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Posts posted by kamsmom

  1. a_daerr - I have children and have had dogs since they were born. Multiple dogs and not just greyhounds. I also grew up with parents that owned an obedience facility. I think when you are talking about kids and dogs you should speak from experience. Do you have children? It's not desensitization, it's called respect.


    This is going way off topic now.

  2. Here is my .02 cents worth. Not every dog needs "desensitization training". Some dogs, and some people, just like their space. I can respect that. I believe the original poster did the right thing. I'm very sorry it happened and I hope that she can get to a place that maybe one day she can enjoy having a dog again.


    Inugrey is right. There is a home for Faye, it may take a bit but it is out there. Not every dog is right for every home.

  3. The Great Dane I baby sat last year had this. They sent him home and the next morning when the owner brought him to me his s rotund was the size of a large grapefruit and bleeding. I called the vet who said "it can wait". Finally talked the owner into taking him in and just waitin in the lobby until someone saw him. They took him back to surgery and charged her again.


    She was also using the Snyp coupon for the neuter.

  4. Actually, I'll offer something a little different. My husband ignores the dogs and it seems to make them *want* to get his attention :lol


    I am the main provider and I am who plays with the dogs. With one in particular I was constantly trying to get her to come to me or let me hug her or love on her. My husband ignored her and he is who she goes to <_< . It was over time and was not an immediate response but it was something I began to notice. So, maybe not try so much. Give him time to get used to everyone. You and he both will develop your own relationship.

  5. Does it still have stitches? If not I'd wash it gently with just water, pat dry and leave it alone. For a lot of wounds I just get them in the tub and slowly run water over the wound. No pressure and usually just use a cup and fill and pour over and over.

  6. Watch for patterns at the dog park. I do use the fenced in areas but I go at off peak times. I go very early in the morning or on the weekdays when no one is using it, or maybe there are only one or two other dogs. Find a friend that goes and that your dogs get along. You just have to be resourceful. I also have used baseball fields when they are off season. Just be sure to walk the perimeter first to check the fence and gates, I bring along bungee cords to tie the gates shut while I use them.


    Your new dog is going to be just fine if she is only leash walked. :) Maybe see if you have a friend with an enclosed back yard and see if you could "borrow" it for an hour each week to play.


    It will get easier and this stuff will all become second nature to you in no time. :)

  7. First, she is too new to be going to the dog park. Second, when you do go it needs to be one that separates the little dogs. I don't take mine to dog parks, I don't like that other owners don't have control of their dogs and I don't want to be the owner that doesn't have control.


    Lots of dogs like squeek toys, they may or may not have used squeek toys - most likely the trainers just had squeek toys around as most dogs do enjoy playing and the trainers enjoy playing as well. :)


    She may have prey drive and you may always have to watch for it but you won't know until you have had her for a while. In the mean time, get to know her, spend lots of time together and just go for long, leashed walks. If you have a fenced yard take a squeek toy outside and throw it around for her, she will love it.

  8. I adopted Autumn a little over two weeks ago, and so far, it's as if she came with manners to fit into my life very well. She's seven, and was a brood mama (16 pups in 3 litters). She's very settled and cooperative (probably so glad to leave that life and retire :D). She just seems happy to finally relax and enjoy our shared retirement.

    I can't think of any trick that's really important to me for her to do. She does "good pet" well enough for me, and doesn't seem bored at all.

    I've had other dogs; some loved learning tricks (and needed "jobs", especially an Australian Shepard mix, and a rat terrier). The other two didn't care to exert themselves any more than to learn house rules. Autumn seems to fall in that category.

    Would I be remiss in just enjoying her behaving the way she does and not demand more of her?



    My parents were AKC obedience judges and we grew up training and boarding dogs. None of my dogs are obedience trained :P... well, the lab does a few things just so that we can live in peace but for the most part my dogs are just dogs. I haven't done any formal obedience or tricks with any of them.

  9. Ya'll scare me. While I am very, very sad for Chevy I don't want a bunch of "vigilante justice" going around. :( I think the Halt spray or just a stick would do.


    About 10 years ago I was watching my now husbands lab. I took him out for a walk and he pulled and got away from me with his leash on. He ran to a guy that was walking a small doxie, the lab rushed in and to the other owner it did seem threatening. Imagine my shock as he pulled a gun out. Scared me to death. He stood there pointing it and shaking and yelling at me to get the dog. I was so scared and started to cry and no way did I want to reach down and grab the dog with him pointing a gun. I called the lab over to me and then quickly walked away. About 10 minutes later I had pounding knocking on my door and a man yelling. I sat in the kitchen on the floor and called 911. The guy left and I never saw him again.

  10. Do you even have a muzzle for Jackson? Not sure if a greyhound muzzle will fit an Airedale.


    I would crate. Doesn't matter that they haven't been, they can relearn. I haven't crated Carmen in 6 years and when we moved I had too and it was no big deal. Or gate them in opposite areas.


    Fighting with Ryan doesn't do any good, you are both trying to "defend" your own dog. I actually like his idea of taking Hackson to day care. It expends some energy and gives Fenway a chance to see if he can manage at least half a day with the dog walker. If you needed to, just gate Fenway in the kitchen or something and have the dog walker come twice for a few days to see how he does. You will never know until you try.

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