol Glad Flash's chemo went well! :yay


    And glad Abby seemns to be feeling better.


    Neyla seems really slow today and I'm pretty sure she was limping a bit when she last got up. Chiro adjustment may have made her feel good overall so she overdid it on her cancer leg this wkd? Or things are just continuing to progress? :( Gah, I know there will be ups and downs, I need to somehow not assume the worst each time we have an off day.

    Thanks, Jen, I hope Nayla feels better today.


    Cried on Freddys shoulder tonight. he seems to be limping more and didn't want to go outside to potty... I cried with him for a while then he licked my arm a few times and then got up and went to his bed..almost like he was saying..ok mom..you got it out..not quit your crying:) Just feel so bad for him and us. His life is being cut too short. Anyway, sorry to be a downer...I just needed to get that out. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Abby always gives me that "pet me" look & starts whining until I go over to her & pet her & then I start bawling.

    We all have down days, don't apologize for it. I hope today is a better day for you & Freddy.



    Hi all - Sorry I haven't been able to post. Bing can and can't do the stairs some days (most of the past week or so)and the PC is upstairs.


    I am so surprised at the progression of Bing's cancer. 7 days ago there were so many things he could and now can't - or MAY be able to do on a 'good' day. Now we have 'bad' days and 'good' days and 'meh' days and we have 'bad' nights, and 'good' nights, and 'meh' nights. Whew. :unsure It is tiring - I never know when he will need meds, hence the time here right now is 1:30 am which isn't bad - just lonely and not a great time of the day for positivity. There have even been some times where I don't know if he's going to be OK and I begin to sorta pretty much panic - like should I sleep? :blink: Yet lately he's doing really well, like maybe it's an adjustment for him to even deal with the lump?


    We built a beautiful ramp for Bing to get in and out of the explorer (it was great, he thought he was a rock star!) and he could do it a few days and now we haven't used it (three bad days in a row) until tonight. And now, tonight, he has had the worst night since the dx - the ride must've been too much?! :o Also, he sometimes seems like he's behaving like his old self - for instance, it is a full moon tonight and he ALWAYS drove us nuts with thinking anything glowing in moonlight was a RABBIT!! That's what he seemed to be doing tonight . . . I don't know . . . it also could've been aimless looking out windows due to pacing from pain, ugh! Alas, I am rambling.


    Here are some pics of my babe Bing:



    Bing is very comforted by Dave (perhaps Dave is a tad calmer??) - and so they have been sleeping through the night (quite nicely, heavy sigh of relief) lately:




    I thought he was being pretty goofy here with his head on the basket - hee hee:



    And here is Bing with his little sissy Cami:



    Bing remains on Tramadol, Golden Seal tea, glucos and MSM, grain free Evo and other meats, veggies, and whatever these days - tuna, he loves tuna. Otherwise, I've been pretty much letting him eat whatever yummies he wants . . . I think twice it has lead to a little runny poo - but not bad. He has an appt 9-2 for an update on his leg xray.


    To Charlie, Flash, Gracy, and Freddy - praying and hoping and sending white light things continue to go well! :colgate


    To Teri, for you and Rivie my heart is bleeding a river for you and your pain - my time is so limited with Bing and I have such fear of the unknown. God Bless and please believe you will be OK. Thoughts, prayers and all that is good is going out to your heart from mine. :kiss2


    To Dee, for you and for Abby, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and goD bless! :brokenheart


    I know I forgot somebody . . . yet please believe you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bing is beautiful, bless his heart.


    It is such a roller coaster. Last evening, I was so excited because Joe killed a stuffie. Then last night he had a little trouble going outside -- his rear legs just didn't seem to be under him. Then in the middle of the night he woke up with a scream so I gave him some tramadol. Today he has been back to where he was almost a week ago, having trouble negotiating on three legs and not quite sure where to put them. He actually slipped off the side of a step. So tonight I have managed to convince myself that the cancer has already spread to his back, pressing on some nerves and causing the lack of coordination. I am so scared right now that I can't sleep. I am just taking a break from the constant petting. Joe usually laps up all the attention but tonight his look told me "OK four hours of attention is enough already".


    So I will call OSU tomorrow (I guess it is now tomorrow since it is 3 am) and hopefully they will tell me that everything is OK. He is scheduled to go in on Thursday for his second chemo treatment. But if they want to see him Wednesday, I will take him on in. I am happy to be his "driver".


    So it is incredibly easy to assume the worst and drive yourself nuts. This story is just to let you know that we all do it. They are our babies.



    Jane, I am so sorry Joe had a bad day. Good luck on his chemo Thursday.



    Just sending hugs to everybody with a sick pupper. Hoping ktarantino and kiki and Dee especially have time for more smiles and ice cream with their sweethearts, that Neyla is perkier today, and that Joe's apparent setback is just a little muscle soreness.

    Thank you Jey.


    Abby acts a little perkier this morning, or at least she acts like she is, she is able to sleep

    & she loves her treats. She went out & came back in & went to bed. She ate a little dinner last night & she

    was roaching yesterday.

    Could the tramadol be making her drowsy? I give her 2 (50mg) every 6 hrs. Plus (1/2 ) meloxicam once a day.


    I hope everyone has a good day today. :grouphug

  5. Greta news about Flash!! :thumbs-up


    Abby was more mobile today. My granddaughters came home from NC around midnight last night

    & Abby was so excited to see them, her butt was wagging as fast as her tail, bless her heart. :wub:


    She ate a late breakfast & had some treats. :)


    Hug your babies.

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