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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. The thing is most greyhounds do not feel comfortable enough to play in a week. Some take months. They aren't like labs. They take a lot of patience. I've had 12 of them and only one of the 12 actually played with me within the first month and he was only 19 months old. One of mine took over a year. Out of the 12, 5 had space issues. All but two have resolved those issues and I haven't adopted in several years. If you don't think you want to deal with these issues then you may be looking at the wrong breed. If you are willing, then know it takes time and patience.


    There are always exceptions and you may find the type of hound you're looking for but it may take time.


    :nod I have to agree with Judy and I only had 5 now we have 4 one went to the bridge and it did take time for each and every one to come out of its shell... It takes Pateince with Greyhounds. I had one that came to me and wanted to play and now he will sometimes want to play but he also likes to just be left alone and lay on his blanket. Before we got into greyhounds, we have had dalmations, gold retriever, labs... and I can tell you Greyhounds or not like any other breed it takes time to bond, but when you do, there is no love like the love a greyhound gives back, and we will never got to another breed.. We may one day add another breed to the pack but I will always want a greyhound. Good Luck!!!!

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