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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. A tick has to stay attached for about 36 hours (long enough to feed on blood) for you to become infected with Lyme disease. According to the Lyme Disease Foundation, there have only been 21,582 cases of Lyme disease reported to the CDC for the year 2009. That makes it, even if you double the amount, not nearly as common as many other things you could contract just through normal living.

    Unfortunately, Lyme is really sneaky and can be very difficult to diagnose. The symptoms are very similar to disorders like chronic fatigue and hypothyroidism, and stock-standard lab tests often aren't sensitive and specific enough to catch it. Two years ago, Lyme disease expert Dan Kinderleher, M.D said that "the existing 1.8 million cases cited by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) in Atlanta, Georgia had been under-reported by at least ten times. In the United States, according to this projection, in actuality over 18 million Lyme disease patients now exist". Some Lymes experts even believe that it can be spread through sexual contact, or from mother to baby in utero.


    The good news is, if diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics, acute Lyme Disease may be completely cured.


    I do agree, though, that this is certainly no basis for choosing the a dog by its color.

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