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Posts posted by juliemac

  1. So here's the thing ... if Dr Cuoto sees something and he's right, Macy will have a protocol that supports comfort sooner and longer. If your vet is willing to start some of those protocols NOW to see if they help the symptoms (and you're supportive of a palliative care program), then that may be a nice compromise that offers you the best of both worlds. However, if you're exploring other options, then the xrays are really needed and I'd be asking my local vet for options to keep Macy's stress level more comfortable during trips to/from the vet.


    I'm so sorry you're having to explore these decisions, but know that we're here for you in whatever way we can be.

  2. I'm a fan of Vetrycin spray ... the cold may bother the wound, but it's not bothering Riley with his wounds that required stitches last week. I also have a few essential oils (pharmaceutical grade only) that help ... copaiba has a numbing trait, and Purification (Young Living) has some fantastic healing properties. Even Lavender oil will work for minor skin issues (e.g., if you catch the wound early).

  3. gentle hugs.


    I have a 12.5 yo, and he's still within 1# of his racing weight, but I do know that is better than expected. First priority is to keep the hounds hydrated and comfortable, and then when they get old & picky, make sure they get calories however they'll take them. Nutrient content falls below the others, although I do try to keep them balanced as close as possible to keep Riley's health as strong as possible.


    GOOD LUCK, and please keep us informed. You have our prayers and support.

  4. for something on her back, a child's tshirt (I use youth mediums on my 70# grey, so probably toddler size for a terrier) can keep the injury covered and slightly protected from scratching. Just tie up the extra fabric in a knot on their back (I use a heavy-duty rubberband).


    If its just slightly bleeding, though, I think the worst may be past, and I would just use vetricyn or neosporin or manuka honey to help healing.

  5. you could also get some Vetricyn, which protects locally from infection. It's a staple in my house. if you use essential oils (therapeutic grade only), Copaiba has a numbing effect and Young Living's Purification does as well (along with some good protection from infection).


    Itchies are the worst! hope Daisy heals quickly and the incident has no lasting effect.

  6. Oh dear ... gentle hugs for you (and soft scritches for Ajax when he feels up for them).


    Usually dosages for both Gabapentin and Tramadol are started low and can be safely increased by your vet via phone if they aren't providing the intended pain relief. And the increase can be two-three times initial dose (which is what we had to do when dealing with osteo pain). I'm so glad you have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow, but you need relief for your pup now (and especially for the car ride tomorrow).


    Best of luck.

  7. welcome to greytalk! I'd suggest that you reach out to the group that you fostered & adopted from ... they can help you connect with other greyhound families in the area to see whether Bayley reacts the same way to other greyhounds. You may also find that attending some meet & greets would be helpful, since Bayley would be exposed to other breeds of dogs but within the support of other greyhounds (which gives her more familiar surroundings when faced with these strange little furry things, plus other greyhound owners can help you judge the behaviors you're describing).


    When you have a moment, check out the instructions for posting pictures, because we'd love to see pics of Bayley as well!

  8. Oh yes ... this is quite common in my household (except that Riley normally responds to "do you have to potty?" and I can let him out the backyard before he has an accident in the house if I'm home). Just this past weekend, Riley refused to eat dinner and then we went out (in the heat) for a quick potty, after which he scarfed the whole meal down with barely a breath in between bites. And since I can't imagine that *I* would want to eat a meal if I was distracted by needing to go to the bathroom, my pup(s) would want the same.


    My household routine has evolved over the years ... in the morning the hounds get a quick potty break before breakfast and then a full walk after they eat (and right before I leave for work). In the evening, they get a full walk right as soon as I get home and then get dinner, with a final potty break right before bedtime (if I have time and the weather cooperates, a second evening walk will be added). Good luck setting up a predictable routine that works for everyone.


    Congrats on your new pup ... we'd love to see PICTURES!!

  9. Olewo carrots and/or beets are a great way to go ... you reconstitute some and start mixing a small amount in with whatever dog food is working for you. Some pups (like Lukasmom's) like to eat it as a treat, but mine prefer it (like every other healthy food) hidden behind a tasty bribe. But it works, and fast (like within 12 hours).


    good luck!

  10. What everyone else said (so much better than i could) ... and remember that your darling girl gives you her unconditional trust along with the love that you've shared with us in your post. So when you make your final decision, please know that it will absolutely be the right decision, and that SHE knows it.

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