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Posts posted by MrAlexTheDog

  1. sheila, i've been away on vacation and did not see this until now. you have my sympathies. k, you're an awesome boy and i hope you'll meet our nikki and alex at the bridge.

  2. our first greyhound, alex, was diagnosed with an amelanotic malignant melanoma that grew between two of his lower incisors. surgery was really the only viable option. he had several lower front teeth and part of his lower jaw removed. his lower lip was then stitched over the hole. unless you looked under his mouth you'd never know he had had surgery.


    fortunately, his margins were clear because my wife caught it early. the tumor never came back. he just drooled a little more when he waited for food or treats.


    hoping for the best for your carly...

  3. Is that your sweet girl in the desktop Celebrating Greyhounds calendar for this week?

    yes, it is. :rolleyes:


    when we received our complimentary copy of the desk calendar last year, we were surprised to find that her picture happened to be on the page facing the week's page that included her birthday. and so i've often kept just her page opened so i could look at it. and then to have her go just one week before her birthday...it all seems a little weird. never would we have imagined things would work out this way.


    she would often leap off the front porch, play-bow, and turn circles on the grass you see in the picture. and then she'd jump back onto the porch to be let inside. she was such a goof. :lol:


    i was fortunate to get the shot. i cropped the image more closely to remove a lot of distracting background. i submitted the picture for the calendar although i didn't think it was good enough to be chosen (a little too out of focus for me). i was wrong.

  4. nikki is now home. she rests alongside alex.


    i miss her ever-happy face, her helicopter tail, her running in circles, tossing stuffies and touching them with her nose in the living room when she knew she was going to be fed, the ease with which she roached, how her ears stood upright, and a multitude of other things she did...


    but now she's home, and that is good.

  5. i wanted to take a moment here to express my thanks to all of you for your words of comfort. it's very much appreciated!


    she's such a beautiful hound to photograph. it was difficult to get a picture of her when her ears were upright (one of her distinctive traits) because she would usually lay them down if she saw you aim a camera in her direction. even using a long lens didn't necessarily help. but when we did catch her, it was awesome.

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