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Posts posted by Sorcha

  1. I got the 403 message on my computer at work today while on lunch break, first time it's happened. I can't get to the main page to copy & paste the message into a support ticket as you instructed. I am using iPad to access Greytalk instead of my work computer.

  2. Thanks for clarifying, and I probably would have figured that out if I was not dealing with everything going on in my life at present (not just this).


    Harkan seems to be doing fine otherwise, eating / drinking / prancing around the yard. He can't help having pee accidents (dripping blood & urine) so I might have to get baby diapers or something to use on him temporarily (I don't have a belly band for him, he's never had accidents in the house). I am not sure how long it should take the medicine to start working, he gets his second dose when I get home from work today.

  3. ...Just curious, why do you say go to a different rather than ask the current vet?



    I did go to my regular vet (who is a one-man vet clinic), so not sure the question? It was very early in the morning and I would have taken him to an e-vet if it was so urgent and he had to be seen before my vet opened.

  4. The vet feels it's just a UTI based on his symptoms and the results of a urine sample, and is treating it as such. He felt him for stones and did not feel anything. He was given an injection of Durapen and a dose of Orbax (liquid) and sent home with the Orbax to take once daily for 14 days. While he was there, he had an epilis removed from his mouth.

  5. Thanks. I finally reached my vet. He is booked with emergencies this morning, and he said that while Harkan's symptoms are concerning it's not an emergency. He said it could be UTI or at the worst stones. He said he will be okay to wait a few hours so I am going to crate him and go to work for the morning, then return home and take him to the vet. He is otherwise fine.

  6. I woke up to find that my Italian greyhound is peeing blood. He soaked through the bed sheets and on the carpet is pee and blood drips. I took him outside and he peed with blood in it. I have to get my other dogs out, and then a separate trip out for a fellow greytalker's dog that I am watching. I tried calling me vet but I know he is not in the office yet. I will get him seen by a vet but in the meantime, just wondering if anyone knows what this could be?

  7. Just PM'd you.


    Thanks :)


    Is the liquid cold? When the vet gave Sunshine some she was shivering like she had flies on her skin cause it felt funny to her. It was colder than her body temp and her skin was stretching obviously. We just got it done as quick as possible for her.


    If you can get her to drink water do you need to IV? If you put a few cups of water mixed in with her food does she slurp it all up? Luckily my girls will. B)


    Yes, the liquid is cold.


    She is not a good water drinker. Unless I spike it with Lactaid milk, then she will give it a go. She needs the fluids. The day she was at the vet she received 600 ml and was like a new dog.


    ... My vet showed me to make a little tent like with the skin, pull some up like you would if you were testing for dehydration and then kind of push one end in making a little dent. Then put the needle in there. ...


    Yes, that's how my vet showed me.


    Sterile practices aside, a good reason to use a new needle each time is because the needles get duller each time you use them, even after one use. ...


    Use new tubing and a new needle. ...



    I always use a new needle each time. Vet said I could use the same line, I don't have another but was going to get a new one when I buy the next bag.


    Thanks again to everyone for your advice and support.

  8. Thanks everyone. I have no idea what type of needles they are. He just gave me some in a plastic baggie. There is resistance when putting it into her skin and I hate that. You can't just go out and buy needles somewhere without a RX can you? I am dreading asking him for a RX for the fluid because I know he expects I will continue to get them from him but I can't afford that especially knowing I can get them for less elsewhere. Can I just keep re-using the line, or should I buy a new one with each bag?

  9. Deep breath, relax!


    It's just a needle, and it won't hurt her. If you can be calm, it should be no big deal at all.


    Remember, you're doing it to make her (him?) feel better, and it WON'T HURT!




    You can do it!


    Breathing! Thanks. Maxie is an 18 year old female in kidney failure. Still otherwise happy, getting around, etc. so just keeping her as comfortable as possible.



    Microwave warming can be risky. I'd prefer filling up a sink full of hot water, and floating the bag. Be sure to drip some on yourself ... should be warm NOT hot. They have warmers in the ER for blankets, and we used to put the bags of fluid in them. They kept them at wonderfully warm temps. I would not use the microwave though. Again, good luck!


    That makes sense, thanks - I will give it a try next time. It's okay to warm up the whole bag, only use 150 - 200 ml, put it aside, them warm up again next time and etc.?

  11. Hey ... subq veteran here. I'm thinking you are giving subcutaneous fluids, not an IV. Ignore this if I'm wrong.

    I am 90pct sure the doggie is picking up on your anxiety. You are stressed to be doing this new thing. Relax :) It's ok, you won't screw up and kill the dog, you're doing him a favor. Thank you for doing this for him.

    If the fluid stopped moving, likely the needle needed to be adjusted a bit or there was a kink in the line. Don't worry about moving things around while the needle's in.

    Are you really only giving 1mL? We were giving our cat 100ml...

    Tips: warm up the fluid before giving it, not too hot. it won't be such a surprise going in then.

    Giving treats or yummy food at the same time is a nice distraction. After a while it'll be second nature to both of you.


    Sub-Q yes, in an IV bag thing. It's Normosol-R.


    Sorry, meant to say I only got 100 ml in. Should have been 150 - 200 ml. (My brain was thinking the numbers on the bag, 1 = 100 ml, etc.) I did try moving the line, and adjusting the needle without removing it but still could not get anymore fluid to go in.


    How can I warm it up? I can't imagine it can go in the microwave?




    At $22 a bag through the vet I don't want to mess this up! Yes, I know, I need to look into getting the vet to write me a RX to get them for less from the pharmacy.

  12. My vet instructed me on how to administer IV fluids using a veterinary clinic cat (who was a star "patient"). Totally different scenario when I gave it a go at home on the actual patient, Maxie the Llewellyn setter. First time I tried was a complete failure, Maxie was freaked out from the moment the needle went into her skin, she started trembling in fear and that made me upset so I stopped before barely a dozen drips made it in. I mixed up a bowl on Ensure instead and she drank it up. I called the vet and talked through it but waited 24 hours before trying again. Attempt #2 I bribed her with pieces of dog biscuit. She flinched when the needle went in, but was too busy munching on biscuits to really care so no trembling. The biscuits ran out and she starts getting upset. Soothing words are of no comfort, and I can't leave her to go get more biscuits. At the same time I noticed the IV stopped dripping, after 100 ml of fluid. She's supposed to get 1.5 to 2 (edited to add: meaning 150 - 200 ml). She was getting upset at this point so I stopped it.


    Why did it stop dripping fluid out? What am I doing wrong?

  13. Harkan's belly button (umbilicus) is blue. I first noticed it had turned blue when I took him to the animal hospital a few weeks ago for what was diagnosed as pancreatitis. I pointed it out to the vet at that time (not my regular vet) and she was not concerned about it, but had no explanation. It's still blue, a month later. What is causing it and should I be concerned?







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