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Posts posted by Houndmommy03

  1. My first greyhound snapped at me 3 weeks after I had her (I was trying to get a plastic milk cap away from her - she has taken it off the counter). I was devastated - I cried because she hurt my feelings and cried even harder because I thought I would have to return her (we had 2 young kids). I talked to so many people and had people from different groups check her out - ultimately we kept her. Despite having read everything I could find on greyhounds, I still had a lot to learn about adopting an adult dog (all of my previous dogs had come to me as puppies). Anyway, I don't have anything to add to what others have said. I just wanted you to know that I totally understand how you feel. Good luck!

  2. I'll be interested to hear what others say. If a cat got into my yard, I doubt it would have a chance. Rumor goes for anything that moves - taking her on walks is a challenge with all the toads and frogs we have here. Just yesterday she killed an injured bird that was in our yard. I have tried discouraging her toad/frog issue but haven't had any luck. My sense is that she almost can't help it - they must taste bad because she foams at the mouth when she gets one yet if she catches their movement, she reacts, going for it. I think this is just who they are.

  3. Went to Petsmart yesterday to look into a beginner class for Rumor. Was talking to the store manager who was trying to convince me to bring both dogs. I was explaining some of my concerns and the more we talked, the more I'm pretty sure he's not very knowledgable about greyhounds. ( He's not a trainer by the way. I have the trainer's card and will call and ask my questions to him). Anyway, I'm concerned about taking my dogs into Petsmart because I don't know if my dogs are small dog safe ( or any dog safe for that matter) and I think they have a pretty strong prey drive based on how they react to rabbits and cats (and toads, and bugs, etc, etc). The guy said they absolutely wouldn't allow the dog to be muzzled in class (I tried to explain about greyhound muzzles but he wouldn't hear it). He also said you could get rid of prey drive with training. I don't believe that - they were bred and trianed to chase furry things. I've had greyhounds for over 10 years and have read a lot but am certainly no expert on the breed or training. But, if I take a class I need to be confident in what I know. So, has anyone muzzled their hound at Petsmart training (at least to start until you have a better feel for things. It's other people doing something stupid that I worry about) and what about the prey drive thing? It would be fun for DH and I to take both dogs but at the same time but I worry about Marlow.

  4. Glad you aren't doing biopsy. I did one one my hound (years ago and before I heard of Greytalk) and it came back normal but she did have osteo (finally dx'd by Dr.Couto looking at xrays). So I needlessly put my pup through that. Good luck and I'm really sorry you and your pup are facing this. Hugs to you both.

  5. We've had Marlow since August 2013. He came from a rescue at a greyhound track - he was a return (had been in a home for a couple of years). Anyway, in August I took him to our vet for a checkup and they did a fecal which came back negative. They still gave him a pill dewormer because our other grey had been dx'd with a tapeworm at around that same time. I don't know what heart worm med he was on before I got him, but we gave him Trifexis the first month we had him and then switched to Sentinal. So, today I took him to the vet for his annual check up and when they did the fecal, they found hookworm! He has been given a 3 day course of Pancur. I just finished reading some other threads about hookworm and feel a bit concerned. Also, the vet was surprised by finding hookworms since he's been on Sentinal and tested negative for hookworms previously. I guess I'm feeling concerned because of what I read of other's experiences - that this could be an ongoing issue and that tests don't always pick it up. Sentinal is going to pay for the Pancur and for another fecal test.

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