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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. We are glad Sherrie is home!  But OMD, what a nightmare.  You are amazing to deal with all of that and still seem relatively unfazed.  I guess you are just so happy to be home, and I don't blame you.

    And I'm glad that Elizabeth and Chris are more stable as far as meds go. 

    Aw, Lucy, that is upsetting that the weeping cherry tree seems to be dying.  It would be very sad if it did.

    Ha, ha, snoring Atomic!  :heart

    Wiki, congrats on the steak!  Kiva and Angie have been getting some too.  Doug is on a kick where he only wants to eat steak or chicken drumsticks. :rolleyes:

    I'm not even having an anxiety attack today. :)  I'm really glad I bought my rings.  Doug always tells me that if I want something, I should get it.  He says I always regret not purchasing something I like, and he's right.  I haven't posted any pictures yet.  For some reason, it takes a looooong time to post to FB from my phone.

    I got an automated call this morning about the referral being sent to the neurosurgeon, and to call for an appointment.  I thought the office had been left that info yesterday, so I called the appointment center, and she confirmed that.  She said it had been prioritized, but the office was probably busy on a Monday, so if I didn't hear from them today, to call tomorrow.  I didn't, so I will.  And now I'm worried because it supposedly "was prioritized."

  2. I had such a beautiful day!  The Arts Festival is here, and I went on Tuesday, but they didn't have as many artist booths.  I wanted a ring for my little finger, and a ring for my middle finger.  Most of my rings are too small for me now.  :(  I didn't find any on Tuesday (I did buy a really cool sugar skull picture), so I just wanted to go back today, the last day.  I'm so glad I did.  I love going by myself so I can just putz around, and look at things as long as I want.  They had a lot more booths, and the weather was spectacular.  I found some rings!  And spent some money.  I usually have an anxiety attack if I spend about $100, but I'm only having a mini attack.  :lol  I know I would have regretted not buying them, so I did.  And I'm happy.  I took some pictures too, which I'll put on Facebook.

    I figured I just need to buy what I like, and my July and the first part of August are going to be very profitable.  I am almost totally booked!  I had to turn down Jeff and Ferrante, two of my favorite clients (the late Milo's Dads).  I would have started there the day after we came home from Grapehounds, and ended the day before I start 2 weeks with the Westies.  And before that, I'm at Toni's (where I just left) till the day before we leave for Grapehounds.  And across the street over July 4th.  Whew!

    I'm glad to be home for a while---except for Mary's on Tuesday.  But I love Toni's Tucker and Simba.  Angie is about the same, except she seems more confused at times.  The other day, she struggled getting up, flailed around a bit, seemed out of it, and bit Doug's finger as a reflex when he tried to help. :weep  It is breaking our hearts to see our old girl failing like this.  We just don't know how long it will be before she is too compromised.  Right now, she seems happy, and is eating.  We hold our breath when she does the steps.  Doug tried leashing her today.  She said NO WAY.

    Zorro, your picture with your Mom is soooo beautiful of you both!  We are sorry you got intimidated.  I've heard those Canada geese can be scary!

    Hope Sherrie is home by now!

    Oh, Nate, your Mom is really pushing the limits!  But....I would consider that myownself.  The girls will NOT tolerate us trimming their nails.  We'll have to go to the vets, and do it at Grapehounds.  Looks like lots of you hounds don't like your nails trimmed!  Ha, ha, Zorro, I wish Angie and Kiva would go into a stupor.  :nod

    Nancy, you deserve 3 days off!

    Watched a really good movie on Netflix tonight.  Hit Man.  It's actually funny at times, very clever, and I love the lead actor.  And it's set in New Orleans.  :heart

  3. Thanks for the good thoughts.  I'm trying to remain positive.  I called the central appointment number yesterday, and they wanted to contact the neurosurgeon's office directly.  But they were closed.  So the office is going to (hopefully) call me on Monday to schedule an appointment.  AGH is the only place this doctor is, which is great, because the hospital is only a couple miles away.  I'd really like to get an appointment as soon as possible.  Ducky, if the tumor grows, generally the cure is surgery first.  Then radiation.  That's what they did with Doug.  It seems to me like the radiation should be first, but what do I know?  It was pretty easy for him too, and I wouldn't be too afraid of doing it.

