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Posts posted by SIGreyLady

  1. Sterling does not have them but Kelsey does. At least once a year she catches on something and it bleeds and bleeds and we go to the vet and he bandages it and we get antibiotics etc. etc. I'd asked the last time if they could just remove them but then it would be "surgery" and cost a lot. :angry:

  2. My Sterling boy had a cut on his tail - about 2" long about 2" from the tip of his tail. We tried hard but it just wouldn't heal properly. :( I took him yesterday to our vet, and the news was not good. He had about 5" removed and has 3 stitches. I picked him up late in the afternoon and he's been sleeping a lot (and drooling and shaking) :sad1 Vet said he should be more comfortable now than with the bad tail tip - I hope so. Please send the GT healing light his way. (on a side note :rolleyes: I told Kelsey not to call her brother "Shorty" :P )

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