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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. back from the vet. if there's improvement, it's very slight. the vet reviewed yesterday's films with the head vet at the clinic, and he thinks it's a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). the biig question still remains -- why? it's something they'd expect to see if he had sustained major trauma, like being HBC. I asked for a barium contrast on the xrays - didn't show any leaks. so we've ruled that out. we're going to do panacur, just in case he had some strange parasite (the only way to test for them is invasive and requires going into the lungs, which i'm not interested in doing). I'll keep him on the tramadol as needed, keep him quiet, and take him back for a recheck in 2 weeks, assuming he's not getting any worse. if he does get worse, then we'll have to talk about aspirating some of the air w/ a syringe, which can have bad outcomes.


    Mokkah suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax when he was about 18 months old and training to race. He was monitored to see of the hole would close up by itself, but it didn't---he did end up having emergency surgery to repair it.


    They biopsied the lung and came up with nothing---they still don't know why or how it happened, or if it would happen again---but if it's any comfort to you, he's now over 4 years old and in perfect health.


    If you want to get advice from vets who have experience in treating this condition, I'd be happy to give you the names and phone numbers of the vets here who treated him.


  2. I'm so sad to see Alan's name here :cry1 He was such an inspiration, and I have always been so impressed with how much you did for him through his illnesses. You were so lucky to have each other. :grouphug



  3. And why is it that you don't run a TSH test as part of your panel?

    Because it has a high rate of discordancy [both false positive and false negative] , so we don't feel comfortable charging for a diagnostic test with this relatively poor degree of specificity -- see text from document below.


    That makes sense---TSH tests are highly unreliable in humans as well, and have resulted in a lot of un/misdiagnosed thyroid disorders in several people I know.


  4. I have always been in complete and utter awe of you guys and your cross-country hounds, and every time you guys lose one it breaks my heart.


    Run free, Beautiful Girl---you had a life most humans would envy!!!

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