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Posts posted by Gryffenne

  1. Dude!


    He ate the ground kibble last night for dinner and this morning for breakfast and his poop already looks like, well, poop.


    Three cheers for the collective braintrust of Greytalk!



    I know this may be late, but hopefully can file it away for "next time". When I first adopted Sammi, she was the Queen of the soft serve. A fellow Greytalker gave me this advice: Newspaper or magazine pages! Take a square of old mag or newsprint with you for the poop walk. When your dog assumes the position, slip the piece of paper under them. Then all you have to do is pick it up by the 4 corners and drop it into the bag! I still will do that to this day, especially for the yearly vet samples ;)

  2. Bring a squirt gun along on your walk & try it.

    On the squirrel or the grey? :ph34r



    I used to have a time with Sammi when I first adopted her. A friend that I walked with (who is a Caesar devout) always used to quio that he'd hate me because Sammi walks in front of me (Hip to hip, not shoulder to hip or behind) I did that because I wanted to have her ears/head in my view at all times. She would spot, ears went up, drool and be in her zone then try to lunge if I didnt stop her. If I got her before the drool, all it took was "Up here" for her to break her trance and look at me instead. Okay.... at first it took about 5 "Up here's" and an awesome treat :lol If I didnt get her attention before the trance stage, I would have to cover her eyes with my hand (since she had the audacity to just look around me if I stepped in front of her <_<)


    Fast forward to almost 5 yrs later and she ignores most critters on walks. In fact, my best friend noticed that her habit is to look at the critter, then look at me, then back to walking. Almost like she is breaking her own gaze herself. But her drive has mellowed greatly! I don't trust her, but I have to say that I am impressed :wub: I have pictures of her with a friend's cat walking under her and even sitting next to her :mellow:

  3. If you're traveling in the "off season", don't rule out the upper end hotels. One of the cheapest AND most enjoyable hotel stays we've done was at a hotel that was the top end of the spectrum.


    First off, they allowed greys :D


    Also, their rates were almost comparable to what Holiday Inn & Days Inn would charge for the same type of room. (Which was more than half of what they usually would be!)+ a nominal pet fee.


    They even had a "pet package" that included: water & food dish, doggie bed and a treat on the doggie bed waiting for Sammi! There was also a coupon for a special "spa" package discount/price for Sammi at the local pet groomers, so that was where she went the day DS and I did the non-doggie stuff. (How cool is that?! I swear, if I ever open a groomer/sitter/walker business, I am going to try to work with local hotels like that.)


    Their rooms that were designated for pet stays was in the smoking section, but I find many hotels that allow pets put them in the smoking rooms. If you're a smoker, that's okay. If you're not... might want to bring the Febreeze :) ) Our room had a balcony as well (10th floor) that Sammi loved peeking out and looking around from. :lol: the gentleman that was one floor down, one room over almost fell off his balcony when he looked up and saw Sammi watching him.


    There were a few other dogs on our floor as well during the stay. One night we had a lively game of fetch going on in the hall w/ the big dogs and kids :)


    I will say this... no matter where you stay, if you have to use an elevator and your dog has never experienced one before, get the cameraphone recording before you push the floor button! :rotfl I really wish I could have gotten Sammi's reaction on film the first time we went up. All 4 legs straight out like a giraffe wearing roller-skates and a :eek look on her face. After a few times tho, she was a pro and actually enjoyed the runs :)

  4. Sammi, if given anything pork, becomes a weapon of biological warfare. :ph34r


    She doesn't just peel the paint. It vaporizes... along with your eyeballs and the little hairs inside your nasal passages.


