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Posts posted by BootsyCollins

  1. Hi Erica, There was recently a thread about Greyhounds & Toddlers - you'll probably see a lot of advice there that you'll find helpful. I can share my own experiences, as the mother of a 3 year old. My son is a typical rambunctious little boy, always into something, usually running & jumping at high speed, and frequently testing his limits. That includes what he can and can't do with and to the dog. A vigilant eye is key - never, ever leave them alone together, for both of their safety. I found a crate helpful in the beginning, as it has a more clearly defined boundary (I didn't shut the door - Bootsy had free rein to enter/leave). Good doggie manners are a great thing to teach a little person: I teach my son to always ask before petting any dog, to let the dog sniff his open palm before petting it, to never poke, hit, or pull.


    For the most part, it's fine, it's easy. It just requires 100% supervision, but really any 2 year old requires 100% supervision, whether there is a dog in the room or not. :)


    Here is the link to the "Greyhounds & Toddlers" thread: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/276108-greyhounds-and-toddlers/page__p__5015806__hl__%2Bgreyhounds+%2Btoddlers__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=5015806

  2. I feed him 1.5 cups 2x per day. He weighs 75 pounds. I don't feel like that's too much, but maybe it is.


    We have a yard, but he doesn't spend much time in it. He really enjoys his walks, so that's what he gets. Morning and evening, plus a quick potty walk before we leave in the morning and before bed at night. If we do hang in the yard in the evening instead of walking, he poops once.


    Bootsy is the same way, and I dont get it. He poops 3-4 times per walk. Yes, that's 6-8 times per day. The first is perfect, the second good, the third pudding. Usually not a fourth, but if there is, it' s a tiny amount of super gooey pudding. It makes me insane. I have changed to a grain free kibble. No improvement.


    Kevin does this and Sadie did too. Honestly, I think the frequency of walk pooping has to do with excitement and the poop being softer each time has to do with it being further up the digestive tract. Also, both would poop twice maybe three times a day if not taken for a walk. But on a walk 3-4 poops has been normal for my guys. They run out of pee and they try to squeeze out more poop! Even Sadie, the pickiest eater on earth who would go days without eating sometimes would do this being empty. The way to guarantee a poop- or 4- take a walk!



    I agree with this - I think it's the movement and the desire to be marking, somehow someway. I hate it!!!

  3. Bootsy is the same way, and I dont get it. He poops 3-4 times per walk. Yes, that's 6-8 times per day. The first is perfect, the second good, the third pudding. Usually not a fourth, but if there is, it' s a tiny amount of super gooey pudding. It makes me insane. I have changed to a grain free kibble. No improvement.

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