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Posts posted by greyhndz

  1. Two thoughts: a bite-not collar, which for a flank or hip-area wound should work pretty well at keeping her mouth away from the sutures.


    Also, putting a pair of men's boxers on, with her tail going out through the fly. You can get boys' sizes, which might fit better. If the waist won't stay in place, you can tie it up with vetwrap.


    The bite-not (or one of the knock-offs), or even a homemade version using a towel and duct tape, may be the safest bet.


    Lots of good luck on Mercy's healing, and complete recovery!


    For a minute I thought I wrote this post in my sleep! Mercy, the one whose tumor was benign, keeps ripping off her bandage. It's on her hind quarter. Our vet has tried most everything. Our greyhound experts here recommended a tie-over bandage which I thought would be the perfect solution. It lasted a whole night, a new record. She managed to pull it off today - THROUGH A MUZZLE! Given that the wound (and sutures that must stay in) is on her hind quarter it is a tricky spot to get a bandage to stay put. Any thoughts from anyone?


    Addressing the manuka honey, I would love to try it (and the water method) but both vet and husband are not sold. I guess we would still have the issue of keeping the bandage on. These same greyhound experts gave me blow-by-blow instructions on how to apply the manuka dressing and what type of bandages to use if anyone would like me to post the instructions here. I'm a firm believer in homeopathic treatment.


    Mercy's wound to remove the tumor is a nasty one; clear into muscle, so we have to keep the sutures intact for at least another 2 weeks. Oh yes, before the tie-over bandage the bandage was "stapled" to her flank which I would have thought would be hard to get out. Apparently not. Any suggestions welcome![/font]

  2. Sorry to take so long to thank you all for your help (modem is biting the dust)!


    Nancy sent me this excellent website explainingmore about manuka honey's properties. This is what I bought today. There's a compounding pharmacy near my office in Nashua (Wingate Pharmacy), and their wound specialist said that they were asked to carry it by a wound care/ostomy nurse; she's using it for particularly bad non-healing wounds. It's sterile, medicinal quality, and called "Medi-honey" or something to that effect. She got her first honey dressing with an occlusive bandage this evening. Of course that little needle nose tried to stick itself right into the wound to lick up the sweet stuff, so dressing the wound is going to be a speed process. :)


    I've gone through the yard and not found anything that should have caused that wound. I can only guess that it could have been a thorny vine, or a fall, or blunt trauma if she crashed into the deck or ramp while playing with Gigi. There was no blood to be found -- I think it's going to remain the great mystery. :(


    What seems to be working fairly well (and keeping her from getting to the wound) is keeping a dog t-shirt on her, which is long enough to reach her hips, and firm enough to help hold the dressing on. I spent an ungodly amount on non-adherent and regular 5 x 9 dressings, kling wrap, and believe it or not, an abdominal binder. I'll reserve the binder for when I'm home, and only if really needed, but it's 12" wide, so would likely hold a dressing in place, and keep her from getting anywhere near the wound. As of today, the wound is clean, granulating, and has contracted a bit from yesterday - all good.


    This is a bit graphic, but here are photos of the wound. I'll take daily photos so we can monitor the progress as well as the effects of the honey. 4my2greys, your thread was what made me think immediately of the honey. I remember your photos, and how pleased you were with Nadir's healing.


    Not for the faint of heart:





    And all dressed up with no place to go (but to bed) -- honey dressing and wraps underneath t-shirt



  3. I've been doing daily honey dressings, but I have to tell you that it's been easier said than done! I've tried every type of dressing and covering possible. Short of using cohesive tape or tegaderm (which would be a bear to remove), I've found that any variation of vetwrap, kerlix, wrapping the vetwrap around her chest, ears, through her legs (kidding about the ears) is useless. Ducky, Irene... you don't want to see what Mafi has done with your jammies. But I'm going to show you anyway :P




    BTW - she removed the jammies herself. :blink: And shook until the vetwrap slid back, then yanked the dressing out. She's shredded every jammie, coat and t-shirt that I tried. And (don't laugh) I even tried an abdominal binder. Nope - lunch. :(


    I don't want to keep a Bite-not on her all day when I'm at work, so she's timed her destruction to my working hours.







    ut the wound looked beautiful - clean, granulating in well, no drainage -- until this evening, when I noticed another section of the wound, which has not previously dehisced,




    I remember reading about several folks who have had great success using a particular type of honey to facilitate wound healing. Could someone share details of the type of honey, where it can be purchased, and how you actually use it on a wound?


    Mafi's large flank wound, which had been surgically repaired last week, has gradually dehisced over the past few days, and is now open, though it's started granulating in. My vet suggested just letting it granulate in by itself, and I agree. I'd like to try honey dressings and would like to hear how best to do this.


    Also, has anyone found a successful technique for dressing a wound on the trunk? Within minutes of applying a dressing with vetwrap, it's slid down to her tuck. Especially if I'm using the honey, I want to keep a dressing intact.


    I've been using a light coat over the wound, but she's already ripped two coats trying to get at the wound. Now, in addition to a dressing, vetwrap, and a light jammie, I've added another vetwrap just in back of the dressing. There's got to be a better way (especially with the current heatwave).


