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Posts posted by SIGreyLady

  1. My Fritz had Lymphosarcoma. When first detected I opted for chemo (after consulting with my vet and a canin oncologist). My vet had top order the drugs from a human hospital too. Fritz was wonderful with the chemo - never bothered him except the time it took to administer :lol - but I was with him when he had his treatments and bloodwork every week.


    He went into remission for over a year!! The cancer then reasserted itself and the consensus of the vets was that chemo would not be that effective again so I just kept him comfortable and hydrated (hospice-type care). He eventually became weak and his appetite dropped but he was a trooper till the very end. He really didn't have a problem going outside until the the weakness started.


    I don't know if this helps you.


    Sending gentle hugs and thoughts to you and your girl.

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