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Posts posted by gracegirl

  1. We have gotten the middle of the night barking under control. #hotmesstess We are leaving the dog door open at night only for her (Gabby the airedale sleeps in the bedroom with us and the service puppy in training is crated in the living room with Tess) 

    we are heading back for more X-rays today to see what this spot is all about. It will either have disappeared (yay, not cancer) or will have grown/multiplied (boo, cancer) 


    I’ll report back after our appointment today. I’m not wearing mascara, just in case. 

  2. Sorry for the delay. We did see something on the X-ray that might be a met but might also not be a met. Radiology said the same thing. We’ll have another set of X-rays in a month which will give us more information. Best case, it’s something that clears. Worst case, the cancer has spread. With only one spot showing in a spot that isn’t typical for lung meta, we are all trying not to speculate on what it is. 

  3. She’s got jim jams so hopefully she’s not cold. She’s not on any pain meds, maybe she needs some tho. I don’t think it’s a UTI but wouldn’t hurt to check. I’ll message the oncologist about a UTI and ask about pain meds. Thanks for the ideas. 

    I am also going to change up the order of her daily oral pills and supplements just to see if it makes a difference. 

  4. Has anyone had trouble with their hound sleeping through the night after a diagnosis? Now that Tessie is healed up from her amp and past chemo, her new thing is getting up at least once in the middle of the night. Even when we leave the dog door open for her. 

    Please give me all the advice, tips, tricks. We are tired. 

  5. Hi Skip. Welcome to the club no one wants to join. Tessie had the same limb amputated in July of last year. We did six rounds of carboplatin chemo after the amp and Tessie is still doing great. Everyone here can tell you that I was panicking after surgery and now I’m so glad we did it. I don’t have much to offer in terms of advice on the pain meds that hasn’t already been covered above. But keep coming back and asking questions, this community is priceless. 

  6. Time for another update. Tessie started on rapamycin about two months ago and will be starting on dasatinib this week. These were recommended by FidoCure, not through their targeted program where you provide a sample but rather through their research and literature on the dogs who’s tumors they have collected over the years. Long story short there wasn’t enough of the tumor saved in the correct way to complete their program for targeted chemo. I wanted to share here in case it helps you have conversations with your oncologist. 

  7. On 11/1/2022 at 10:14 AM, mjmcmurray said:

    We never get enough time with them. Since the photo I want to share is too large to attach, you can see my sweet boy at this Google Drive link. From his last trip to the park :heart

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know he was welcomed across the bridge by all of the wonderful hounds who have bravely gone before him. He’s a beautiful boy and I love the white tip of his tail. Rest well, Sherlock. 

  8. Chemo #5 is behind us, one more to go. We are scheduled for November 10th. She’s been doing great. Happy, eating, always ready for a walk. 

    Who here has done PT for a rear leg amp? Healthy Paws will cover it so I want to explore this. We have a great rehab place near us with all sorts of gadgets, including an indoor pool and underwater treadmills. No idea what to expect, but I want to keep her back and remaining limbs in the best shape possible. 

  9. Guys. This was a weird week. Got laid off on Tuesday. (I’m fine. Really.) Picky panda isn’t eating her new, very expensive kibble. Maybe she’s tired of lamb. But today was a really big day….two month post-op chest X-rays. CLEAR WITH NO SIGNS OF NODULES. I couldn’t be more thrilled. We did carbo #3 today and are running the Vidium Searchlight now to see if there are any options for targeted oral chemo. 

    Now if you could spare good thoughts for my liver, I’m going to celebrate. 

  10. 2 hours ago, greysmom said:

    The way our oncologist explained the "low carb food" issue was to say that if low carb was that helpful in curbing the spread of cancer then it would be universal in human medicine.  Since no studies or science exists to say it helps in the least, she said it wasn't necessary or helpful, since a dog needs carbs to get their full nutrition.  In recent developments, it would also be a shame to cause her a heart problem (nutritional DCM) from a grain free diet just as she's kicking cancer's butt.  ;) 


    The diet we are switching her to isn’t grain free, but low carb. Oncologist also doesn’t want to risk DCM. 

    There’s and interesting book called The China Study. I probably should take my diet a lot more seriously. A former colleague introduced me to it. She an ocular melanoma survivor who was given 12-18 months to live with a 5% chance of survival. She read this book, changed her diet, incorporated eastern medicine with western, and just celebrated 5 years of remission and she’s NED (no evidence of disease). She just celebrated her 40th, a milestone she truly never thought she’d see. 

  11. Has anyone changed to a lower carb food after diagnosis? We are in the process to changing Tessie to Halo Elevate Lamb. Curious what others have done. She’s getting CBD oil and turkey tail mushroom powder as well. 

    There’s another product called I’m-Yunity that’s supposed to be good, but I’m unsure if I should add anything else. The vet said I could go ahead and add, it was the one she recommended if I’d like. Healthy Paws hasn’t been very helpful in telling me if they cover certain items in the past, either. 

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