    Safe travels, Cindy!

    YAY for Sherrie coming home!  It's been such a long haul, and it would be so great to be home again with Tiller.

    Forgot to say happy Gotcha Day to Flizzie!  A Subway sounds awesome.

    Well, of course you should have gotten pizza bones, Wiki!

    Wow, if I had seen an eagle, I would have bee awestruck---how cool.

  4. I got the results of my MRI this morning.  I'm trying not to freak out.  The PA, Beth, who ordered the MRI, messaged me on MyChart.  Here is the message:

    Your MRI of the brain showed evidence of a meningioma.  A meningioma is a tumor which develops in the membrane around the brain.  These are most often noncancerous.  These are often asymptomatic, however, should symptoms develop, I would like to make sure you are followed by Neurosurgery.  I will place a referral to Dr Alex Yu at AGH who follows these tumors.

    So, I guess there is not an immediate danger from a large tumor, but being monitored to see if it grows, or if I develop symptoms, does make me nervous. These tumors, even if benign, can grow, either quickly or slowly. The treatment would be surgery, possibly followed by radiation. I'll call to make an appointment with Dr. Yu, since it always takes too long to get seen by anyone.  I do have an appointment with my PCP next Friday, which is a general follow-up for my shoulder pain (which is not bad).  She's good about going over everything, and I'm sure she would recommend the same.

    There was also reference to "chronic microangiopathic ischemic changes", which I want to talk to someone about as well.  I'm so afraid of a stroke and Alzheimers, which is what my mother had. 

    Sorry for all this technical stuff, but I just needed to put it out there.  Of course, Doug says not to get too upset now, which is realistic advice, so I'm trying to follow that.

    Anyway.....I forgot to say how beautiful Wiki's picture with her alligator is!

    Glad your hand isn't burning as much, Elizabeth.

    Thinking of you, Cindy, and wondering how you are doing today.

    Hoping Kerry is feeling better.

  5. 9 hours ago, dante2zoe said:

    I did say to David and Angus right before he crossed that I know Zeke needs him as Zeke was pretty unsure in new situations.  I just wish that Zeke realized that I needed Angus more.


    Oh, Cindy.....this broke my heart.  Your pain and sadness are palpable.  I just wish there was something we could do to help you through this saddest of times.  I do think that your connection to both of your boys was very strong, and they will have a paw in sending you someone to help your heart heal.


  6. Oh, no!  Oh, Cindy, I can't believe you had to say goodbye to your beautiful, sweet boy.  I am sorry beyond words.  I can understand why you feel that it is just too much, and wonder why.  I wonder too.  It just doesn't seem fair.  You know we are all sharing your sadness.  He was such a lovely presence and such a unique voice, and we will miss him immeasurably.  I can't imagine how empty your home will feel. 

    Sherrie, thanks for checking in.  This has been such a terrible time for you, and your strength is amazing.  You are always in our thoughts, with hopes of a complete recovery, which you so deserve.

    Those are great pictures, Ducky.  I am in love with Flashy.

    We are hot and humid here, and we have no whole house AC.  I'm kind of glad that I will be spending the next 3 nights in a cool house with some sweet dogs.

  7. Mary had to put her Sly to sleep this morning.  I am beyond sad.  He'd been in kidney failure for months, and was getting fluids 3 times a week.  And he'd started acupuncture a couple weeks ago, and seemed to be doing well.  But he was weak in the hind end, and had started limping.  It was that damned osteo.  :weep  I'd really gotten to know him and love him so much since September, when I'd spend the nights there.  He was a force of nature, and he fought so hard.  I know Mary is devastated, but Sly was a real Daddy's boy, and I hope he and Rick are together. 

    Ducky, could you add Sly to the June Bridge Angels?


    • Sad 3
  8. We are soooo beehind!  Yestiddy wuz annudder beeeeyoutiful day.  Mom wuz so glad to hab 2 daze when she dint hab to go innyware an see innybuddy.  So we went to owr faborit brooery, cept it had moobed!  Si, the liddle one that we went to, bilt a gorjus noo spase just a block away.  It is 2 stories, an much bigger inside, wiff big tabels, an kewl miss-matched chares.  An an owtside spase wiff grass an mulch.  An it is BERY dog frendly.  Sum dogs bark bark barked at us, but odders sed Hi nise an frendly.  It wuz a pritty nise liddle owting.

