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Posts posted by tydyelady

  1. Just going through thyroid diagnosis with my new greyhound, Opie, so interested in all the discussion here. I noticed quite a difference in the dosages for peoples different dogs - from .1 or .2 twice a day, to .6, Opie was prescribed .8 - and it is the generic. Since he just started, I am not noticing any difference in behavior yet.

    I read the Suzanne Stack article, and noticed the .1mg recommendation. So then .8 would seem very high to me??


  2. "do you ever think about where your dog has been? "


    Well, that's my theory on dog bathing too, even if I think they are not dirty. They walk everywhere & get touched by all sorts of people. We got our first grey March 30, and gave him a bath about a week after bringing him home. Then he had a bath last week since he took a roll at the dog park and had dirt all over him. We also wipe his feet with baby wipes every night, as he usually jumps in bed with us every morning when the alarm goes off.l But will probably give him a few more baths over the course of the summer. Winter is a different story, and so it really might only be once during the winter. We use a good dog oatmeal shampoo, and are now going to add a conditioner too. Yes, there is nothing like a soft clean dog to hug. :colgate


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