    So... she doesn't even get pizza crust if there is a sliver of pepperoni on it. My dad learned, painfully, that pepperoni has pork in it. She woke him out of a dead sleep with her gas attack :eek

  5. Sammi ends up sleeping in my bed, somehow touching me (either tail draped over my ankle, using my leg or back as a headrest, curled in a ball between my knees, or stretched out against me... but always touching somehow. and if I move, breaking contact, she will readjust :wub:) If I were to try to shut her out of my room, she would whine the house down. She has a hard time understanding that I don't need her to guard me in the shower :blink:


    She starts the bedtime out by sulking when I tell her to scoot over. So she stalks off the bed to pout, first by the door. Then she moves to her dog bed next to the bed. Then she hops over me to sleep on my bed next to the wall in one of the described areas, or the ball between my knees if I am already stretching out in the "sprawled out runner" position (stomach sleeper lol). Honestly? I can't comfortably fall asleep unless she's up on the bed :ph34r but that's our secret


    I love the Ellen show, and I think my fave interview was Sandra Bullock. I laughed SO hard when they started talking about pets at night because as someone that has always let pets sleep on my bed, I found it all true! :lol


    Found it on youtube if anyone wants to check it out :) It's pt 2 of the interview. They start discussing pets around the 3min5sec mark.


  6. Suprisingly.. no napalm gas from whatever pork & fat were left on the bones :lol


    And rabbit-like poops this morning.


    *walk a bit... poop a couple nuggets.... walk a bit... couple more... walk a bit.. oh! there's one more!*


    I decided that I would switch her RMB meal to evening, since it appears she doesn't need anymore bone in her diet atm.

  7. Thank you for the quick replies I fed her a couple slices of bread. So far,no tummy soreness... tho she's starting to give me weird looks for constantly checking her stomach.


    i was severely worried about sharpness because of how the shards I gathered up from the crimescene felt rough in my hand. But I guess what went down was soft enough to not cause her throat issues.


    Keeping fingers crossed

  8. Help!


    Sammi got into the trash sometime this evening and gnawed down quite a few cooked baby-back rib bones! Is there anything I can do to help make sure that these come out of her safely??? I am in tears here and my dad is kicking himself for leaving the ribs in the trash and not taking it outside.

  9. Stella lives for the sofa...the day she arrived she jumped on it and has never looked back.

    Dude got on the furniture the first hour he was in the house


    :lol I can beat both of you...


    Sammi~ Time from the Door to the first time on my couch.....















    ....15 minutes into the Home Check


  10. eww.


    I am sure she enjoyed every bite! lol

    I'm sure she did... so much in fact, that she went after the second one that was sitting on my dresser!!! i was on the phone w/ DS's friend's mom telling her he got to the party safely and that his starfish stayed here so it wouldn't get broken at the pool. She came trotting past me w/ it in her mouth. :eek DS yelled, I screamed "DROP IT" and dove for her. :( A leg got broken, but it was a clean break. (The starfish's leg, not Rosa's LOL) She tried relieving my guilt by saying they had a ton of different glues at her house to fix the starfish.


    DS is pissed, I feel wretched because I just wanted to keep it safe. His friend was so worried it would get broken or taken at the pool and what happens? Rosa breaks it here :(

  11. I think one of the girls ate a small dried starfish :blink:



    My son missed his best friend's bday party because he went to Myrtle Beach with his father. He brought home 2 starfish, a sand dollar and a ton of shells. 1 starfish was my gift from him, the other starfish and the little sand dollar was his gift for his friend. He had his friend stay over last night. I saw him give him the 2 items, and then I put them in a plastic bag for him. Late that evening, after hours of boys being boys in the living room, I spotted the baggie empty. The paper info card the sand dollar was on had marks in it and the starfish is GONE. They were playing stick ball w/ a lightsaber and one of Sammi's stuffie balls :rolleyes: and I first thought they might have knocked the baggie off the endtable. But after the 3 of us cleaning the living room up this morning, we can't even find pieces of it... not even dust :(


    i am suspecting Rosa. <_< she likes to find things on our walks and guessing this would be right on the menu next to that steak bone she tried carrying home.


    Neither dog is acting weird or sick... except for the fact the shy one (Sammi) was the one hanging out w/ the boys and the social butterfly (Rosa) was hanging out w/ me last night :lol


    Should I be worried? What exactly are these made of? IF it was eaten, would a small one be safe?

  12. I walk my 2 at least twice a day, every day, regardless of the weather
    Here in northern MI right by the lake, there are some winter days where it is flat out not safe to be outside more than a few minutes. Unless you want to line the muzzle with Thinsulate, get ski goggles on the dog, cover every inch of thin fur/bald spots securely (this includes bellies, thighs... well all 4 legs from toe to shoulder/hip) because the windchill is so frigid that it is not safe to breathe unprotected very long, you need to protect your eyes and nose, and frostbite can set in rather quick.


