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Posts posted by PattyE

  1. It helped me to look right away when my Jack died, too. When the time is right, you will find the hound that is right for you. I'm glad you are doing a little better. It takes time. I took it hour by hour in the beginning and then day by day. The crying time will become less often and not last as long. There will be setbacks from time to time. I think that is normal or at least that is how it was for me.

  2. Awwww.....he was definitely a handsome guy. I remember after Jack died that I never thought I would stop crying. That first week was terrible. I am not sure how many days I cried, but I noticed that my crying times grew shorter and then finally one day I realized that I didn't cry at all that day. However, the next day I did. LOL I made it one day and I knew I was making progress. It does get easier. I know right now it doesn't seem like it will, but it will. It's been a year for me and I still have days when I cry because I miss him so much. There will never be another Jack for me as there will never be another Homer for you. They were one of a kind. You are not alone. We all know all you feel. :bighug

  3. I am so sorry. I lost my boy a year ago and my heart still hurts for him. Your pain is definitely understood here. You are in my thoughts.


    Hi again -- Gosh, it's Monday morning. My husband is gone to work -- I got up to go out to the barn (my boy always has to go out) -- I leave my daughter sleeping in the house and feel so eery, scared -- no one is in the house to guard her. Homer was the best guard dog ever. I knew no one was there when he was on duty. I feel broken, sad beyond sad and vulnerable.... I just hope I can prop myself up well enough at work today..... God rest his soul.... Thanks for all the pics....


    When is it time to think about another hound? How could I ever do it??? How can I find one as completely gentle so my cats are safe??? I have a million and one questions....


    Thanks for posting the pics....they are so much comfort


    When to adopt again? That is up to you. Some people adopt immediately. My new boy arrived about 6 weeks after Jack died. The house was just too silent without a goofy boy running around in it and my female grey was as lonely as we were. My new boy, Joey, was not a replacement for Jack. No dog could ever fill Jack's shoes. Joey was there to help heal our broken hearts. He made us laugh and smile again.

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