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Posts posted by grey8greys

  1. 2 cups twice a day is about what I'd feed an active male, a female would get closer to 1 1/2 cups 2x/day, but it's really difficult to give any prescribed amount since it depends on the food you're feeding, how many other treats and snacks she's getting and how active you both are. The best thing to do is look at how she looks (you should see tips of her hip bones and a faint outline of 2-3 ribs) and how her stool is.


    I would not feed Greenies btw. They can cause impactions and other less serious digestive issues. Bully sticks and Himalayan chews are my preferred options for giving the dogs something to chew on, with the added bonus that they last much longer.




    On that note, I would continue to watch your girl closely. I wouldn't rule out something being in her stomach that she needs to get out. I've seen several dogs eat large inappropriate items (a pair of gloves in one case, the top third of a large kong swallowed whole in another) that didn't make a reappearance until about 2 months post ingestion, with both dogs having periods of digestive upset on and off during that time.

  2. I have not tried Docsblend hair of the dog. I use Fresh Factors and Joint Health supplements from Springtimeinc.com and have had greyt results. I also use their Joint Health Capsules for people. I have been using these supplements for about 10 years.

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