    So unfortunately for safety/comfort reasons, there are a handful of days in the winter that there are zero walks. Just bundle up, go potty and get back in.


    Other than that, 2 walks a day minimum. I love spring and summer, when it's warm, first thing in the morning before everyone wakes up :) So quiet and serene.

  13. What you're describing is a benign little thing that occurs every once in a while and is certainly treateable at home. What your dog's got is what we call a "hotspot". Not entirely sure what the cause of them are, and I even spoke to our track vet about them. She ran off a litany of possiblities as to their cause and I basically asked her, "Soooooooo, you don't really have a clear idea as to their cause, right?" to which she replied... "Well, no, not exactly."


    What we do is remove all the funk... don't worry, this doesn't bother the dog in the least (I know, I've had to do this a lot... well, not a lot, but, enough to know)... pick at the affected area, remove all hair, skin that'll come up easily. Pick around the edges to make sure that you're getting ALL of the infection. Take a damp cloth and wipe clean the area. Once you've done that, clean the spot with some hydrogen peroxide and let it air dry. No need to pat it dry (although it won't hurt) as we want the H2O2 to do as much good as it can in disinfecting the area. Once the spot has dried, apply some triple antibiotic to it. You can use, bacetracin, neosporin or you can use what we use... bag balm. It's my firm belief God created bag balm to help greyhounds with their skin; it's absolutely the best stuff for keeping things clean and healing nicks and cuts.


    Apply the triple liberally and keep doing it till you start to see some noticable healing occurring. Within a month or so, I'd say the hair should be growing back. So much so, that you'd never know your dog had a hot spot,


    Good luck :)

    Bag Balm is AWESOME!! I've had it in my house ever since my son's first diaper rash. Not even Desitin could clear up a baby's bottom like that wonderful balm could. Dry skin, nicks, scrapes, rashes, etc... it is a miracle in a tin :colgate

  14. Sammi gets mega Big D from Salmon Oil.


    I use olive oil. Sometimes I'll give her an egg, or some peanut butter in place of it for variety. She has satin smooth fur and very little dry skin (usually only in the severest of wintertime does the dry skin flakies appear, and the whole household is dry/itchy as well :lol )

  15. From what I know, she was diagnosed by a vet and has to go back in 30 days to be rechecked (bloodwork) to make sure the meds are the correct ones.


    She shivers almost instantly outside, and the past few days have been sub-zero here in Northern Michigan. :( Potty breaks have been difficult for her.


    Very calm, quiet.. except when the zoomies hit the other grey in the house and then she joins in for a bit before crashing again.

  16. Does a grey that has bald spots (other than the butt & belly) feel "unusually" warm on those bald spots vs the spots with hair covering?


    I had a little girl grey rest her head on my leg and I was amaze at how warm my leg instantly felt! (Her throat is almost bare) and when I petted her head (sparse) and by her ears (bald behind them) again I was feeling heat from her. I started touching her in various spots and comparing to Sammi who I know is perfectly relaxed and healthy.


    Both bald bellies felt cool to the touch, and her thighs also matched Sammi.


    Where there is "normal" hair covering, she felt perfectly normal. Her nose is normal. Pads of feet are normal.


    These hot spots worry me tho :( Is it normal for baldness in teh head/ears/throat area to radiate more heat than the rest of the body?


    other notes:

    She recently was diagnosed with a thyroid problem and is a week into medication for it. From her thyroid issues prior to diagnosis, she has had a lot of hair and weight loss.

    She recently had a living arrangement upheaval, so she is :fart and has soft stools (that REEK, btw :sick ) She's getting the yogurt & pumpkin treatment atm. As soon as things settle her foster mom -who is remaining nameless atm- will start in on her weight and dry skin issues. If the soft serve turns to Big D, she'll fast and go bland, but so far the poo is holding some shape, but very soft and very stinky.