    Today, Mom had her long awaited MRI.  It wuz differnt then inny she haz had.  They put her hed in sumfin to keep it still, an gabe her ear plugs, cawse OMD there were sum   LOWD noyses!  But she did fine, so I gess we will see if sumfin is rong wiff her brane.  Prolly knot.  And they will say, Good noos, Missus Hanson, an Mom will say, like allays, Then WHOT is rong wiff me??? :dunno  Well, mebbe it will tell us sumfin.

    There is the 3 Ribbers Art Festibel heer again.  Mom likes to go ebery yeer, an see eberyfing, eben tho she duznt usooly buy innyfing.  She may go tomorra or Wensday, afore she haz to go sit wiff Tucker an Simba.

    Mom finniched that It Ends Wiff Us book, an si, her reedin innyfing else by that arther ends wiff that book!  :lol

    Oooh, si, Miss Jerilyn, a LOT ob sex in that moobie!  An pritty graffick, si?  But Mom did like the seenery an sinema stuff an speshul effecks too.  An Miss Emma Stone.

    Zavvi, you are a troo bandito!  Ja, ja, you win alla the pee kontests!

    We like most ob those dresses, Miss Patsy.  Speshully the furst an last.

    Yay, eberybuddy had a grate thyme at Mowntin Hounds.  We knew Flashy wood be ahhsum---she is a sooper dog, Miss Ducky.  An bery smart.  :nod  You did a good tawk, an saw BARES! 

    Miss Kerry did post sum beeeeeyoutiful pics ob her an Lupin on Instantgram, so I fink they are habbin sum fun wile plusalso bein reel bizzy.

    We will be sendin good thots to the baby horsie.

    Ja, ja, sownds like yer dribe to eggsersize wuz bery innerestin, Miss Lucy!  Nate, we loooove that pic ob you an yer bare.  :heart

    Angus, we shure hope you feel bedder.  Tummers trubbel is knot fun.  Let us know whot the doc sez.  Well, fanks fer the info, buddy.  I see it wuz a ruff thyme fer you.  But I gess a shot is bedder then habbin stuff shubbed down yer froat.  An we will still send you good thots.

    Miss Elizabeth, we had a bocks ob "bones fer dogs" wiff wurms like that too.  Ewwww.

    An Flizzie, we hope you feel bedder too.  You do?  Bueno!

    Miss Nancy had a good day!  Kayack an chips!

    Oh, Charlie, yer Mom is rite---you an Zorro del Galgo look sooooper kewt!  Sooooper!  I will be dreemin ob that pic ob mi amor when I klose my eyes tonite.  Rest up, an soon you will hab a noo howse!  :yay

    Angie, who is feelin sum bedder, but I did fall onna steps yestiddy.  I just get up an try again, an Moms hart fills wiff LOVE.  :beatheart




  9. Annudder beeeeyoutiful day inna Berg.  I dont fink we are doin innyfing, cept mebbe a short walk.  I do still like to walk, but Mom cant take me fer too long, or let me hab fun runnin a lot inna yard afferwerds, or I cant make it up the steps.  :blush

    Mom got sum tecksts frum klients, an now her July an most ob August are all booked up!  Si,  eberyfing cept a cupple daze, between a bunch ob lib-ins, an then owr week at Grapehounds.  She is knot shure if she totilly likes bein so bizzy, but she is makin good biskie munny, an she figgers she shood do it wile she can, an wile Dad can wach us wile she is gone.  Dad sez it is okay, cawse she duz come home fer a wile ebery day, an he knows how to take care ob us.  I just like to keep him on his toes by runnin back an forf, an gettin him up ebery cupple howers to see if I hab pooped or knot. :lol

    Lookit all those pritty horsies!  Hab a wunnerful thyme at the weddin, Miss Nancy.

    Andi, glad that kleenin went well.  You an yer sisser are brabe.  An you look kewt.  We dont like that ebil suckin masheen ob deff!

    Miss Elizabeth, Mom sed she wishes you libbed kloser to us---you shure are an ahhsum baker!

    Yikes, Miss Vanessa! Wach owt fer those bares!

    Ja, ja, Wiki, you keep yer Mistress on her toes plusalso!