    Suggestions are gratefully welcome!

  4. Mafi told me (in her telepathic, galga way) that Niña"s jammies feel like big, loving hugs all over her body. She knows they came from her loving Auntie Ducky, and I believe we both feel sweet Niña's spirit right here with us.


    We'll have to pass on the homey (or was it horney) hat, as no hat has ever stayed on Mafi's head more than about 10 seconds. :lol


    We love you, Angel Niña!

  5. That poor baby. Her wound looks so painful. Could she have scraped her side running too close to a tree? That is one of Fiona's (no relation to your wonderful vet) specialties here. She has a lovely 1/2 moon scar on one hip where she bounced off the bark while chasing a squirrel.


    Here's all my good wishes that Mafi and Buddy are well again very soon.


    Mafi and Buddy thank you, and everyone, for their well wishes!


    I know she didn't injure herself on a tree -- there are no trees in the yard. :P I didn't see anything out there yesterday, but this weekend I'll do a careful walk-through.


    So far, so good as far as her wound. There's no drainage and it looks like the flap is still viable. She's being such a good girl, and seems to be a lot more comfortable.


    Little Buddy has a way to go. He really doesn't look at all sick, but his cough is pretty bad. He's always in my bed and under the covers. He like to come up close to my face and spew dog germs. I wonder if they make face masks in doggie size?!? :rolleyes:

  6. Mafi is doing much better tonight!


    After a comatose night and morning, Mafi was far more comfortable and lively when I got home tonight. My dogsitter was able to get Rimadyl into her, and I'm sure that made a big difference. Knock on wood -- her wound looks great. I was back at the vet tonight with iggy Buddy, and Fiona, my vet, told me that she was so pleased that she was able to give Mafi her very own initial "M" to adorn her side. :)


    Mafi this morning




    Close-up of her personalized suture job.




    Iggy Buddy was catching a couple of zzzz's. My poor little guy -- he was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia tonight. You'd never know it by looking at him... until he started coughing. He's on a couple of antibiotics and hopefully will be improving by next week.





    How is Mafi today? Please tell her that I have mailed her one of Niña's jammies to make her look glam while she heals. :smokin


    Aw, you're a sweetheart! Mafi will be honored, and I know she'll feel the warmth and loving surrounding her.


    Thanks so much, Ducky!

  7. I still don't know what happened. I walked the yard, stairs, ramp, etc. this evening and didn't see a thing. Of course, there are branches near the ground, but I didn't see anything else sharp or projecting. It definitely wasn't Dandi the Terrible, as he was up on the bed with me. It might have been Gigi -- Gigi never bites, but she can be a little rough when she plays, and caught a tooth on Mafi's side, but the wound is way bigger than I'd expect for a tooth wound.


    I've never seen any beasts in the yard (6' fence) except for field mice and gophers. No raccoons. This may just be a big mystery..

  8. I'm so sorry you and Duke are having to go through this, Sigrun. Duke is so lucky to have you. He loves and trusts you, so he will guide you, and let you know what he needs you to do. Huge hugs to that sweetie -- and to you, too.



  9. Poooooooor Mafi. Last night, I was upstairs when I heard a screech (less hair-raising than a GSOD), and then barking from Gigi. I ran downstairs, and there was Mafi, sitting at the bottom of the stairs whining and trembling. And then she turned around, and I saw that a large hunk of her L side had been degloved. :( It appeared to me that the large flap of skin was entirely avulsed with only a small remnant, and there was a tear in the fascia. There was minimal bleeding, but I do think I threw up a little in my mouth. :blush (I can laugh about this now...)


    I called my vet, Fiona, who is also my neighbor. She met me at the hospital, as she had to head over there to do some work anyway. She figured she'd at least look at the wound to see if it needed immediate repair, a graft, or whatever. Fiona thought there was a good chance that she could repair the wound without grafting. She felt it could wait until this morning, when she was scheduled to be in surgery, so I started Mafi on keflex and gave her a tramadol for pain, and would bring her back early this a.m.


    Lesson learned: for a 45-lb galga, do NOT use a whole tramadol. Mafi stood, staring at the walls, for a good portion of the night. :blink:


    The repair is quite beautiful - I was pessimistic that the wound edges could be brought together without too much tension on the skin, but as of tonight it looks good. There's always a chance of wound necrosis/infection. She's got a drain in, and is also wearing Auntie Irene's pretty little Pink Ribbon jammie to keep the wound clean.


    Right now, she's staying downstairs. She did eat a few pieces of turkey but wouldn't take a hidden pill. Where are those pill pockets when you need them?


    I'll post photos when she can remain standing for more than a couple of minutes. My poor, sweet, loving baby girl...



  10. Oh, no... I'm sorry I missed this thread until tonight.


    Linda, what can I say that will be an adequate tribute to Valor? He was a wonderful galgo. A champion of all galgos, and one of the first here in the US. He told the story of the galgos still in Spain, and his stories resulted in so many more lucky galgos coming here to loving homes.