  17. :sick Sammi gets 3 yr rabies vacc's, so this is the first one I've had to take her in for since her last one was right before I adopted her. Last night and this morning... WOW :fart is there pork byproduct in that vaccination? Because up until about 5 minutes ago, that's the only time I have smelled this from her. I noticed her morning poop was a little mushy at the very end as well. No change in diet, no added treats she otherwise had never gotten before. She got one of those "chew for hours! -unless you're Sammi, then it's 30 min tops" bones that she has had before (brand/flavor) when she got home from the vet's yesterday.


    Only 2 things different in the house....

    ~ the fact she had her vacc's yesterday (I don't remember the gas inthe past 2 years from her yearlies, tho)

    ~and my son has Flu-B :(


    editted to get the "cool" emote out and the flu type showing


    ETA~ Just called the vet to double check, he says No, the Flu-B cannot be transmitted from human to canine. (After I had typed it, I had wondered if maybe she was getting sick)

  18. Hi Tony :)

    First of all :grouphug to you and the RBMan. I can only imagine the journey you 2 are having fresh off the track. When Sammi came to me in 2006, she was already in foster care for a few months, but it was still an adjustment period going from a home with multiple dogs to being the reigning princess and only dog. I was going back through old emails and some old posts from when i first brought Sammi home and then in the months following and wow.... i started laughing at myself in some of them, and others I am jsut amazed at how much she changed and came into herself while here.


    The first month I was convinced that they gave me the wrong dog. :lol Serial Stuffy Killer? She didn't even look at her bin of goodies! Then one day I heard a *squeak* from the other room. She stopped playing when I came in the room :( Then a bit later.... I was allowed to be in the room, but not look at her playing. Then a bit later.... I could watch, but not interact. NOW.... she plays fetch in the house w/ my son and I, she will shake the stuffy fast-toss in the air-bounce off the ceiling-catch it mid air and slam it into a play bow, she will bounce a stuffy off the back of my head while I am on the computer <_<, and yes.. most lose their squeaker :lol. She hordes them on the bed, hides them under my pillows (her fave to do this with is the dreaded screaming monkey) and tries to ninja my son's stuffed animals.


    Roaching? Oh my... I was so fascinated by this concept. I would look at photos others would post and wish mine would roach. Now... I get a foot in the back, I've woken to a dew claw almost up my nose, and I can giggle at her failed roach attempts when she's in a goofy mood. Cuddle bug? I was SO envious of others. While Sammi loved my bed, the couch, etc... she didnt really cuddle with me. Now tho... I've woken up gasping for air because of the 78 pound blanket sprawled on me. I've forgotten what it feels like to have the couch to myself. I can stretch on the floor and w/in 15 minutes she will be stretched next to me. At night, unless my son is ill (she plays nursemaid then) she will be on my bed, touching me somehow in her sleep.


    I'm not telling you these stories to make you worry or feel bad yours doesn't. I'm pointing out that it takes time. I went from a shy girl that I thought, while fascinated with me, was very reserved... to a total companion and lovebug (with nutbar tendencies :lol) She's still shy in new situations, but she trusts me and looks to me for direction. I was the one that posted about our forever D when she first came home. Like others, and you, I doubted my choice many times of adopting her. She's not perfect, she never will be; but who of us IS perfect?


    For the sleeping all the time... yes, they DO sleep a LOT. I call Sammi my 78 pound cat. But... they aren't always sleeping. ;) RBMan could be just removing himself from the activity and listening, learning, processing all this information. He can observe without being observed. My room was Sammi's "safe haven" when she first arrived. because of my job (worked til 4am) I have heavy thermal drapes in my room, it's always darker and quieter in there. TV, radio, traffic, your computer, etc... all can be overwhelming if they aren't used to it. He may sense your room as a haven, since you sleep in there, and knows it's your "kennel" so to speak. If your computer is in there, you may be surprised to discover you are being silently observed, or when he's in the same room with you. You may think he's sleeping away the day, but he could be awake and stealth watching you when you aren't watching him. his old schedule is gone. He has a new one now. He doesn't know when food time, walk time, nap time, or play time is, yet. He's learning tho.


    Right now, he's feeling overwhelmed, icky tummy, out of sorts and maybe a little depressed. In time, you'll have that helicopter tail and bouncing grey when you even get NEAR his leash. You'll have zoomies in the house. You'll have that loving greeting only a dog can give you when you come home. You'll also lose feeling in your legs and forget what the whole couch to yourself feels like :lol You aren't expected to instantly love him, or even love him the same way you loved your heart dog. But you'll see the love that is his and the love back he gives you.