    Charlie, I hab to bark that I am bery much intransed by the pic ob you an mi Zorro.  You boff look beeeeeyoutiful, an a bit floofy, si?  I am sorry that yer tummers is knot doin grate, tho.  Mebbe that good food will help yer appytite.

    Ooh, Zavvi is gettin a baff too!

    Si, Andi, we agree abowt the baff tawk.  I hab knot had one fer yeers, an I am doin just fine.

    Eww, Miss Lucy, beetle inna salad!

    Oooh, Miss Jerilyn, let Mom know whot you fink abowt that moobie!  She sed to warn you---it is BERY weerd!  But if you like that kinda stuff...Mom gesses she is weerd too. :nod





  10. Hola!  I hab knot barked fer a wile, but I see mi Zorro del Galgo has barked to me, an I habs to say hola, mi amor.  :beatheart  Has bin too long, si?  How you are doing?  You are gonna moobe to yer noo howse soon?  Mebbe I cood come bisit.  My passport has knot eggspired like Moms, so I cood come to Oh, Canada an see you.  Whot do you fink?  I am doin okay.  Mom an Dad get skeered cawse I jump ober TWO steps sumthymes.  They are skeered I will hert myownself, but they cant tell me innyfing.  :lol

    Mom desided knot to go to Antie Marys tonite.  I am glad, cawse she has bin gone enuff!  They went to get rid ob a big old TV at a speshul plase cawse the garbidge guys wont take it.  Now we hab room in the Subaroo, an Kiva an me can go fer a ride.  Dad is gotta take it in fer inspeckshun tomorra.  We just hope it duznt kost us a fortoon.

    We are so sorry you lost yer frend Duncan, Ivy an Cherry. :(

    Wow, Wiki an Miss Jerilyn, that is a beeeeeyoutiful car!

    Oh, Miss Patsy, we hope you hab fun at yer reoonyun!

    We fink you will look bery klassy fer the wedding, Miss Nancy.

    We are so sorry there are knot moore kitties spayed an nootered, Miss Vanessa.  Is so sad when alla those kittens are born, an sumbuddy nise has to take care ob them.  Eberybuddy shood be spayed!  Like me!

    Oooh, Mom sez Miss Ann shood looooove that massage!  They are hebben.  :heart

    Aw, we hope that baby horsie is gonna be okay.

    Mom wares long dresses an skirts, an she duz knot ware a slip.

    Oh, Miss Chris, injoy habbin a howse kleener.  I fink it wood be wunnerful, but we wood haff to kleen afore the kleener came!




  11. I had a good gastro visit yesterday.  I seem to be improving in that area, and can wean myself off the Protonix.  I don't have to go back for a re-check till November!  And Angie is doing pretty good too.  I guess the Carprofen helps.  Except now sometimes she misses TWO steps instead of one!  Tried leashing her on the steps.  She is having none of that.

    I got to come home today.  I may go to Mary's tomorrow night though.  Then I have a few weeks of being home till my next live-in.  It's been raining a lot.

    Oh, Angus, things have been really busy at your house.  I know it's upsetting to dogs, but sometimes it's good just to change things around a little.

    Aw, Vanessa, 3 kittens!  Wonder how they got there.  So sad there may be a mother out there somewhere, or they were abandoned.  Hope the poor little guys are okay.  Safe travels to Mountain Hounds.

    Flashy is going to be tossed in a van and taken to Mountain Hounds!  Have fun, Ducky and Flashy.

    Oh, Charlie, the Misser doesn't sound very nice.:(

    OMD, Kathy, that was a stressful (and expensive) trip home.  Glad you are safely back, with no more problems.

    Lucy, our trip to Mountain Hounds quite a few years ago was NOT the best either.  That's why we have not been back. It seemed like it took forever.  I think it did.




  12. I'm off to the gastroenterologist in about an hour.  Leaving from the Westies house.  Tomorrow is my last day here, and I will miss my little sweeties.  But Kiva and Angie and Doug will be glad to see me.  Kiva has been pretty clingy lately, making me feel guilty.  I do come home every day, and give her a lot of attention, but I guess she wants her Mom around more.

    Thanks for the new club, Chris, and the lovely poem.

