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Posts posted by SIGreyLady

  1. Sterling had a bloody tail last month and it did take about 3-4 weeks with the bandages. :( Its not easy to keep them on - even with taping to th hair. Twice I came home to find odd tubes of Vetrap on the floor :lol His tail did need to be shaved cos two spots of skin had to be cut. Its all healed now and just waiting for the hair to grow back and, hopefully, cover the scars. :blink:

  2. Last month Sterling got some skin ripped off his tail about half way down. Couldn't do stitches so it got antibiotics and bandaging. It oozed for a couple weeks but now its all healed and I'm hoping that when the hair grows back it will cover fsome of the scarring.

  3. What is your favourite:-


    Colour- blue or purple


    Savoury food- pizza




    Cookie - Pepperidge Farms Milano (any flavor)


    Stuff to put in the bath


    Stuff to use in the shower - any shower gels


    Smell- sea/ocean

    Scented candle - fruity


    Photograph of your dog(s)?Can't figure how to put it here - pics posted under "action shots" in cute and funny.......


    Type of jewellery - any


    Style of ornament - anything silvery or scandinavian


    Style of festive decoration - Pine and Pointsettias


    Television programme (present) not into TV much


    Television programme (past) Star Trek


    Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) Mystery

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