    As others have suggested, I would get to the vet as soon as you can. Even if he's A-OK, it's a good baseline to work off of for future vet visits. I think our group required you take your grey to the vet within the first few weeks so that you 1~ caught anything amiss and 2~ Had the initial wellness check so that if something was ever "off" they had a basis of comparison.


    Good luck, take a deep breath and welcome to the family :) We're here if you need us.



  19. subsequent licks don't taste as bad. (Really--don't ask.)

    Guessing it's prolly along the lines of how I can confirm how Bitter Apple tastes? ;):lol


    Don't you hate it when spray bottles leak on your hands? :blink:

    :lol yup

    I've sadly... itched my eye, not thinking about the fact I was just spraying that stuff.

  20. 1) Food~ I wish the woman at the track would have told you what he was eating there. To make yo switch a dog that fast seems a little strange. Try calling them back and asking exactly what he was being fed so you can get that as well and transition him slowly to the new food. Even a drastic chang ein drinking water can cause diarrhea. Going from well water or hard water to ultra treated, soft, etc... Sammi had the big D for a long time when I first got her. She was on the same food as she had at her foster home. Nothing i could do, not Imodium, not pumpkin, not bland... nothing was killing that soft serve. My mother finally pointed out that I am sensitive to water when traveling, maybe that's her problem. Hence why I either avoid tap water or drink only bottled water on trips. I thought, "What the heck, might as well try it" and I went and bought one of those 3 gal. bottled waters from the store. After a day... I saw it was firming up! So for 2 weeks she was on straight bottled water (spoiled much? :lol) and I slowly started transitioning her to the water here. Worked like a charm. Whether it was nerves/stress or the water, I'll never know for sure. (But I do give her bottled water in hotels or on trips to be on the safe side. She had the big D the first night of a 4 day vacation in a hotel and I immediately started her back on bottled w/ me :lol)


    I also agree with Jennifer about cutting out the canned for now. it's pretty rich.


    2) Vitamins~ As long as they aren't expired, those should be fine. I personally don't use fish oil with Sammi (causes the big D) but instead use olive oil, PB or an egg once a day. Her coat is like satin and only in the very middle of winter is her skin flaky... then again, so is mine at that same time.


    3) The Big D~ Have you been told to try canned pumpkin yet? (NOT the "mix", has to be plain canned pumpkin) A scoop of that can firm things up sometimes. Imodium can also help. Besides the new food, it's also a new home with new people. Nerves/Stress could also be causing the diarrhea. A tip tho, to help with picking it up that I was told about here on GT when I first brought Sammi home.... take a piece of old newspaper or a page from a magazine with you when it's time for the poop walk. Soon as he goes to squat, put it under him on the ground. When he's done, pick it up by the 4 corners and bag it :) Easy clean up! (Also great for when you need to take a stool sample to the vet ;) )


    4) Alone time~ Sounds like you are doing a great job so far. Guess he doesn't like classical. If the TV works, go with it :) The big D can't be helped, really. it's good that as soon as you got home, he wanted to go out and do #1 & #2, but when you got to work Tuesday, if it's still soft serving, be prepared for a possible accident. Can only hold that pain in for so long :( When Sammi was still having her big D episodes, i remember a time where she came intot he bathroom crying at me while I was in the shower. I hurried as fast as i could to get the shampoo outta my hair, dive into a robe and to the door. As I was slipping my sandals on, I heard THE most pitiful cry from her and turned as she had an accident. She had tried to tell me, I tried to hurry, she held as long as she could... but accidents happen.


    5) Beds~ Yeah, Sammi prefers to sleep on my bed as well. Maybe use it in the living room for a place to relax? or your office, kitchen, etc...? I ended up a while ago taking Sammi's bed to my parent's house. We visit there a lot and my dad doesn't want her up on the leather sofas. Don't know your family dynamics, if this is something you could do later on if the bed truly goes unused in your home. Otherwise, got a nice bed for traveling :)


    Good luck! and welcome tot he Greyhound Cult :)

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