    Valor healed the broken and the broken-hearted, and was a therapy dog who served as an example of survival and perseverence. He was a hero.


    Godspeed, Valor. Warmest hugs, Linda.

  11. Loving baby. Loving mama. You're flying again, sweet Tuna. Your brothers and sisters are waiting for you, their Queen.




    My deepest sympathy, Sara. You made her happy for so long.

  12. Sara, I hope by now someone has come to help you and Tuna, and that you are both at peace.


    You may have been alone physically, but know that you will never be alone spiritually. We are all with you, and if it were possible, we would lift Tuna into your arms and give you the strength you need to send her on her journey.


    Tuna is so blessed to have had you as her mom.


    Big hugs


  13. Last year a cat had the misfortune of getting into my backyard while the gang was outside. The cat did not go down without a fight. Sheana had to have surgery to repair her ear. This is what the vet had to prevent her from shaking her ears.





    It is like vet wrap but it is a sleeve. I think for an iggy maybe you could cut a white sock and use it? I would not use anything with dyes.


    Ahhh! That's great! It actually looks like stockinette, which comes in large rolls, and is used under casts to protect the skin. I think you're right - a cotton sock or something that will fit firmly over his head and ears might work. Thank you!

  14. Poor little iggy Jesse had a chunk taken out of his ear by mean ol' Dandi. :angryfire I should have been more observant. and know Dandi too well to have not predicted his behavior.


    Anyway, of course the house (and my new car - WAH!) are a bloodbath, and even though he's at the vet's, trying to get the tissue to clot and stop bleeding, I know these suckers can bleed like crazy.


    I thought a snood might be a good compression dressing until the ear heals - has this worked for anyone else? Any other suggestions? (My vet thought an e-collar might keep him from shaking his head.)


    I will not let this happen again. Bought new baby gates to keep the iggies segregated. My idiocy has been outed. :blush

  15. Beautiful, beautiful boy. I just saw the banner. I'm so terribly sorry, Trudy and Jeff. There truly is no way to prepare your heart, even if your mind comprehends.


    Fly free sweet boy. :f_red:cry1:angelwings:gh_run

  16. I'm posting for Judith, who is in hospital fighting a serious illness (see OT thread).


    Roy crossed the Bridge yesterday after being diagnosed with Osteo. Judith sent loving words to Roy, and was present as he started his journey, via telephone from the hospital.


    Roy was reunited with his wonderful sister, Grace, who went to the Bridge last September.


    Judith's 3rd greyhound, Tessa, is being loved by Kathy, the Angel who has cared for all of Judith's greyhounds during her illnesses,


    Mommy will be watching for your star, Roy. And you and Grace need to watch over mom.


    Fly free to the Bridge, sweet boy. f_yellow:gh_run:angelwings:brokenheart

  17. I'm not yet ready to write this, but until then,


    I have to believe that Bailey is once again snuggling with Lexi, whom he's yearned for since 8/15/09.




    I have to believe that, from the day he was given to me in 1997, he knew that he was adored, worshiped, and was truly a gift.




    That nothing could compare to neck kisses....





    That he knew how well he taught me that iggies were iggies, not little greyhounds.




    And that for the past 13 years, he knew he had me, and that I'd never let him go. Until I knew it was the right thing to do.




    My 4 galgos woke me at 3am this morning, rooing loudly. I have to believe it was when Bailey and Lexi were reunited, forever.


    I will never be the same.

  18. Ducky! I didn't know you majored in toiletology!


    But I must correct you: even using good old Scott 1-ply with 1000 sheets per roll (probably more like 300 these days), though you are correct that the tissue has increased permeability, and thus rip potential, this will not increase the likelihood of the TP mess being confined to the scene of the crime. Unless the roll is padlocked onto a roll holder, it's quite simple for Ekko to swipe it, cardboard roll and all, and run around the house, waving it over her head, and creating a living mummy out of her living mummy.


    Just wanted to clear that up. ;)


    This message in from the Psychic Pet Network:

    "A prediction that Ekko's dentist reports that she needs to floss more as he has found large quantities of what appears to be toilet paper between her teeth.

    He recommends that you switch to single-ply bath tissue because, as a general rule, multi-ply bath tissue can be pulled from a roll and not break the perforations until the Charmin thief has spun the roll through several rooms.

    Cheap single-ply tissue tears easily by the square, thus frustrating the thief into leaving the mess in the one location (bathroom).

    You must sacrifice of your rear end for Ekko's front end by replacing your current soft, lush bath tissue with the cheap stuff.

    The report also states that Ekko's dentist will leave her with sufficient front teeth to nibble the bath tissue lest she be toothless and then only be able to lick the roll."


    I love ya Ekko! :wub:

  19. Lots of healing thoughts, prayers and tinkles coming down from NH. (Please note: the tinkles are not from me)


    I'm sure she'll do just fine, especially because Heather referred you to an excellent vet. She'll be home very quickly, doing silly Ekko things. I'm sure Lenny will be OK. I'll bet it will be a short day for Ekko and she'll be hopping into bed with him before he knows it.


    Teo sends his fuzzy best wishes.

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