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Posts posted by SIGreyLady

  1. I'm fairly new to GT but not new to greyhounds. I live with 2 now (Sterling and Kelsey) but before these 2 I've had 3 greyhounds since the late '80s. We live on Staten Island, New York and we don't see many other greyhounds around. I've been trying to learn to post pics so here I go again.....http://s234.photobucket.com/ahttp://s234.photobucket.com/albums/ee163/SIGreyLady/th_


    Well obviously it didn't work - I'll try again.

  2. :( Yesterday we were in the car going to the dog park and Kelsey was getting excited and as I made the turn she must have extended her claws - right on Sterling's tail!! He pulled away and let out a small yelp. Not realizing what exactly happened I let them out of the car and off they ran to their favorite smelling places in the park. I was walking towards them and I see Sterls flank is " brindle looking" (he's a white and fawn) next I see his tail is RED!!! He had 3 big gashes in his tail!! I got them both in the car, went back to the apt., applied first aid, called the vet and now he has a beautiful BLUE bandage on 2/3s of his tail. What a day.......Not to mention cleaning the car!
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