    And thanks for the snacks, Jen!  You outdid yourself!  The avocado toast, the fruits and veggies.....:heart

    Sounds like things are getting back to normal, Carol.

    Ducky, glad to see that Howie isn't injured---hope he enjoys camp.  And SO glad Liam was found!  That was a long time to be missing.

    Yay for your car coming tomorrow, Jerilyn.

    Kathy, hope you can get the key fob situation fixed, and can get on the road home.

  13. We'll look for you!  We'll be there Thursday too. Though we don't go to the events---Doug just isn't up to it.  But we may go to Hauser.  It's a really beautiful setting, and everyone there was so nice.

  14. Mary Pat, Doug and I are going again this year!  We went last year after many years of absence---we knew it would be Laila's last big event, and she so loved to meet people and smooze.  We lost our precious girl in July.  :weep  So this year, it will be us and Angie and Kiva.  They are both older, and need to get out the door quickly, so we're staying at that funky little motel again.  I know it's gotten horrible reviews, but we were there last year, and it was fine.

    We'll be meeting up with Ducky and Cindy at headquarters at some point, probably Saturday afternoon.  We'd love to see you!

  15. You are so compassionate, Ducky.  Even knowing that Leela's time with you might be short, you opened your home and heart to this little lady who truly deserved it.  I'm so sorry you didn't have more time together.  :grouphug

  16. They are doing so much better!  We haven't had any problem pilling them with cheese or roast beef, which is good, because they are wanting to eat.  They even like the canned ID.

    You know, I think this was stress colitis too!  Thanks for mentioning it.  I'm coming to the end of my live in job, and will be able to return home Friday evening.  I'll be glad to have a weekend at home where I don't have any jobs.

    I did buy some Kaopectate, which I think is good to have around---hounds or humans!

  17. Thanks, everyone!  Yes, I felt we had to see a vet today, and this morning, we got into the walk-in appointments at a vet we don't go to, but had seen  many years ago.  Kiva seemed a little better, but Angie was still liquid, and we were really worried.  We got stool samples (such as they were), and they were sent out. They'd just been tested and negative in June, but I guess anything is possible.  So they got Metronidisol, Panacur and Fortiflora.  Some canned ID, but I doubt that they'll eat it.  We actually had the vet help pill them before we left, since Angie has become a real pistol, and hard to do anything to!  This is going to be a battle, and very frustrating to get the meds into both of them, since the panacur and fortiflora have to be sprinkled on food.  Any suggestions?

    We've wracked our brains trying to find anything in the apartment that could have contributed to this, but haven't come up with anything.  It could be partially stress, which makes me feel VERY guilty for not being there.  I've been doing live in jobs for years, and it's never caused this reaction, but Angie has become more easily stressed as she aged.  My poor girls.  I hope this will help them!

  18. Both Angie and Kiva have had diarrhea for a couple days, but today it is liquid, and orange colored.  They were getting ground beef and rice, but today, we didn't give them anything.  We did give them an immodium this afternoon.I didn't know if this warranted going to the ER, so I feel like I'll wait till tomorrow, and call several vets to see who can see them the fastest.  Our vet is great, but it is a clinic, and you have to leave a message,  so it probably won't be them the girls see.

    I see from a website that the orange color is sometimes caused by stress, and there has been some!  As a pet sitter, I do lots of live in jobs, and Doug is home with the girls while I stay in clients homes.  I went from a 4 day job last week to (2 days later) a 10 day job I'm in the middle of right now.  Coming home full time is not an option.  Plus, Angie fell on our 23 outside steps---we live on the second and third floors---and we are afraid that she will fall again and really hurt herself.  She is 13, and is an anesthesia risk.  So for her safety and our peace of mind, we moved her down to the first floor this week, where we used to have a tenant.  He is gone, but the apartment has not been really livable for quite a while.  Doug is gradually changing that, and is staying down there with both dogs most of the time.  But I can understand why this would be stressful for all of them!

    At this point, we are all stressed and worried.


  19. I'm so very sorry you are going through this.  It's an agonizing time, when all you can think about is what you're going to do.  And her being so young....Please know that you are in the hearts of so many as you struggle through this most difficult time, now and whatever you decide. 

    It's pretty raw with me right now, but I sure hate that @%^*# monster disease in whatever form it takes.

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